GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

When Is Price Not The Most important Factor When Selling Your Business?

When the full content of the deal in its entirety is fully explored and strongly considered … price, financing terms and conditions, taxes, debts, real estate, sellers goals, and the qualifications / resumes of all parties involved are all factors that should be fully considered in a well thought out deal. “If I could get […]

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Do People Know What You Do?

I was with a business contact of mine the other day and mentioned a project that we were working on for a client of ours. To my surprise he said to me, “I didn’t know you did that!”  That made me think. Just because YOU know what you do, does that mean other people do?  […]

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Starting a Business Beats Looking for Jobs

The Risky Economy A job search under any circumstances is no treat – rewriting your resume at least a dozen times, job searching on the Internet day after day, and landing maybe two interviews for every hundred openings you dig up – but in a shaky economy it can be downright brutal.  Business revenue declines, […]

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List of 9 Types of Entrepreneurs

Personalities and Entrepreneurship As any business owner knows, it takes a certain type of person to operate a successful business.  But did you know that experts have identified as many as nine different kinds of personalities that apply to entrepreneurship?  By looking at any list of entrepreneurs – business owners who have built successful companies […]

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Business Start Up Costs: How Much Does It Cost to Start a Business?

Cashing In on a Business Start Up More people than ever are deciding to start their own businesses, so why should you be any different?  Whether you choose to acquire an existing company, start one from scratch, or purchase a franchise, there are a number of costs associated with buying a business.  Knowing what they […]

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How Do You Negotiate When Buying a Franchise?

A “Take It Or Leave It” Culture? Companies that franchise their retail operations have a set way of doing business.  In many cases they have created a successful franchising system over the course of many years, and in dealings with hundreds if not thousands of franchisees.  Let’s say that you want to buy a franchise.  […]

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Franchise Law: Franchising Law & Franchise Law Firms

Equal Protection Under the Law Laws are generally in place within a society to provide protection for the citizenry.  There are many areas of law, with criminal and civil as the two main categories.  However, there exist many subdivisions and specialties within each class, and legal experts in one discipline may not know a great […]

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Home Based Franchises: How Much Can You Make With a Home Based Franchise?

What Is a Home Based Franchise? It should be obvious to everyone that a home based franchise is “a franchise business you operate from your home.”  But there is more to it than this simple explanation.  By combining the elements of working from home (no outside office expenses, no commuting time, flexible hours) and the […]

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Top 10 Business Opportunities For Veterans

Thank You For Your Service! Veterans of the U.S. military are coming home these days to a fairly bleak economic climate.  Jobs are tough to find, which means that more and more people are looking into entrepreneurship as a legitimate path to personal financial success.  Many veteran business opportunities are available that use the unique […]

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Top 10 Business Opportunities For Women

The Female Entrepreneur More people than ever, it seems, are interested in starting their own business, and women are helping to lead the way.  One survey showed that women owned businesses in the United States grew nearly 15 percent over a five year period.  Business opportunities for women have never been greater, especially with the […]

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What Are the Most Profitable Franchises?

The Mysterious Franchise Profit Report Once someone decides that buying a franchise makes sense, it’s only logical to try and find the most profitable franchise to purchase.  After all, given a choice between Franchise A that returns 10 percent per year and Franchise B that returns 15 percent per year, the results should be obvious, […]

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Don’t Suggest Another Web Service … Give us a Reason to Change!

“Destiny is something we’ve invented because we can’t stand the fact that everything that happens is accidental.” – Annie Reed – Sleepless in Seattle (Tristar Pictures, 1993) Recently, we emailed Dr. Jon asking if a rumor we’d heard was true. His response … “IF you would have read my blog and my Tweet, you would […]

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How to Start a Business: Checklist for Starting a Business

Start a Small Business Owning their own business is a dream many Americans share, and learning how to start a business is not that difficult.  There are certain steps that must be taken for legal and financial purposes, and other aspects that need to be addressed to ensure that you will be successful.  The following […]

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Franchise Loans: How to Get a Franchise Loan During a Recession

Finding Franchise Financing Individuals or groups looking to buy a franchise rarely have the kind of cash it takes to pay for everything up front.  When you take into account the initial franchise fee – anywhere from $25,000 to $50,000, or more – plus money for equipment, inventory, supplies, advertising, and possibly even real estate, […]

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History of Dunkin’ Donuts

History of Dunkin’ Donuts … A Most Successful Business In 1946, William (Bill) Rosenberg started a company he called Industrial Luncheon Services, whose operation involved delivering meals and snacks to workers in and around the Boston area.  After two years of success, he opened a place called the Open Kettle, a coffee and doughnut restaurant […]

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Benefits of Owning a Franchise

In Business For Yourself A franchise is a license granted by a company that allows you to operate essentially what is a branch office of the parent organization.  For people who are interested in going into business for themselves, this is a common path they take to achieve financial prosperity.  While one can always start […]

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Pet Franchises Are Recession Resistant

The Search for Recession-Proof Franchises When contemplating the purchase of a franchise, it makes sense to seek out an opportunity that has the ability to resist market fluctuations and faddish trends.  Imagine where you’d be today if, back in 1995, you had sunk ten grand into becoming a Tamagotchi dealer.  Does anyone even remember those […]

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How Much Does a KFC Franchise Cost?

Many investors and entrepreneurs are interested in investing in a profitable business, and many look at starting a KFC franchise. KFC is one of the largest and most well-known restaurant brands. It is a global franchise with worldwide branding and recognition. As a result, there is great interest in the business and investing community to […]

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First Step To Starting or Buying a Business With Family or Friends

What is the first step one must take when thinking about buying a business or going into business with family or friends?  STOP – and allow yourself careful consideration.  I think the concept of going into business with a life long friend, or a good buddy from college, or your brother, dad, sister is a […]

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8 Things To Do With Your Article

If you’re going to take the time and trouble to write an article, I’m a big believer that you should try to re-use it as many times as you possibly can. Apart from the reason you’ve written it in the first place, which presumably one of the reasons is to help your build your credibility […]

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