How To Create And Deliver A Killer Sales Presentation

Everyone who sells a product or service is required to deliver a sales presentation from time to time. Whether it’s an informal presentation to one over coffee or a formal presentation to a group of decision makers, these sales presentations can make or break your ability to move the sales process forward and increase your sales.

Here are 7 strategies that will help you deliver a killer sales presentation, every time.

1. Start with a brief summary of the other person’s situation. Forget the details about your company, the awards you have won, the companies you have worked with; you can discuss them later. When you open a sales presentation with an executive summary that outlines your understanding of your prospect’s key issues, you will immediately capture their attention and separate yourself from your competition. It sounds easy; however, most of the sales presentations I have witnessed begin with an overview of the seller’s company which may be important to the seller but it is seldom very interesting to the buyer.
2. Keep it brief. If you have been allotted 60 minutes set a goal of finishing in less than forty-five. No prospect is EVER going to complain that you didn’t use up your allotted time.
3. Focus on “must-have” information. The vast majority of sales presentations include far too much detail, usually about aspects of the product/service that are irrelevant to the buyer. Improve your sales presentation by discussing ONLY the most important elements of your offering. Be prepared to talk about the “nice to have” aspects but only if requested and if time permits. Contrary to popular believe most prospects don’t want to know everything about your solution; they only want to know what’s relevant to their situation.
4. Use stories, cases studies and examples. Weave stories into your presentations that demonstrate how people have benefited from your offering. Use case studies and example that are relevant to each prospect’s business.
5. Create a two-way dialogue. The average sales presentation is a one-way flow of information with the seller doing all the talking. Make your presentation stand out by engaging people in a conversation. Instead of spending your allotted time talking, ask your prospect questions, opinions and perspectives. This actively engages them in the presentation, keeps their attention, and helps you differentiate yourself.
6. Conclude with a specific call to action. Don’t make the fatal mistake of ending with something weak like, “If you have questions, feel free to give me a call.” Summon up the courage to tell the decision maker exactly what you want them to do.
7. Practise. Perhaps the most vital element of delivering a killer sales presentation and yet often the most overlooked or neglected. The more important the sales opportunity, the more critical it is that you make the time to verbally rehearse your presentation. The goal is not to memorize it but to help you remember key points, anticipate potential objections and your responses, and to ensure the presentation flows properly.

Delivering a killer sales presentation will not only make you stand out from your competition, it will help you increase your sales, propel your business and feel more confident. Now, go and modify the next sales presentation you have scheduled and start making more sales!

About the author:
Kelley Robertson, author of The Secrets of Power Selling helps sales professionals close more sales and make more money with less effort. Kelley conducts workshops and speaks regularly at sales meetings and conferences.
My website is at:


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