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Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Good Conversations Build Relationships

“It is a choice, Wesley, that each of us must face: to remain ordinary, pathetic, beat-down, coasting through a miserable existence, like sheep herded by fate – or you can take control of your own destiny and join us, releasing the caged wolf you have inside.”. – Sloan, Wanted, Universal Studios (2008) Soon we will […]

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Time Management And The Pareto Rule

Life can become hectic with schedules changing and tasks to carry out. I know a lot of you can relate out there, especially when it comes to juggling our day to day activities, whether at work or errands for your family and home. This is where time management comes in and having the insight to […]

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Different Levels Of IT-Based Assistance For Corporate Structure All Across The World

Soaring Competitions Demand Something Extra Businesses all around the world have to face one factor generally, i.e. increasing competition. This is especially true for online business scenario. Though it seems unpleasant, but this is the factor that serves as the basis of technological evolution which is offering increased ease and convenience to end users. This […]

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How To Get Payment From Clients

Although you might not think that getting payments from clients is anything to do with marketing, I would completely disagree. Because I think that there is nothing more demoralising that celebrating getting a new client and then finding that they do not pay. It can make you feel very low and be very stressful, which […]

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Preparing For A Media Interview

Don’t launch your public relations outreach until you’ve had some media training and have prepared yourself to handle media interviews. If you’re going to go through the work of launching a PR campaign, you owe it to yourself and your business to be prepared to fully maximize your media opportunities. Whether it’s a TV, print, […]

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Nailing A TV Interview

When launching a public relations campaign, it can be easy to get so focused on trying to land a TV interview that you forget to give any attention to how you’re going to handle the interview. Print is usually the easiest in terms of how you look and carry yourself. Those interviews are generally done […]

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Tellywood Works To Reach You Any, Every Way They Can

“You see, this is my life! It always will be! Nothing else! Just us, the cameras, and those wonderful people out there in the dark!… All right, Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up.” – Norma Desmond (Gloria Swanson), Sunset Blvd., Paramount (1950) If it weren’t for James Cameron’s (Avatar + fame) session at NAB, […]

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Sales Prospecting Best Practices

Prospecting is a key selling skill and a critical skill to develop if you want to increase your sales and achieve long-term success in sales. Yet, most sales people don’t invest enough time to this integral sales strategy. Part of the problem is that very few companies teach sales reps how to prospect. Here are […]

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Pomp And Circumstance – And Welcome To The World of Work

It’s a time for joy – A time for tears – A time we’ll treasure – Through the years – We’ll remember always Graduation Day (song- JAN-1991) Congratulations on attaining your degree! A special time and a proud accomplishment — You did it! You’re finished! With school that is – now it’s time to do […]

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Hot Selling Devices Spell Great Insecurity Opportunities

“No matter how incompetent the assassins, no matter how much they miss their target, there’s always one person who always gets hit.” – Frank Farmer (Kevin Kostner), “The Bodyguard,” Warner Bros (1992) The growing list of mobile device options is exhilarating! You can be in touch with anyone, anywhere–all the time. And anyone, anywhere can […]

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Concentrate On Results

I came across a very interesting formula the other day, which was shared by a sales guru based in the US called Lisa Sasevich. She was talking about the fact that when many of us talk about what we can do for customers, we concentrate on how we can deliver the product or service and […]

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Exhibiting At Trade Shows Is More Affordable Then You Think

Most marketers understand that exhibiting at trade shows is a very effective marketing technique. The chance to meet face-to-face with most of your biggest prospects in one place over a multi-day period is a marketers dream. If you’ve targeted the right show for your company, you have a great chance of acquiring new business. The […]

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New Concerns About The Mortgage Debt Relief & Tax Forgiveness Program

According to the just released findings of analysts employed by the federal government of the United States of America to monitor real estate transactions in the wake of recessionary property depreciations, the Mortgage Debt Relief act has done rather more than merely alleviate the debt of deserving homeowners since taking effect on January 1, 2011. […]

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How To Create And Deliver A Killer Sales Presentation

Everyone who sells a product or service is required to deliver a sales presentation from time to time. Whether it’s an informal presentation to one over coffee or a formal presentation to a group of decision makers, these sales presentations can make or break your ability to move the sales process forward and increase your […]

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Keeping Web Sites Busy, Safe, Profitable

“Don’t tell me what I can’t do!” – John Locke, “Lost” (2004), ABC You probably don’t realize it, but company marketing, communications people really want to drag you to their little corner of paradise to buy something – hardware, software, service, whatever. They paint a beautiful picture of their product, service…its freakin’ paradise. Check out […]

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Why Outsource Recruitment?

Employment law, let’s face it, is a minefield – an ever-changing tangle of legislation covering all aspects of human resources; it’s hard to keep up if you don’t have an in-house HR team. This is particularly true of the recruitment process. You need to be mindful of where you advertise any job vacancies, be careful […]

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Creative Production Is In The Cloud

This year’s NAB gave us two “Ah Ha” moments. First, there are no real centralizing movie, TV show production enclaves anymore. The industry may make its money on good ideas creatively executed, but the industry’s spirits rest in huge – and we mean huge – storage libraries spread around the country, around the globe. But […]

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Making Money On YouTube

Ten independent YouTube stars made over $100,000 in 2010. That is the finding of a study done by TubeMogul. By independent they mean YouTubers who were not part of a traditional media company or corporate campaign. A prime example is Natalie Tran, who is reportedly the most subscribed to YouTube user in Australia and is […]

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Illuminative Marketing: Creating Business By Offering Benefits And Solutions

How do you respond to cold calls, ads, direct marketing pieces, email spam? Exactly. Now why would you expect your prospects to react differently? Generally people either run from or lash out at aggressive hard sell marketing. Although they can work, traditional promotion efforts have a poor return on investment. Most prospects turn and run […]

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NAB 2011, Days 1/2 – The Usual Suspects, A Few Surprises, The New Frontier

At the U.S.’s premium broadcast event you’d expect the usual array of “interested parties” to attend and …they have. Senior folks from Microsoft, Apple, Google, Netflix, Facebook, Zynga, EA, Hulu, Roku, Verizon, AT&T, Akamai, Level 3, Intel, AMD, Nvidia, you name it. Miss someone? Oh yes the growing array of content production/post production houses who […]

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