GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Entertainment, Education Connects Better than Selling

“I know you don’t love me, don’t say you do. You’re beautiful, brilliant, a famous man of the world and I’m… not a movie star type.” – Annie Wilkes, “Misery,” Castle Rock Entertainment, 1990 Digital communications seems to have been made for marketing/communications … fast, cheap, very targeted – or shotgun, cheap and semi-quasi kinda’ […]

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Upgrading Your Accounting System? 5 Things You Must Do First!

Recent headaches have you thinking about upgrading your accounting system, but here are five things you must do first. According to an article written for the Cable News Network (CNN), users expressed similar problems when discussing their accounting programs. Security issues were a huge concern, along with ease of use. Financial experts offer the following […]

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The Car … Your Home / Office Away from Home / Work

“Power flows to the one who knows how. Desire alone is not enough.” – Megatron, Transformers, 1987, Marvel Productions Other than a beautiful person of the opposite sex, there is probably nothing that smells better and looks nicer than a new car. With each new model, they are becoming just as difficult for a guy […]

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BYOD Created Business Opportunities, Business Headaches

“I never wanted to have anything in my life that I couldn’t stand losing. But it’s too late for that. It’s not because you’re beautiful and smart. I don’t feel alone anymore.” – Henry De Tamble, The Time Traveler’s Wife, 2009, New Line Cinema The mobile device industry has been around since 1973 when Motorola’s […]

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How To Manage Your Contacts & Customers

Most of us need, at some time or another, to group our contacts according to type. Most often, this is because we need to know who is to be included in something; maybe a list of people attending a proposed event, or a list of everyone who has signed up for a newsletter. HOW to […]

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140 Characters Isn’t PR, It’s a Job Opportunity for Real Writers

You’ve may have been so busy getting Likes for your page(s) and Twitter followers you didn’t notice that management and marketing have been finding people to do your less fun job … researching and writing. You know, the stuff that’s too much like work. According to the latest Optus Future of Business report, social media […]

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Great Team Meeting Icebreakers For Small Groups

When you are working on a team project, be it for a team meeting, school or for your job, you are often forced to work with people you don’t know very well, if at all. In these instances, some good team icebreakers can really go a long way to improving the educational experience of all […]

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Squeezing Profit from Every Video Frame

“It’s a strange profession you have. You take people’s lives, make lies out of them.” – Fletcher, “The Final Cut,” Lion Gate, 2004 Today, it’s not just producing eye-popping content, it’s monetizing it … every bit and byte. Networks, local stations, studios, YouTube (100 hours uploaded every minute), Yahoo, Amazon, Netflix, AOL, others – there […]

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Customer Service Has to Be Real, Responsive

“We might just make it. Did that thought ever cross your brain? Well, regardless, I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean than to stay here and die on this island, spending the rest of my life talking…” – Chuck Noland, “Cast Away,” 20th Century Fox (2000) Last Saturday, the wife went […]

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Protecting your Business Ideas in 2013: Recognizing the Importance of Intellectual Property

Even as the global economy continues to recover its bearings, there are significant challenges facing business owners and entrepreneurs. With a paucity of jobs being created and a fluctuating level of consumer confidence further complicating the issue, those in charge of their own commercial course must strive to make the most of every single advantage […]

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Smartphone Chip Can Only Do So Much, It’s up to Your Carrier

“We shop at home, we surf the Web … at the same time, we feel emptier, lonelier and more cut off from each other than at any other time in human history…” – Palmer Joss, Contact, 1997, Warner Brothers Right after storage firms, chip companies are the most unappreciated folks in the industry. They plug […]

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How to Hire or Retain a Business Broker Including Business Broker Fees and Terms

Business Brokers go by many names, Business Brokers, Investment Bankers, Intermediaries, Acquisition and Merger Specialists.  Business broker’s success fees or brokerage fees can be structured multiple ways but most are in the form of a back end commission.  Business brokers work to sell your business while you work to maintain outstanding profitability during the sales […]

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Don’t Tell Me Who You Are, I’ll Just Check Your Online Data

“Between the mind that plans and the hands that build there must be a Mediator and this must be the heart.” – Metropolis, 1927 – Universum Governments around the globe are working hard to develop guidelines and laws that will ensure the protection of your data, your information and you. That has to make you […]

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Your Boss Loves Your BYOD Tablet, Stuff

“I’m federal agent Jack Bauer, and today is the longest day of my life.” – Jack Bauer, 24, Fox TV, 2001-10 I recently watched a couple of the old segments of 24 on YouTube with my iPad and they delivered the same palm-sweating suspense as when they first ran. It made me wonder how much […]

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How Promotional Products Help Marketing Efforts

A recent study published by the British Promotional Merchandise Association (BPMA) gives statistical evidence how promotional products can help you achieve your marketing goals. Key Findings: 66% of respondents said they could remember the brand on the promotional product they received during the last year 79% said they were likely to do business with the […]

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Struggling for Ways to Monetize, Find New Opportunities

Heyday it Ain’t – Families no longer huddle around the TV set to watch their content. There are too many options available and it’s a challenge to networks, service providers and people wanting to sell/rent their content. Hundreds of channels are being replaced by the Channel of You. NAB was chaotic, to say the least, […]

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It’s 4K All The Way, Drawing Line in The Sand, Storing Stuff

Thunder – Like a bunch of buff guys, Blackmagic Design hit NAB this year and had people talkin’ and gawkin’. The Aussie Thunder Down Under crew showed they were seriously into the mainstream of content shooting/production. Television and movies always seem to be about surprise, drama and that just about summed up this year’s NAB […]

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Social Media Publicity – Watch, Play Hockey First

A few weeks ago my in-laws were in town and we had to watch “her” Blackhawks play. Watching the game (the Blackhawks won by the way) made me think that social media is similar. Fast moving, requires a lot of thinking/talent, can be rough. People play hockey to win. People play at social media to […]

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The End of an Era, The End of New Devices

“For the first time in my life, I’m scared. But the thing is, I like it. I want more.” – Dr. Michael Anthony Brace, Brainstorm, MGM, 1983 The recent EMC-sponsored IDC Digital Universe Report told you what you already knew … there is a crapload of stuff being prepared, sent, digested and used; and by […]

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Our Content is Overwhelming Us, Needs to Be Controlled

“Well it’s kind of a – kind of a mass. It keeps getting bigger and bigger.” – Steve Andrews, The Blob, Fairview Productions, 1958 Most who watch big sporting events like Soccer’s World Cup, the Olympics or March Madness are only concerned about who is going to win. Then there are the rest of us […]

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