GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

How To (Phone) Pitch The Media

You may be a natural salesman, and your clients may indeed love you, but you’re playing a different game when you’re contacting the media. You are entering a very specific phone world. You may be a great person one-on-one, with a winning smile and a firm handshake, but that won’t get you far over the […]

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Why Your Brand Is Your Fortune

You may think Nike sells shoes and Apple sells Macs and iPhones, but you’re wrong. They sell their brand. Developing a powerful brand can spell the difference between struggling to make ends meet and achieving real success. Why is developing a successful brand so important? Take a Nike shoe or an iPhone and replace the […]

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14 Signs You Are A Sales Zombie

A recent editor’s note in a sleep products magazine discussed how many people suffer from poor sleep and the editor referred to these individuals as zombies. Instantly, I thought of dozens of sales people I have encountered over the years who could be classified as zombies, too. Here are 14 signs that you might be […]

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A Bad Idea Isn’t A Strategy, Just A Bad Idea

“It’s difficult to maintain enthusiasm for your leadership when you keep getting beat up by that old man.” – Alfanz, Fool’s Gold, Warner Brothers (2008) You have to admire Google. They’re masters at giving stuff away free and making it up on the backend … selling your click, interest, movements to others. O.K., that’s about […]

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What Targets Should I Be Setting For My Marketing?

I know in my own business that I ALWAYS do better each month if I set some targets for my marketing. If I’ve got goals to aim for, I know where I am and I can try to achieve them.  So my targets for this month for instance are: 1 x meeting in the diary […]

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Writing Effective Customer Surveys

There is usually a time in any business where you think it might be useful to ask your customers what they think and get their opinions.  This is particularly useful if you’re considering launching a new product or service and want to know whether people are likely to buy it. So if you do want to […]

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New Social Media Options Aren’t New, They’re Sequels

“You see, Jason was my son, and today is his birthday…” – Pamela Voorhees, Friday the 13th, Paramount Pictures (1980) Our son is irritated with his grandfather. Wanted to wish him a happy birthday but…he doesn’t have a Facebook account…isn’t on Twitter…never looked at YouTube. For gawd’s sake, he doesn’t even have an email address! […]

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ISO 9000 Document Control Procedures

ISO 9000 states that a procedure should be established and documented for the control of documents. This means that the various stages involved in the control of documentation must be identified and recorded. The standard suggests that only a single document is required to define those stages. But it is possible that various types of […]

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Keeping Your Business Safe

No matter what you do and no matter how large or small your business is, technology is going to play a large part in your daily operations and probably your revenue too. Despite this dependency on so much technology the majority of businesses don’t take the threat to their IT seriously enough despite the fact […]

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Improve Your Search Engine Marketing By Researching The Competition

I wasn’t a search engine marketer 10 years ago, but from veterans in the industry, I learned that it was much easier to rank back then. There was less competition and the search engines were fairly simple. All you had to do was insert keywords in the meta tags and the content to do well […]

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Becoming Your Own Boss: Surety Bonds and Other Requirements for Running a Used Car Dealership

Three years ago marked the beginning of the recession. And, although the country is not entirely healed, signs of progress are visible. Americans have begun to trust in the economy again and spend. An industry that is experiencing financial growth and promise is used car dealerships. Sales within the car industry grew over 10% from […]

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How Do Payroll Services Work?

What is a payroll service and how does it work? To a business there is perhaps no more important part of its infrastructure than its payroll service. The purpose of a payroll, simply put, is to make sure that each and every single person in a company’s employment is financially compensated for their work to […]

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Taking A Business Page From Hollywood

“I don’t believe that the public knows what it wants; this is the conclusion that I have drawn from my career.” – Charlie Chaplin When you think about Hollywood – the motion picture industry, the first things that come to mind are usually a few hours of entertainment and the things movie bosses seem to […]

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Payroll Solutions That Can Make You Money

There are few things that deplete an employee’s morale more than, having worked hard for a month, receiving an inaccurate wage which does not reflect their own levels of commitment. Be it late, or too little, wages not paid properly can make workers question all areas of their business; not least the competency of those […]

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Have You Got The Courage To Ask?

During the last 16 years I have worked with many great salespeople and they all do one thing more consistently than their colleagues … they ask. If you want to increase your sales and grow your business you need to develop the ability and skill to ask for a variety of things. Ask more qualifying […]

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Is Marketing About Being Organised?

Whenever I recruit for a new member of the team, I usually don’t ask for someone with marketing experience, but more for someone who is organised and has good admin skills.  Why? Because the vast majority of marketing I personally think is admin based and about being organised. Think about it:  Making calls to potential clients […]

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Doing Multiple Tasks Isn’t Multitasking

“Mathematics… mathematics is never going to lead you to higher truth. Because it’s boring!” – Charles, “A Beautiful Mind,” Universal Pictures (2001) Multitasking…true, human multitasking is a fallacy. This came to mind when we visited our son in his room recently. His computer had four windows open plus IM going, his iPod was plugged into […]

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Obama’s “Birther” PR Mistake

Orly Taitz will earn a brief footnote in history as the “Birther” movement leader. She was at the forefront of a movement of Birthers who doubt that the president’s birth place was the United States. She famously took the issue to a California court to find out if Obama was U.S. citizen and to hold […]

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The 15 Most Important PR Questions

Time to launch your PR campaign? Make sure you’ve asked yourself the right questions to prepare yourself for success. Create a media relations checklist. Better yet, read this article and review the 15 most important public relations questions you can ask. Each business is different, so you need to supply your own answers, but the […]

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Are Minorities Ruling Your Sales Decisions?

The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC) recently banned radio stations from playing “Money for Nothing” by Dire Straits after it received a SINGLE complaint from a ‘minority group about the use of the word ‘faggot’ in the song. People who are familiar with the song know that it was inspired when Mark Knopfler overheard a […]

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