GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Problem Centered Marketing

The Psychology of Word of Mouth Advertising Are you wasting precious marketing dollars talking about your benefits, features and solutions? Are your marketing efforts less effective than they could be? Your Target Market Determining your marketing target is the most difficult and most rewarding thing that a business or organization can do. The million-dollar question […]

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Principles¹ are tools for decision making that bring the moral² basis of decisions into focus. Recognizing the moral context of our decisions must precede any attempt to resolve related difficulties. The failure to recognize the moral context of a decision does not make it morally neutral, it makes it morally unknown and uncontrollable. You can’t […]

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Working From Home – The Three Keys To Success

There are several trends that are driving forward the popularity of working from home. The main trend is the improvement of communication technology, mainly the Internet. The Internet allows people to access information and communicate with people all over the world in an instant. For employed people, this often means accessing company databases remotely and for the self-employed, […]

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How To Buy a Tanning Salon Business For Sale

With the growing concern to avoid UV rays but the desire to stay tan year round, the tanning business industry is very popular.  Regardless of climate, many people desire to have a nice, healthy tan year round and use tanning salons to achieve this look.  Investing in a tanning business for sale can be a […]

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Giorgio Armani: Biography Of The Top Fashion Designer And Entrepreneur

Giorgio Armani is a household name that the vast majority of people in the First World will know, even if they cannot put a face to the name. The brand is highly impressive and has been cemented over a number of years, but what about the man? Giorgio Armani is undoubtedly one of the most […]

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Seal The Deal Without Regrets

It is not everyday that one goes about selling a business, nor everyday that one buys a business for sale.  Therefore, experience in the field is generally limited, both with the buyer as well as the seller. The process is also complicated by a phenomenal amount of issues, complex steps and paperwork. Even a seemingly […]

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In Sourcing

Business Knowledge Test What does UPS do? Delivers Packages Provides Logistics Services Drives fashionistas crazy with the never-trendy brown Repairs laptops for Toshiba All of the Above In order to reduce costs and speed up repairs, Toshiba handed over its laptop repairs in North America to UPS.  Now when a Toshiba laptop malfunctions, a UPS […]

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Emile Zola’s 1883 Guide to Modern Marketing Techniques

Literary and Human Rights students will remember Zola for his defence of Alfred Dreyfus when the French Army was convicted of treason solely because he was Jewish. But he had a second important contribution to the world which was the documenting of Parisian marketing techniques in his novel “The Ladies’ Paradise”.  And America’s early fascination […]

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Getting People to the Point of “I’ll Buy That”

“If I make it they will buy it” “If I put it on the shelf in a store they will buy it” “Everyone will want/need one” “Mine is better it is more unique, cheaper, has more features” “People will willing pay more for my product/service” Being in business means you need to believe in your […]

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Managing Under Conditions of Uncertainty

Most smaller enterprises grapple with mapping out future possibilities.  All too often companies become wedded to a single outcome without really understanding the full range of possibilities they face.  From our client experience, one way of dealing with an uncertain future is to consider a number of futures through a scenario planning exercise. One then […]

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Bringing Baggage To The Job Interview

Nobody’s perfect. But nobody wants to hear about your problems and baggage either. Especially in the job interview. Some people’s lives begin to sound like a Soap Opera because there have been so many extenuating circumstances. The following is some advice to handle those tricky situations when interviewing that may be difficult to talk about […]

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How to Defer Capital Gains When Selling Your Business or Real Estate Without a 1031 Exchange

Those of us who own businesses, corporations, and commercial or residential investment real estate assets are often reluctant to sell because of capital gains taxes associated with the sale. But what other choice do we have other than a property exchange directed by a Qualified Intermediary? Is there another way to deal with the capital […]

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How to Explain What Your Business Does

About 6 months after I started in business, I remember attending a sales course. I had one specific question and to my utter frustration, it wasn’t answered on this course. You see, I had been attending a lot of networking events and the favourite question there is “so, what do you do?”  My problem was […]

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Social Media…The Hunted Can Become the Hunter

Today’s Web 2.0 social media environment offers a tremendous opportunities for companies to closely engage with customers, prospects and market segments in a positive, mutually beneficial manner.  The problem arises when marketing and communications people view these new 1:1 outlets as a great marketing/sales and PR pitching opportunities.  They forget that the individuals if not […]

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How to Buy a Retail Franchise for Sale

Are you considering buying a retail franchise? Finding the perfect retail franchise for sale will enable you to make an excellent return on your investment.  There are many different types of retail franchises for sale and the following tips will help you find a retail franchise opportunity. Business Background Needed There are quite a few […]

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Jim Sinegal: Costco Co-Founder And CEO

Jim Sinegal may not have a prominent name as far as consumers are concerned, but he most definitely does in the world of business. As the co-founder of Costco, Jim Sinegal has offered millions of people discounts for a number of years now. He has offered consumers a winning formula and thus is most definitely […]

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Jennifer Lopez, JLO Exposed: Actor, Singer And Entrepreneur

Jennifer Lopez has one of the most recognisable faces in the world. As an artist in the entertainment industry she has had immeasurable success over the years, with numerous number one singles and albums all over the world and several film credits to her name. However, she is not given the credit she deserves for […]

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Asa Candler: The Coca Cola Entrepreneur

When considering the people that could be described as the greatest entrepreneurs of the 19h Century, Asa Candler is one man that has to rank high on the list. Asa Candler may not be a household name today, but his brand and legacy live on and no doubt will continue to do so beyond our […]

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Jenna Jameson – Porn Star And Entrepreneur Extraordinaire

Jenna Jameson is not your average, run of the mill entrepreneur. In fact, she has taken an extremely unconventional path to wealth. Born Jennifer Marie Massoli on April 9, 1974, Jameson is one of the pornography industry’s leading moneymakers today as a result of her porn empire, entitled Club Jenna. However, her rise to entrepreneurial […]

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Business Brokers & M & A Intermediaries & the Art of Letting Go: Value for Your Company, Confidence in the Acquisition

If a business broker or M & A Intermediary is doing his or her job correctly, both sides win.  The seller is comfortable with the business opportunity or acquisition presented and the value placed on his company meets or exceeds expectations.  The buyer is confident that his best interest is at heart and the business […]

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