GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

How Do I Get Advice on Buying a Business?

Buy Business Today – Profit When? There’s an old saying that states, “Free advice is worth [only] what you pay for it.”  While this is true in many situations in life, how does this homily apply to buying a business?  After all, anyone who wants to buy a business will need some serious advice on […]

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Innovative Business Ideas – How To Turn Your New Business Idea Into Gold

Creating Your Dream Business Behind every successful company is a founder who had a dream that eventually became a reality.  Examine any of today’s prominent entrepreneurs and you will discover a shared thread of traits.  These are talent, vision, and perseverance in the face of all obstacles.  If you possess an idea that you believe […]

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Business Planning – What Works and What Doesn’t?

Creating a Viable Business Planning Strategy New owners of businesses should feel compelled to engage in the business planning process, whether they are starting a brand new venture or taking over one that is already up and running.  Anyone who fails to take this all important step – akin to jumping out of an airplane […]

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M Is For Marketing

If you’re just starting up in business, marketing is probably the most crucial element for you. Get this wrong and you don’t have a business. Get it right and you could take off like a rocket! So what do you need to know? At this stage, there is no point in me telling you fancy and […]

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Increasing Street Credit

Over the past 20 + years in the PC / CE marketplace we’ve probably learned and relearned our job 40-50 times.  Every time the industry changes, every time the communications avenues shift; life / opportunities change. Since the Internet and Web came into their own editorial and promotional outlets / targets have shifted … dramatically. […]

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Please Don’t Shoot the Messenger: How To Give Financial Advice To Baby Boomers In An Insecure Economy

The financial planner, in this day and age, is often seen as something akin to the proverbial fox in the hen house- and may be treated likewise. The economic outlook is grim, and this doesn’t inspire confidence in clients; open any paper and dire predictions are handed out like candy at a pre-school playground. The […]

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Let Robert Plant Be Your Financial Advisor

In 1969, Robert Plant famously sang: “Don’t know where you’re goin’, only know just where you’ve been”. Even for those that don’t listen to Led Zeppelin on a regular basis, there is some truth to be found here. When a financial advisor attempts to build a relationship with his client, it is useful to ask […]

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15 Lessons For New Entrepreneurs

What Is an Entrepreneur? The conventional definition of “entrepreneur” goes something like this: “A person who innovates while taking a risk in developing a product, service, or business.”  Another definition, a bit less precise but equally effective: “Someone who identifies an opportunity and creates a means to pursue it.”  Either way you look at it, […]

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How Do I Value an Existing Business for Sale?

Let the Buyer (ALWAYS) Beware As a proper thinking entrepreneur, you have decided that the pizza place that’s been on the corner of your street for 15 years – and is now for sale by its original owner – would be the perfect business to buy.  You have some cash on hand, you know that […]

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How To Own a Business – From Dream To Reality

Is Owning a Business in Your Future? At one time or another, nearly every employee dreams of owning a business.  Perhaps you’re tired of all your hard work ending up helping someone else achieve his or her entrepreneurial success, or you may fear for losing your job in a weakened economy.  Whatever your motivation, the […]

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How Do I Find New Business Opportunities In My Area?

Look Out – Businesses For Sale! Thanks to the Internet and its worldwide audience, information on anything imaginable (and hardly believable) is only a few clicks away.  If you are an entrepreneur on the lookout for a new business opportunity, scanning the Web can prove worthwhile.  It can also be an immense waste of time, […]

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Cheap Franchise Opportunities – How Much Does an Inexpensive Franchise Cost?

Are There Cheap Franchise Opportunities Out There? There are three aspects to coming up with the kind of money it takes to buy a franchise – coughing up the initial franchise fee, finding a place from which to do business, and paying for supplies and inventory.  Cheap franchises are an especially hot commodity in a […]

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The Ascent Of Earned Media

Brands and marketers are rapidly leaving the orbit of “paid media” dominance and entering the gravitational pull of the age of “earned” and “social media.” But, first, a definition, compliments of Wikipedia: Earned media (free media) refers to favorable publicity garnered via efforts other than advertising, as opposed to paid media, which refers to publicity […]

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Will Your Content Change The Internet Weather?

“Hey, come take a look at this storm system. It’s enormous.” – Hideki, Japanese astronaut, The Day After Tomorrow (2004) Lots of people missed the big news of the Beijing Olympics.  It wasn’t that Mark Phelps won 8 gold medals.  It wasn’t that the U.S. edged out China on the total number of medals.  It […]

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Intel Plays In All The Fields But Size Matters!

“Well, that’s right, Professor Frederickson, and that all matter is made up of not only density but of empty space, and if we can proportionally reduce the amount of empty space in any given object, we can, thereby, shrink the object.” – Wayne Szalinski (Rick Moranis), Honey I Shrunk the Kids (1989) We always enjoy […]

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Where Will You Store The Rushing Waves Of Content?

“We got Hurricane Grace moving north off the Atlantic seaboard. Huge… getting massive. Two, this low south of Sable Island, ready to explode. Look at this. Three, a fresh cold front swooping down from Canada. But it’s caught a ride on the jet stream… and is motoring hell-bent towards the Atlantic.” – TV Meteorologist, The […]

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Computing Without the Hardware … Software … Support … Fun

“Law I:  A robot may not harm a human or, by inaction, allow a human being to come to harm … Law II:  A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the first law … Law III:  A robot must protect its own existence as long […]

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Changing The Face Of Personal Communications

“I’ve been there myself. The fear, the adrenaline, you find yourself imagining things, impossible things, crazy things, insane things … takes years to get over it.” – Dr. Peter Silberman – Terminator 3:  Rise of the Machines (2003) Maybe because our kids attended the same high school as Jobs and Woz they can’t imagine things […]

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Content Protection – Fair Use Have To Be Fair For Everyone

“My idea, Plissken. Something we’ve been fooling around with… The capsules are already starting to dissolve … In 22 hours, they’ll be dissolved down to the cores. I estimate that you’ll be dead in 10 to 20 seconds from internal bleeding …” – Bob Hauk (Lee Van Cleve), Escape from New York (1981) It’s all solved […]

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Online Video … But Different

“This show as prerecorded earlier, because it didn’t make much sense to prerecord it later.” – Gary Owens, announcer – Rowan & Martin Laugh-In (’68-’73) The writers’ strike was all about giving their members a “fairer” proportion of the growing volume of online content.  Since it appeared to be a prolonged affair Tellywood focused a […]

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