GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

6 Fatal Email Mistakes That Cost You Money

Email is a widely used prospecting tool but it is seldom used correctly or as effectively as it could be. Most sales people and small business owners make a variety of mistakes that prevent them from increasing their sales when using email to grow their business. Here are the top six mistakes they make that […]

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How To Communicate With Traditional Media Effectively

The first order of business when beginning a PR campaign is to figure out your stories. Study the media and what kinds of stories they cover especially when it is a specific topic in which they interview an expert in that field to bring more credibility to the story. For example, if the media is […]

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Artists, Music, Audiences Change Labels Find it Tough

“Hey, Riley, we’re all plugged in and checked up… yeah, we’re ready.” – Buddy Holly, The Buddy Holly Story, ECA Productions (1978) Music is dying if you believe the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America). Music is a growing business if you believe Apple, Google, Spotify, Yahoo Music, Artist Direct, My Space Music, Pandora and […]

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What Do Animals Have To Do With Marketing?

About a year ago now, I went along to a presentation on sales. The presenter advised us to think about people’s personalities when selling as four key animals – Monkeys, Lions, Dolphins and Elephants. Although all of us have a mixture of these personalities within us, we’re all dominated by one of them too.  Knowing […]

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How To Increase Your Sales By Asking

Too many sales people don’t ask for the things they need or that could help them increase their sales and grow their business.  Developing the confidence and ability to ask for the things you need is an essential sales skill. Here are twelve situations that sales (and business) people need to summon up the courage […]

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Think Backwards

Over the years, I’ve worked with many small business owners who are often put off from doing a task because they feel they need to have everything in place before they can move forward.  Take one client who wanted to run some workshops for her business. Sounded like a great plan, but she didn’t want […]

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Hiring The Right People For The Tangible, Intangible Jobs

Hiring the right marketing, sales people is always difficult because success elsewhere may not translate into success for your company, for you. The difference between the right and wrong choice is more than the money it will cost to hire yet another new person. The real cost can be a year’s worth of lost business […]

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Increase Your Sales By Avoiding These Lame Sales Questions

During a recent sales training workshop I conducted with a client, we were discussing the importance of asking the right questions; high-value, high-impact, penetrating questions. One person spoke up and said, “When I’m talking to a new prospect I like to ask, “What do you know about us?” An uncontrollable groan escaped when I heard […]

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John Jacobson & The Double Dream Hands YouTube / Social Media Phenomena

It’s pretty amazing what a video on YouTube can do. For example, when a video of John Jacobson’s educational choreography “Planet Rock” was posted on YouTube, and renamed “Double Dream Hands” (DDH), no one could have foreseen the phenomena that would ensue. In a short three-month period, the video garnered over 2.39 million hits on […]

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The YouTube Star Making Machine

According to a YouTube press release: More than 13 million hours of video were uploaded during 2010. 35 hours of video are uploaded every minute. More video is uploaded to YouTube in 60 days than the 3 major US networks created in 60 years. YouTube reached over 700 billion playbacks in 2010. Less than a […]

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Workplace Coaching: Selecting A Coach

Workplace coaching can come in a variety of forms. It can exist to enhance technical, professional, business or leadership skills. Its purpose may be to help with immediate skill application in the employee’s current role, or it can be used to develop the employee for a future role. The latter purpose is more usually described […]

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Time Management Is Bogus

Time Management is Bogus! We really don’t understand the problem. In fact, time is unmanageable – it just keeps tickin’ along. And there’s nothing we can do about it. Time should be manageable, but it’s not! Thousands and thousands of pages have been written about “time management.” The trick, of course, is not reading but […]

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About Sales

Step back for a minute, and let’s look at sales. A small business can survive missing a number of important ingredients. But not Sales! There are as many different ways to do sales as there are salespeople! And plenty of knowledgeable opinions – pointing in different directions. Here’s mine. The Presence Of The Guru There’s […]

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What Is CEO Time?

For many of us, it could be triple the value of what it is now. Meaning: Your company could be earning 3 x as much money. (We’ll assume your compensation stays the same!) Ask a CEO or Small Business owner how he divides his time between CEO work, Managing work and “Chief Employee” work (where […]

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It’s About Time!

Time is our greatest asset! Time is a bitch! Many entrepreneurs have a love/hate relationship with their clocks and calendars. Consider the possibility that there are two kinds of time – fast time and slow time. Fast time: You have a lot to do, you’re multi-tasking, you’re on deadline or beyond, you are responding to […]

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Executive Time?

Executive time!??? Five neuroscientists went rafting on a river for a week. The purpose: to find out whether the experience – separation from the internet, the telephone, and daily emergencies – made a difference. As reported in the NY Times, They spent a week in late May in this remote area of southern Utah, rafting […]

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Dealing With The New Economy

In a cocktail party the other day, a man complained – “I’m going to change my career – I’ve been a financial advisor for 10 years and they’ve changed the bonuses in the program (he last worked for AIG!) so I refuse to work for less money.” Change of direction can be a good idea, […]

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Intentional Referrals

Referrals – we love to get them, we hate to ask for them! And yet, almost nothing can be more beneficial to the entrepreneur or small businessman. Referrals provide new business at almost no cost, and frequently provide a new customer who’s pre-sold. A referral strategy, regularly executed, can make a colossal difference to your […]

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Accountability – Is More Better?

Accountability is much in the news these days, mostly as complaint. Would you agree that accountability is also much avoided? And “when you point your finger at someone, there are three fingers pointing back at you!” Let’s face it: The solopreneur has no one else to point at! As the business grows larger, accountability is […]

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Focus – Harder and harder to do! If you’re an entrepreneur or a startup possibility, you probably have things you haven’t gotten around to. Usually, they’re Important but Not Urgent. Issues which could be highly valuable to the development of your business and your bottom line, but are set aside because of all the damn […]

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