GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Why Credit Cards are Important to Small Businesses

Tom Gazaway in his Small Business Trends article could not over-emphasize how important credit card borrowing is for small business owners.  Credit card borrowing is the foremost source of financing for them.  The National Federation of Independent Business reports that 79% of small business owners use credit cards to run their businesses.  Gazaway says credit […]

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Your Company in 2013: Think and Act Innovation

In the Chinese calendar, 2013 is the Year of the Snake. Snakes are notoriously intuitive. At most times, along with intuition is innovation. There is nothing wrong with that. Not that everyone should follow the Chinese zodiac, but this year should be the year when innovation plays a pivotal role in your company. This should […]

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How White Collar Crimes Can Affect Your Company Finances

The cost of running a business has dramatically increased over the years. One primary cause is white-collar crime. Non-violent crimes that involve cheating customers and stealing from companies cost businesses billions of dollars each year. These crimes range from computer hacking and insurance fraud to embezzlement. Perpetrators of white-collar crimes, if found, are arrested on […]

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Industry Leaders Focused on Interesting Future World

Wonders of Nature – We’re all attracted by bright, shiny objects like new, sexy smartphones, tablets, watches and bracelets but without down-to-earth servers to handle, service and deliver up all the stuff they’re just … cute. The workhorse announcements by Qualcomm and Intel get overlooked too often. Those were a nice series of bling announcements […]

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Smartphones – Powerful Business and Consumer Tools

“We were attracted to each other at the party, that was obvious! You’re on your own for the night, that’s also obvious… we’re two adults.” Alex Forrest, “Fatal Attraction,” Paramount, 1987 The other evening I left the office, got about a half block and had to pull a U-turn to go back for my smartphone. […]

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Manufacturers, Retailers Testing it All for Christmas

” Now you listen to me, young lady! Even if we’re *horribly mangled*, there’ll be no sad faces on Christmas.” The Grinch, “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas,” Universal Pictures, 2000 We’ve wrapped up the last of our summer vacations, the kids are back at school and it’s time for your first sighting of a pre-holiday […]

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NSA Just Needs a Better Name, New Service Offerings

“Okay, now your servers are down because of a power surge, a grid malfunction, or maybe even a bomb. Now, if the intruder tries to reboot your servers or access the data, he’ll always hit this screen.” – Max Peterson, “The Echelon Conspiracy,” Dark Castle Entertainment, 2009 The National Security Agency (NSA) isn’t doing much […]

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Bigger, Faster, Cheaper Flash in Demand But Cold?

“By the time you get this message, I’ll be in the dead zone.” – Capa, “Sunshine,” DNA Films, 2007 You have to wonder if this year’s Flash Memory Summit (FMS) didn’t have Al Shugart, a hard drive pioneer, spinning in his grave. There are a whole lot of silicon engineers hell-bent on moving his technology […]

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Self-Employed? Five Reasons to Consider Incorporation

If you are one of the many who are self-employed and are experiencing business growth, you may want to consider incorporating your company. Incorporation means your business becomes a separate legal entity that operates under state and federal business laws. Considering the idea of incorporation means that you are ready to take your business to […]

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Overcome Phone Phobia

Phone phobia is a common affliction among many sales people, especially those who have a strong fear of rejection. When you are a direct sales professional, you will have to spend a lot of time on the phone. Some calls can be easy to make. That happy customer who wants to place an order is […]

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In the Cloud, Software Goes Back to its Beginning

“I will speak slow so that those of you with PhDs in the room can understand.” – Doug Carlin, “Deja Vu,” Touchstone Pictures, 2006 Having been around the software industry from the earliest PC days (and before) it is interesting to see the companies come full circle and the uproar that is surrounding the latest […]

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5 Online Tools that Boost Corporate Productivity

If you’re running a small business or are a freelancer working from home to provide for your family, staying productive is an absolute must at all times. However, it can become difficult to feel productive day-in and day-out. Not because we’re incapable, and certainly not because of a lack of effort. Sometimes, staying productive at […]

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Smartphones … Global Markets with a Local Approach

“No, you don’t tell me what to chill. My mother tell me to chill. I sit here, I draw people telling me to chill out all the time. You don’t tell me what to chill. I chill you.” — Vietnamese Artist, “Cellular,” New Line Cinema, 2004 Around the globe, most people have (or want) a […]

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Internet of “Things” a Playground for Bad Guys/Gals

“This crop stuff is just about a bunch of nerds who never had a girlfriend their whole lives. They’re like thirty now. It’s a scam. Nerds were doin’ it twenty five years ago and new nerds are doing it again.” – Morgan, “Signs,” Touchstone, 2002 People love the Internet of Things. We must because we […]

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Been There, Done That, Want to Do More … Lots More

A Certain Age – Life for boomers wasn’t always the Age of Aquarius, but it was a time of opportunity and potential when you could make a change, make a difference. O.K., so it didn’t happen, but they’ve lived to see if the Gen X, Gen Y and younger can do any better. Not long […]

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VAR / Manufacturer Partnership Success Needs Commitment, Communications

Noting that we hadn’t put his new title on the program for an upcoming integration conference, one of my panelists jokingly said, “I’m just not feeling the love.” That was an easy fix; but getting the panel participants – sales execs from resellers and producers – to agree on the issues and priorities was a […]

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Wearables Won’t Do Much Without Your Help

“If I were Iron Man, I’d have this girlfriend who knew my true identity. She’d be wildly conflicted, which would only make her more crazy about me…” – Tony Stark, “Iron Man,” Paramount, 2008 My mama said, “If you can’t say anything nice about someone, don’t say anything at all,” so I won’t say anything […]

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Simple Ways to Improve Productivity in the Work Space

Productivity in the work space is something that every business owner, office manager or MD wants. Employees, while they may not know it, also want a productive space that helps them perform at their best. With a range of tools, processes and innovative strategies out there that all help to boost productivity, it has become […]

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Chasing Innovative Products is a Long, Hard Trek

There It Is – Much like Don Quixote, we ride hard, we ride relentlessly to create the next great innovation that will topple the evil dragon, or whatever you call companies that aren’t your favorite. There are certain words most writers love to use. You know – breakthrough, leading edge, market changing, user defining. Yes, […]

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The Silent Economy Could Change The Way We Acquire, Use Stuff

It’s New, Better – Companies no longer work for a year or more on a new product or device and then roll out something that is spectacularly different. Instead, they roll out a new version with a change here and there so they can tell you how superior it is to the one you bought […]

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