GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

6 Ways To Minimize the Impact of Divorce on Your Business

Family law attorney Jennifer A. Brandt, writes in Fox Business Small Business Center about how divorce affects not just the relationship of those involved but also the business, if one of the spouses is a business owner.  The emotional agitation a party to the divorce undergoes can have a negative impact on the business as […]

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Five Steps to Spark Company Innovation

Innovation will always be a hot topic for businesses. Whether you are the head of a startup company or the CEO of an established and marketable corporation- everyone is looking to stay ahead of the proverbial curve. And for good reason. The business world is closing in on itself. As technology gets faster, more mobile, […]

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The Task of Bringing Brands, Customers Together

Soft Side of Business – It’s too easy to forget that there are real people behind companies and brands who want you to like them and what they stand for, what they work for. In today’s social media world, it’s too easy to call them names and forget the fact they’re trying hard – real […]

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Designing, Picking the Next Winner is No Easy Task

Predicting the Future – We all like to do it, predict which products are going to be hot, which not; which will live for years, which will fade quickly. Lots of people try to tell you what you’re going to like and what you’re not. Sometimes they’re right, sometimes… Have you ever wondered why: – […]

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Entertainment Options for Every Age, Every Taste

“Too many 40-year-old adolescents, felons, power drinkers and trustees of modern chemistry.” – Dalton, “Road House,” Silver Pictures, 1989 It’s interesting to watch the TV networks and cable providers brawl over who is/should get the biggest share of the entertainment payment pie. Especially when both sides are making handsome profits. But they always seem to […]

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Smartphones Are All About Business … Funny Business

“I have always known about man. From the evidence, I believe his wisdom must walk hand and hand with his idiocy. His emotions must rule his brain.” – Dr. Zaius, “Planet of the Apes,” 20th Century Fox, 1968 Have you noticed that Apple and Samsung have both lowered their sales projections? Have you noticed that […]

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The Year Ahead – Beautiful Content Everywhere, Feeling the Love

More than anything 2014 is going to be a year of beauty, acceptance, and becoming more comfortable with the fact that we’re not alone. even in our own thoughts. In 2013 we saw: 1. The demise (more of a lowering of expectations) of 3D and movement to the next era of insanely brilliant moving image […]

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Show Your Importance, Your Power … Talk, Text Coast to Coast

“Honey, you’d be surprised at what a man can do with one hand.” – Rick, “Snakes on a Plane,” New Line Cinema, 2006 O.K., I admit it … I have (once or twice) forgotten and left my smartphone on during take-off, the duration of the flight and landing. It usually gets stashed in the overhead […]

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Affordable Healthcare … Hi! I’m from the Government to Help You

Better than Paper – The healthcare industry has made tremendous strides in patient care and records management by riding themselves of paper records and doing more and more online and on device. The increased use of technology has helped control quality and cost, except when it comes to reporting patient services/care to the government. I […]

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Trade Show PR Isn’t All About Body Count

For a whole bunch of publicists, the holidays – Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, you name it – are the starting gun to perform/deliver for bosses and clients at what is arguably the largest trade show in the world … CES (Consumer Electronics Show). Here are the players: The Client/Boss More than 5,000 companies preen themselves, get […]

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Study Our Youth, See What Tomorrow Holds

“NO! Don’t go in there! You don’t have to die! No one has to die at 30! You could live! LIVE! Live, and grow old! I’ve seen it! She’s seen it!” – Logan, “Logan’s Run,” MGM, 1976 A few Saturdays back I visited consumer electronics stores/departments to research buying patterns/activities. There was a lot of […]

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CES Coverage … They’re Not Just Coming For You – Honest!

CES (Consumer Electronics Show) is probably the best, worst trade show in the world. It’s the best because: – It’s the place where firms of every size launch new product concepts, new products. – It attracts the best potential business partners from around the globe. – It is the one main event that everyone in […]

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A Good Patent is Good, a Great Lawyer is Even Better

“It’s a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no telling where you might be swept off to.” – Bilbo, “The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring,” New Line Cinema, 2001 A friend and his partners recently received the first […]

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Holiday Shopping – Better Gifting with Technology

Nothing to Wear – How often does your significant other stand in the closet and say he/she has nothing to wear? Lots! To prove how bad the financial situation was a store in Berlin opened their doors to folks who were willing to shop in their undies. Seems like a great way to show your […]

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Today Is Going By So Fast, Maybe We Can Save It …Tomorrow

“Everyone gets everything he wants. They gave me one. Brought it up to me like room service. It was a real choice mission. I never wanted another.” Willard, “Apocalypse Now,” United Artists, 1979 The best thing about conferences is that you get to hear about all the newest things and learn how great things are […]

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Your Next Car Will Be All About Information, Entertainment

“I am Knight Industries 2000 with 1000 megabits of memory and a one nanosecond access time.” – K.I.T.T., “Knight Rider” TV Series, Universal TV, 1982-1986 If you have a chance, catch CCE (Connected Car Expo) November 19, followed by the LA Auto Show (20/21) and cap it off with the January car show in Las […]

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Tablets Give Everyone an Opportunity to Involve, Be Involved

“She’s been here fifteen minutes and she can launch a Russian satellite with the gear she’s got.” – Cal McAffrey, “State of Play,” Universal Pictures, 2009 The TV industry has been having a tough time figuring out what tomorrow is going to look like … and how they’ll play in it. Cable folks are holding […]

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More Data Doesn’t Make Better Decisions, It Just Takes Longer

Help Unseen – The first time I saw The Paddler painting I knew I had to have it in my office. It was a reminder to me that decisions are based on understanding and commitment as well as everything that came before to make you the man/woman you are today. Ever wonder how the Vikings […]

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Games Are Growing in Popularity, Use, Profits

“Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. Spark is fine, as long as it’s contained.” – President Snow, “The Hunger Games,” Lionsgate, 2012 If it weren’t for my early years with JT (Jack Tramiel) during the Atari era, I probably wouldn’t track […]

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The Best Cloud is a Personal Private Cloud

“The other five hundred and eighty-eight million turned into your dark seekers, and then they got hungry and fed on everybody. Everybody! – Neville, “I Am Legend,” Warner Bros., 2007 On a recent trip I gazed out the plane’s window as we flew over the clouds. It reminded me that most pilots fly over, under […]

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