GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Evaluating Being a S Corporation vs. a Limited Liability Company / LLC

Choosing an Entity Type Which is Best for You and Your Business. If you have just made the hardest decision of opting to go into business for yourself or if you have owned your own business for years, having a working knowledge of how your overall tax bill is determined can cost or save you […]

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What is a Compromise Agreement?

When a relationship between an employee and employer breaks down irretrievably a compromise agreement can be the only way to deal with the situation and prevent a possible complaint to an Employment Tribunal.      A ‘compromise agreement’ is a legally binding agreement following the termination of employment. It usually provides for a severance payment by the […]

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The Absence Headache

The glitz and glamour of all the Christmas and New Year festivities are now over and summer is a long way away – have you counted the cost of the festive cheer? For many employers, January is a hard month to get through and absenteeism has a direct impact on your bottom line.  Have you […]

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CPA Teaches Tax Payment And Filing Responsibilites

CPA Teaches Your Tax Payment/Filing Responsibilities Paying Your Taxes/Extensions…The IRS Requires us to Pay as We Go Since World War II, the IRS has been a pay as you go system. Prior to that time, the IRS simply collected their monies at the end of the year when one’s annual tax return was filed. Many […]

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What Is A Franchise Agreement?

If you are considering investing in a franchise then you will need to become familiar with a whole host of terms, of which franchise agreement is just one. This should be one of the very first terms you become familiar with because it is effectively the document that will govern your business relationship with the […]

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Coco Chanel – Fashion Innovator, Icon And Entrepreneur

Coco Chanel was a female entrepreneur living in a world that was dominated by men in the early 20th Century. She was undoubtedly light years ahead of her time and helped women everywhere by giving them the inspiration and drive to break out of traditional female roles within the home and branch out on their […]

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Larry Ellison – Biography Of Oracle’s CEO

If you are looking for an entrepreneur to aspire to be like or an individual with a lifestyle that you would absolutely love to lead then you now need to look no further. Larry Ellison fills all the criteria as laid out above. Not only is he one of the most powerful and richest men […]

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Franchise Consultants And Their Roles

If you wish to run your own business under a major brand name then you may want to become familiar with the term “franchise consultant”. Franchise consultants are essential in the business sector today because they play a proactive role in the franchising of businesses for franchisees and franchisors alike. They offer numerous advantages in […]

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10 Tips On How To Start A Franchise

You may be looking to run your own business in the near future, and if this is the case then franchising is a very real option for you. Starting a franchise does not have the same level of risk attached to it as starting a business from scratch providing that you choose the correct business […]

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8 Benefits Of Owning And Opening A Franchise

If you have entrepreneurial aspirations then you may have considered owning a franchise to boost your business credentials and get your career off to a flying start. After all, many budding entrepreneurs consider starting up their own business and opening a franchise when they first start out. Everyone has to start somewhere. Having said that […]

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Franchise Fees – How Much Does A Franchise Cost?

What Are Franchise Fees? The first expense to a new franchise owner (franchisee) is the money paid to the parent company.  This is the franchise fee.  The prime benefit of becoming a franchisee is instant name awareness.  People are more likely to have their oil changed at a national chain rather than “Bob & Frank’s […]

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Marketing With Newsletters

If you aren’t creating a monthly newsletter you are missing out on an opportunity to market to your list. Newsletters help establish your credibility, keep you top of mind for your prospects and allow you to make special offers to your list. Please note a paid newsletter needs to be informative and doesn’t always offer […]

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How To Buy An Agriculture Business For Sale

The agriculture business is a thriving and booming business industry.  In the past a farm was run by a family unit or by an individual.  Today, you will find that many farms for sale are actually run by a team of specialists that manage all the different assets of the agriculture business.  There are many […]

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How To Buy A Vending Business

Today’s advanced technology has caused consumers to want instant gratification. When they want something, they want it right there and then. That is one of the reasons vending machines have become so popular. If you are sure that you want to buy a vending business, there is no better business to get into. You can […]

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Oprah Winfrey, Harpo – Biography, Achievements & Most Admired Entrepreneur

Oprah Winfrey is one of the most recognisable faces on TV today. She has been such for some time, but recently the entrepreneur was recognised as one of the most powerful women in the world. Given her humble beginnings, her likeable personality and her philanthropic interests, she is certainly a beloved figure in America. However, […]

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Sean Combs: From Puffy To P Diddy, Entrepreneur, Rapper and Actor

Puff Daddy used to be one of the figures in entertainment that nobody would want their children to look up to. Involved in crime and guns, he was not as much of an inspiration as an example of what not to grow up to be. However, Sean Combs, the man behind Puffy, became that inspiration […]

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Social Media Mistakes

With so much talk about social media these days, everyone is jumping on board and trying it out.  We are seeing some common mistakes out there and I thought it was important to address these mistakes to help eradicate them in the future. Don’t get me wrong, there will be a learning curve – we […]

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Getting Into Google News

As a website owner, I’m sure you are always looking for new sources of traffic.  Have you considered Google News?  If you regularly publish news in your industry and want to be seen as a source for news you can request Google include your  site.  This can be a great source of traffic and an […]

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Bloggers Checklist

Below are some of the crucial items you should have on your Blog. Take a look at this list and your Blog and see how you measure up. I can tell you that I did it myself and I had to create an action plan to fix my own Blog. You see, just because I […]

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Marketing In A Poor Economy

There is no escaping the reality of the economy. These are not good times for most people. Many individuals and businesses are suffering. However, in spite of that, many online businesses are still doing well. Online shopping was up over shopping in traditional retail stores (Cyber Monday was up 15% over the previous year). People […]

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