GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

15 Critical Leadership Traits Needed Today

In today’s tough business climate, managers and executives are becoming obsolete and are being replaced by leaders. The new manager/executive must be an expeditor and leader rather than an order giver and manager of people. In this article, I have documented what I have found to be the leadership skills and abilities that are valued […]

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Company, Product Communications…Open Up, Loosen Up

“Lead, follow, or get out of the way.” — Thomas Paine In theory corporate policy is to encourage creative thinking, initiative and growth.  Their communications policy is to quickly and accurately support all of the audiences.  Firms constantly seek new ways to efficiently and effectively accomplish that goal…as long as it follows corporate policy and […]

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Business Planning for the Entreprenuer

Writing a business should be the first step before you start your business. Reducing your ideas to writing will greatly assist you along the way as you develop and mature your thoughts and decision making. It is often in the process of writing the plan itself that your vision is strengthened and galvanized into you […]

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Four Time Tested Tips to Business Economic Survival

These time tested techniques will do much to enlighten you to discover “hidden information” and relevant data as you prepare your 2008 Year-End Income Tax Returns. Whether you are a C Corporation, S Corporation, in Ministry, an LLC or LLP, Partnership or proprietorship looking beyond the numbers is the best way to discover critical and […]

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Business Plans and Financing

Helping to lift the veil of business is a key concern and goal for all those concerned in pursuing the furtherance of your business venture. Keeping these basic tenants in mind will do much to ensure your business success, and in so doing will enable the spiritual goals of it as well. These considerations will […]

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How To Buy A Print Shop For Sale

When you are looking for great investments to improve your portfolio, you will probably look for the most obvious business opportunities, such as retail, property and financial companies. However, there are plenty of smaller and yet just as profitable industries out there, and many businesses for sale that you should look at within them. For […]

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Steven Spielberg – Biography Of The DreamWorks Founder

If you ask the common man or woman on the street to name a film director then eight answers out of ten would always be the same man – Steven Spielberg. Steven Spielberg is one of the giants of the film industry as a result of a string of hit movies that he has made […]

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Calvin Klein: The Biography Of A Legendary Fashion Designer And Entrepreneur

Some modern entrepreneurs have an impressive formal education, but in years gone by those wanting to make the big money leagues had to learn the hard way. They had to learn via sheer hard work and they started at the bottom before climbing the ladder of success. A prime example of that old school philosophy […]

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Career Development: Recommended Reading to Make the Most of Your Career

No matter where you are in your career, you can always benefit from keeping up with the latest literature related to career and professional development. Whether you would benefit from learning how to land the job of your dreams, how to get a promotion, or just how to function more effectively in your current career, […]

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How to Create a Clutter Free Trade Show Display

When you’re getting ready to attend a trade show, it’s a good idea to spend some time thinking about how you are going to set up your booth. When preparing for a trade show, you have to find the fine line between an adequate display and one that is too cluttered. Many trade show participants […]

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How to Even Out the Peaks and Troughs in Your Business

Do you ever get times in your business where you’re really busy and then other times when you’re really quiet? Annoying isn’t it and frustrating? Wouldn’t it be much easier if you had business constantly coming in and never faced the really quiet times?  Well, let’s see if this situation sounds familiar to you. One […]

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Will Public Relations Be a Profession by 2010?

Recently we were told in no uncertain terms by a client’s prospective customer that she had seriously considered our product but after reading customer reviews on one of the many public consumer review sites. She addressed her issues to us directly because ours was the only personal contact on the web site.  The others were […]

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Corporate Communications It’s All About Delivering Value

Over the years hundreds of highly respected professionals, analysts and educators have developed comprehensive and sometimes complicated descriptions of public relations and corporate communications.  There have been heated discussions regarding the separation of public relations from advertising, public relations from marketing and the role public relations should play of the organization. What is most counter-productive […]

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Not Everyone is the Same in Marketing

Have you ever heard a business owner talk about a marketing activity they’ve been doing and thought ‘if I try that it will work for me too’? Perhaps someone has tried cold calling or sending out sales letters and has found it has worked particularly well for their business – maybe you’re thinking about doing […]

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How To Buy A Medical Practice For Sale

Finding the perfect medical practice for sale can be an overwhelming proposition for many people.  There are different aspects about a medical business for sale that you need to keep in mind before investing in a medical practice.  You can avoid sinking a lot of money into a medical care business for sale if you […]

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Larry Page And Sergey Brin: Google Super Entrepreneurs

Larry Page and Sergey Brin are famous entrepreneurs that fulfilled the lifelong dream of many individuals all over the world by creating something from scratch that effectively made them billionaires. In fact, they did not just create any old thing but the company that revolutionized our use of the Internet. They founded Google Inc and […]

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Henry Ford: Biography Of Ford Motor’s Founder

Henry Ford is one of the most prolific American entrepreneurs to ever have lived. Not only was he successful in his own right, but he also shaped the modern model of industry by improving his business practices and manufacturing lines. He is officially known as the founder of the assembly line today and made mass […]

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Process Mapping: Ten Tips for Success

I see many organizations, both large and small, continue to communicate fragments of important policies and processes to employees through one-time emails and the like. This could include a new purchase authorization policy or a new data entry procedure. Expecting employees to forage through past emails and other transitory type documents only leads to wasted […]

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Book Review – Manager’s Desktop Consultant

Do you find yourself struggling with how to deal with people problems at work? If so, Manager’s Desktop Consultant: Just-in-Time Solutions to the Top People Problems that Keep You Up at Night is a worthy addition to your library of business books. Written by organizational development experts Louellen N. Essex, Ph.D. and Mitchell E. Kusy, […]

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Strategic Planning in Troubled Times

Strategic Planning for Owners and Managers All companies are facing challenges as the country faces the most serious economic times in recent history. Take time now to sit down with your team. For large companies, this might mean your department heads and partners; for smaller companies, your bookkeeper, and your salesperson. Don’t forget outside advisers – […]

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