GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Selling Your Business: Getting the Right Selling Team

As a professional business broker, I see many business owners starting on the wrong track in trying to sell their businesses.  One common thread is that owners think the advisors that have previously assisted them in their business dealings are qualified to help them sell their firms. Nothing could be further from the truth.  Choosing […]

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Strategic Handlers are Useless in the Here-and-Now, Viral Environment

We sat on the patio of an industry analyst friend’s home watching the sun set beyond the Golden Gate, talking about the difficulty of launching a company/product, getting them understood/accepted, helping them prepare for the next great breakthrough. He said that a marketer/publicist couldn’t be strategic, couldn’t handle anything unless he/she understood what was going […]

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Turn Your Ordinary Notebook into a Powerhouse

A few weeks ago, I was helping my dad clean out his garage of old unwanted stuff – you know computers, components, printers, scanners, fax machines, magazines – and I got sidetracked leafing through some of the 20-plus year old issues of some great magazines and comics. The ad above grabbed my attention because first […]

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3 Essential Productivity Tips for Teams

Managing an effective, productive team is not only rewarding but profitable. Keeping your team synched and focused means projects are accomplished quickly, on schedule and on budget. Often, with the right collaboration tools and organization, teams can even come in under budget. How can your team be more productive? There are many schools of thought […]

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How To Create A Professional Direct Mail Campaign

We have all been here.  We spend hours and hours and put our blood sweat and tears into a new product or service (our baby) and then realise it wont sell itself.  You might have already thought of advertising and created an excellent advertising campaign but have you given any thought to direct mail? Direct […]

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Cutting Down Your Carbon Emissions With ISO 14001

Businesses throughout the world are becoming more and more aware of their impact on the environment. From factories to warehouses, retail facilities to offices, all types of companies are looking to reduce their carbon emissions and save money. Even if you’re a climate change sceptic, you have to admit that saving money in your business […]

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4 Tips for Balancing your Business and Family Life

Anyone who has ever owned a small business will tell you that it’s a constant uphill struggle. While many people who quit their day jobs to start their own company do so to have some free time, the reality is that, despite not having a nine to five job anymore, you will likely end up […]

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Four Keys to Building a Profitable Business

The American system of business management has been admired and emulated around the world. It is, characteristically, reflective of two traits in the American psyche: (1) enthusiasm for the future and making things better, and (2) an openness and willingness to change in order to achieve that end. No society in the world is better […]

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Pro-Active Techniques for Getting Referrals

SUMMARY: The typical business loses as much as 20% of its customers every year because of errors, changes in customer’s buying influence or personnel, customers moving or going out of business,  customers that are acquired and lose local purchasing authority or customers whose need becomes obsolescent. Prospecting new accounts is crucial to the survival and […]

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11 Ways to Improve Accounts Receivable Collections

SUMMARY: Many businesses do a good job delivering their goods and services but then find it difficult to collect payment, often causing a cash flow crunch. This may be because the credit worthiness of a customer was not properly investigated in the beginning or it may be that insufficient attention was paid to monitoring and […]

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Where Is Customer Loyalty? New Survey Finds Consumers Tend To Switch Between Companies

A new survey by the Accenture Global Consumer Company decided to look into the present state of customer service. There has been a lot of talk about customer service in the press lately, with many stating that it is central to business survival and, perhaps more importantly, business success. The survey asked ten thousand consumers […]

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Work Time Off Could Be Productive

Running your own business and being your own boss has its upsides.  You answer to no one; you control your own destiny.  Will you consider taking a break a downside?  Will your business take a hit when you are away on vacation?  James, Sutton, a psychologist from Texas, claims that “some of my best ideas […]

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Top 100 Places to Work – Interstate Batteries Makes It Three in a Row

The Dallas Morning News’ Top 100 Places to Work is an annual search by the magazine.  Public and private companies, governments and nonprofit organizations with more than 50 employees may enter the contest.  For 2011, over a thousand companies were nominated.  The companies were rated through anonymous survey questions sent to employees of each.  They were […]

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Strengthen Your Internet Acceptable Use Policy through Internet Monitoring Software

The Internet has become the communications backbone of nearly every business. Its significance can’t de denied at any stage of the business development process. Every company provides Internet access to its employees to assist them in accomplishing their tasks. Although the Internet is a valuable research tool, it must be used appropriately. Many employees tend […]

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Glimpses of Today, Tomorrow from the Past

Did you ever wonder if we would make things better if we didn’t have bad guys? How about keeping bad things from happening to good people? Or good people saying bad/dumb things? Fortunately, none of those things are going to happen! Way back in 1931, Aldous Huxley created a furor over the controlled world in […]

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How The Recession Transformed Lending

Try listing five things you love about your bank. give up? How about five things you hate about your bank? Before you start drafting and editing your reply, I think I’ve got one that’s enough: lending to hardly anyone (and forcing some us to borrow from “payday lenders” as a last resort). The banks have […]

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Meet Customers and Suppliers Before Buying a Business

The success of a business depends not only on a business owner’s efforts but also on reliable suppliers/vendors and satisfied customers. It is prudent therefore for you, the buyer, to talk to the seller’s key customers and suppliers before committing to buy a business. It is usually when the purchase of the business is about […]

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Be the Best Work-at-Home-Mom with True Balance

Many women are trying to find ways to spend more quality time with their children, while maintaining a career. So, it’s no surprise that many of us have found a way to work from a home office. This is all in hopes of having more flexibility in our days, so we can attend school functions, […]

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Forecasting Practices for Start-Ups and Small Businesses

What is Forecasting? A definition of Forecasting: – A strategic planning approach that supports management’s attempts to prepare for near and distant future events, based largely on past and present year’s data and trend analysis. Forecasting starts out from compiling a set of assumptions based on the experience, judgment, and knowledge of the management team. […]

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Minority-Owned Franchises on the Rise

The International Franchise Association, in a recent study, says more minorities are attracted to franchise opportunities.  From 2002 to 2007, there was an increase in minority-owned franchises as reported by the IFA.  The US Census Bureau defines businesses at least 51% owned by Asians, African-Americans, Hispanics or non-white racial groups as minority-owned.  Asians comprise 10.4% […]

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