GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Replacing Cash Will Be Slow, Painful, Inevitable

“The whole world’s frightened to death! So, I see Kemp couldn’t sleep, he had to go downstairs, he was frightened. I put my trust in Kemp, I told him my secret and he gave me his word of honor.” — “The Invisible Man,” Universal Pictures, 1933 Eons ago, the wife and I were in Carmel […]

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Viable Business: Things to Keep in Mind

While developing a business idea, you should keep in mind dozens of factors that will work for its successful implementation in real life. However, several aspects require special attention. 1. Identify the target consumer of your product/service or target group that you aim for. You need to carefully examine the needs and preferences of this […]

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Are You an Entrepreneur When You Own a Franchise?

There is an increase in recent years of people working for themselves rather than for someone else.  The economic recession is partly responsible for this as many people have lost their jobs.  With some money saved, the unemployed have become entrepreneurs.  They are now their own bosses.  They may have bought an existing business, started […]

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Small Business Taxes: How Business Structure Affects Tax Deductions

Business owners need to structure their business to take advantage of tax deductions and employment benefits.  The right business structure will also limit the liabilities of the owner and protect his or her personal finances from the business.  Nellie Akalp through her article at compares incorporations and LLCs relative to their respective allowable tax benefits […]

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6 Fundamental SEO Insights for Modern Business Owners

If you’re a small business owner in the XXI century, you really need to keep an eye on-line. In this day and age, it’s not just about setting up a pretty website and hoping for the best. You need to develop a strategy to use the potential of Internet marketing to leverage your business… otherwise […]

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Pre-Pack Administration

In recent times, many businesses have found it difficult to keep financially afloat, especially smaller companies. With further tough times to come, many are facing closure or bankruptcy. However, there are ways to deal with business debt, no matter how big or small the problem. One mistake that many companies make when in debt is […]

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Gift and Estate Tax Changes – Are You Ready?

Recall the conversation between Robert Hayes and Leslie Nielsen in the movie Airplane?                                 Robert Hayes … “Surely, you can’t be serious?”                                  Leslie Nielsen … “I am serious….and don’t call me Shirley.” That pretty much sets the stage for this month’s newsletter about exit planning:   The “Are you serious?” state of confusion regarding gift […]

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Is It Time to Sell Your Business?

Darryl Ohrt in an article for Advertising Age shared the steps of his transformation from a business owner to an employee.  He decided to sell his business when day-to-day operations brought boredom instead of new challenges for him.  He advises business owners to let go of their business when there is no more fun or […]

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Tax Breaks for Small Business Owners

There are some tax breaks for small business owners that you can use when you file your tax return this month.  For corporations that filed last March 15, they can still file amended tax returns, too, to claim tax breaks that they missed.   Sandy Abalos, managing partner of a Phoenix accounting firm, says improvements and […]

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Bedtime It’s All About Winning – Really!

“Mr. Allen, this may come as a surprise to you, but there are some men who don’t end every sentence with a proposition.” – Jan, “Pillow Talk,” Universal Pictures, 1959 Awhile back, a friend’s kid proudly showed us the sheep he had bought for his farm on Zynga’s FarmVille game. Actually, he bought it with […]

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Should You Leverage Your Personal Credit Score For Your Business?

The process of building credit for your corporation or LLC can feel like a catch-22. On one hand, creditors will not extend underwriting unless your company has an established (and robust) credit history. That brings us to the question… how do they expect us to do that, when they won’t give us any to begin […]

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Business Broker Minute: Top 5 Things To Know In Today’s Market

Business Broker Minute: Selling A Business In Today’s Marketplace Current economic conditions make selling a business a challenging endeavor. Even when sellers price a business to move, many buyers hesitate for fear of adverse conditions such as an economic downturn, changing taxes and new regulations. Unable to do much to change economic and governmental policies, business […]

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3 Reasons to Run Background Checks on Employees

When it comes to hiring employees, we want to make sure we find the best ones out there.  Finding employees that will help out our business as though we would, is essential.  Though finding great employees may seem difficult, one way to weed out the bad ones is through running a simple background check.  Background […]

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10 Tips on Using an Investor to Help You Buy a Business

How will you go about buying a business that matches your skills and experience?  Very few people have the means to buy a business without resorting to borrowing or looking for a business investor.  Financing your business is an important step towards realizing your dream of owning your own company.  The first source of funding […]

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Business Broker? Why is it Important to Have the Right One?

If you’ve taken the time to build a successful business, figuring out a way to sell your business to a third-party could provide you with a lump sum of cash that you can retire on or invest into a new business venture. Although you could always try to sell your business on your own, using a business broker is […]

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BYOD is Bad for IT, Great for Bad Folks

“I’m drowning here, and you’re describing the water!” – Melvin Udall, “As Good as it Gets,” Tristar, 1997 Unless it was just yesterday, it’s probably tough to remember your first day on your job. You know, after your HR briefing you were shown your desk, your computer and, if you did a lot of business […]

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15 Tips to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

What makes an excellent entrepreneur?  Kelly O’Neil in his The Secrets of Success blog outlined 15 characteristics of an excellent entrepreneur. This is a result of his association with extraordinary and successful entrepreneurs.  Excellence is not inborn.  It is something you have to work at.  A high performing entrepreneur should care about his company and […]

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Don’t Forget About Disability Insurance!

One of the most vital forms of insurance to any working professional is disability insurance.  Also known as income protection, disability insurance protects workers in case they suffer a traumatic injury or are diagnosed with a chronic condition that prevents you working working and earning your paycheck.  There are two major types of disability insurance: […]

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10 Tips on How to Buy a Business the Right Way

Buying a business is a big and life-changing decision that also involves your family.  You have so much at stake – your savings, energy and time – that the buying process could be overwhelming.  Buying an existing business is less risky than starting a new one.  Its advantages include an existing market, trained employees, ongoing […]

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Fundraising Ideas That You Can Also Use To Increase Exposure

Most, if not all legitimate businesses can always use additional exposure.  There’s no doubt about that.  If you’re offering products or services, you’d want people to be aware of your business and its offerings.  This is why a lot of these businesses, big and small, spend a lot of money in order to increase their […]

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