GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

How To Get Franchise Financing

Franchise financing is essential in the marketplace today because it can make all the difference between potential entrepreneurs having the cash to invest in a proven business and ultimately missing out on what could have been the best opportunity of their lives. Until recently, franchise financing was limited but the surge in demand for franchises […]

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How to Buy a Beauty Salon or Barber Shop For Sale

There are many wonderful opportunities available to buy a beauty salon for sale or even a barber shop for sale.  The key is to investigate in your local area or even do an Internet search to find a beauty salon or barber shop for sale. Owning a beauty salon or barber shop can be a […]

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Carlos Slim Helu, Grupo Carso – Latin America’s Richest Man

In early 2008, the Forbes Rich List noted that two people had amassed a personal fortune exceeding that of Bill Gates, the long-term head of the list. One of those men was Carlos Slim Helu. The entrepreneur made it to number two with $68 billion as a result of his amazing business acumen and his […]

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Biography Of King Gillette – The Gillette Company Entrepreneur

Today, many men and women use safety razors to get rid of excess hair on their bodies but just under a hundred years ago that was just not possible. Blades were forged and extremely dangerous to use if you were not skilled enough. However, one man effectively revolutionized modern grooming techniques – King Gillette. Without […]

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Tough Times Never Last, Tough People Do

Rising food and fuel prices, unprecedented home foreclosures and a decline in the value of the U.S. dollar are current causes of consternation for economists and consumers alike. Business owners, too, are concerned about what declines in profitability may be in store. While some of the greatest minds continue to debate the length and depth […]

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3 Employee Training Tips for Managers

When you became a manager, there’s a good chance that you didn’t realize that providing employee training would become a major portion of your job. However, it’s a fact that teaching is an essential function of every managerial job. When you’re in charge of managing and motivating other workers – no matter how small or […]

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How To Buy A Car Dealership For Sale

Material possessions seem to be everything today – the house, the car, the clothes, the gadgets and so on, so it is in every entrepreneur’s best interests to tap into that whenever possible. It is how most people actually make their money so all of the above industries make fantastic investment opportunities, none more so […]

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Tips On Meeting Your Prospective Franchisor

Buying a franchise is undoubtedly an excellent way to get your first taste of business and a first chance to get your foot on the entrepreneurial ladder. Getting a start in business can be the hardest thing to do if you are at a loss as to where to begin or just do not have the […]

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Steve Jobs: The Biography Of Apple’s CEO, Chairman And Co-Founder

Steve Jobs is not really a household name, unlike his counterparts in the Information Technology industry. However, that is not to say that one cannot learn entrepreneurial skills from scrutinising his work because it is entirely possible to do so. In fact, despite his relative lack of fame, the achievements and investments that this entrepreneur […]

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Why You Should Build Your Reputation

Reputation in business is everything. It helps you build trust and credibility with your customers and contacts; it can help persuade someone to buy from you if they’re not sure and it’s also far easier to raise your prices if people perceive you as an expert. Building your reputation is one of the most important […]

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What Is Considered A Good Franchise Investment?

If you are considering making a franchise investment in your future then there are probably only two things on your mind – entrepreneurial success and financial stability. However, to achieve both then you have to choose the right franchise to begin with and that starts with looking into the return that you will get on […]

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How To Buy a Florist / Flower Shop For Sale

The flower industry is one of those areas of sale that will always have customers.  There are the holidays, special occasions, weddings and even funerals that all require the use of a florist.  Finding a florist business for sale can be an extremely profitable business to invest your hard earned money in. Local Florist or […]

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Richard Branson: The Virgin Group Billionaire Entrepreneur

There are very few British entrepreneurs who are better known than Richard Branson. He is a world-renowned figure as a result of his sheer determination to use one brand to establish a presence in numerous industries and consumer driven sectors since the 1970s, which is extremely impressive given that he was once almost bankrupt. The […]

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Marketing vs Tech…Consumers Need Voice in Driving Products

On any given day you will find a group of engineers or programmers huddling in the back room, sitting in the corner of the coffee shop, or gathering around the most recently divorced individual’s kitchen table to plan the next major new company built on breathtaking technology. The hard fact is…we really don’t need more […]

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What’s All the Fuss About Twitter?

Twitter, it seems is everywhere at the moment. You can’t listen to a radio show or turn on the TV without hearing something about it – and you’d be forgiven for believing that everyone is using it at the moment.  But in the world of small businesses, it seems that people are falling into three […]

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Be a Better Manager by Using Psychology

Many managers and supervisors struggle to get the best out of their employees. Do you have difficulty understanding why your workers behave the way they do? Sometimes this is because managers mistakenly assume that everyone is like them: “I like a lot of detail, so everyone else must as well”. And when an employee turns […]

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Franchisee Questions For Buying A Franchise

Franchise opportunities are plentiful these days because many large and small companies alike have recognized the major benefits that are associated with franchising. There is no better way to expand and spread the brand availability throughout the world today than via franchisees. However, before any budding businessperson decides upon buying a franchise it is necessary […]

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How to Buy an Internet Service Provider Business

Finding an internet service provider for sale can be challenging.  You will find that the majority of people are reluctant to change internet service providers.  Before you buy an internet service provider, it is important to make sure that the current market trends will support the business.  If you find an internet service provider for […]

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Achieving Extraordinary Results: It’s Just a Skill

When you look at all the “superstars” our heroes, the people we emulate we tend to think they are endowed with Super Powers.  They are able to achieve fame, success, fortune due to abilities beyond those that we have been given.  They are simply blessed.  However, that isn’t the case.  The people who achieve extraordinary […]

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Discover the Secrets of SEO

There is so much information floating around out there about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and how to get some rankings.  So much of it is contradictory and confusing.   I wanted to spend a little bit of time talking about the secrets of top rankings.  So, let’s jump right in with the secrets to SEO success… […]

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