GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

How Much is My Blog Worth?

How Much is Your Blog Worth? Here are three key metrics that help website buyers determine the value of a blog. The value a blogger may put on their site is not necessarily the same value a buyer will put on the site. As bloggers, we tend to believe we have a more valuable asset […]

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Options for Gamers, Challenges for Developers, Industry Partners

“Paranoids, Matrix Blaster, Vice Squad, a whole slew of them. I was this close to starting my own little enterprise, man. But enter another software engineer. Not so young, not so bright, but very, very sneaky.” – Tron, Walt Disney, 1982 If you stretch real hard, gamers just might put some buzz/fun back into PC/CE […]

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Best Time to Incorporate

The Best Time to Incorporate The best time to incorporate for almost any business owner is when: They first start the company When an existing Sole Proprietorship or General Partnership starts earning revenue or has any interaction with the public. The company operates in a highly litigious industry. For example, construction, consulting etc. You want […]

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Types of Mobile Websites for Online Businesses

As ownership of smartphones and tablet devices continues to boom, the market share of users accessing the web from these devices has also rapidly grown. From January 2012 to 2013, worldwide web usage on mobile devices grew over six per cent in comparison to desktop. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that most search […]

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There’s Just Something About Your Storage You Can See, Touch

“Something came out of the fog and tried to destroy us. In one moment, it vanished.” – Stevie Wayne – “The Fog,” AVCO Embassy Pictures, 1980 We recently switched back to posting some of our documents from Google’s Gdrive (not as catchy as iDrive but…). Gdrive had “issues” and if the work didn’t fit into […]

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Building a Sellable Business – How Sellable Is Your Business?

Do you know how much your business is worth when it is time to sell? According to Intuit Small Business Blog, angel investor John Warrillow answers this question. He determines how much a company is valued at using a Sellability Score. He developed this method based on eight influencers. To know how much your company is worth is as important […]

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Why Baby Boomers Are Buying Franchises

If you want to venture into business with less risk, franchising is the way to go. When you buy a franchise, you get all the kits, training and the likes, so as a franchisee you don’t have to worry about strategic planning or brand marketing.  According to, it has been observed that more and more […]

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Cinnabon Franchises Expanding Globally

Who would not be enticed by the sweet smell of cinnamon rolls wafting through the air in the morning? Perhaps one of the sweetest successes a business can have is to penetrate the global market and sell its products and services across the world. This is what Cinnabon has been doing despite the downfall of […]

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Digital Signage – They Tell, Sell, See, Will Do More

There are two aspects of the digital signage industry – what it is today (pretty darn rosy) and what it will be in just a few years (mind boggling). To most folks, digital signage is all of those gawdy signs they see in NYC’s Times Square, Vegas or the static and video signs you see […]

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When Should a New Business Invest in a CRM System?

When should a new business invest in a CRM system? Some would say that it is never too soon, and others would bide their time to see how it goes. But all would agree that a CRM system is essential if a business is to succeed, and so the ‘When?’ question is one that every […]

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Social Networking For Your Home Based Business

When you have a home based business, you want to get your name and business out there for the world to see. Luckily, there are many avenues in the world of social networks to help you create and sell your image. Which social networking platforms you use depends on your comfort zone and willingness to […]

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How Businesses Can Take Advantage of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has successfully changed the way businesses are run today. It has drastically reduced the overall cost of running a business (for those that know how to take advantage of it though). This article will be taking a look at how businesses that are yet to tap into this revolution, can take advantage of […]

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Want To Grow Your Business? Loans Versus Investments

If you’re looking to grow your business, you have a few different options that you can consider. Getting financing is going to be critical to your ability to spread your wings and gain more of the business share, but doing so is not always as straightforward as it may seem. What is the best way […]

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Small Business Trends – What Business Owners Should Look for in 2013

Small business owners are always looking for great opportunities to either innovate an existing business or create an entirely new business in their chosen market. This year is not much different for small business owners. However, it should be noted that there are some kinds of businesses predicted to be great hits this year. According […]

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Franchisee Discusses Subway’s Secret to Success

What better gift can you receive from seasoned entrepreneurs and franchisees but a set of values that have been tested and proven to work? By giving you how an assistant minority counsellor working with the House Banking Committee, and still is, has become the prime mover as to why Subway franchises are what they are […]

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In Technology Leadership, the Big Dogs Play for Keeps

Apple … Amazon … Facebook … Google … Samsung – Each one is ahead in the game of content, devices, customers–depending on the report you read, the phase of the moon or your personal preference/prejudice. They have coopetition – cooperative competition – down to an art: – Cooperating one day on things like patents, license […]

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5 Things about Best Practices that Every Entrepreneur Should Know

Your business idea and even your business model are only part of what it takes to get a company off the ground. Many a great idea has failed to take off, or the business build around that idea failed, because an entrepreneur didn’t develop the best practices that build efficiency and help a company to […]

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Machines, Things, Big Data, Quants – Next Stop …

“You are about to enter another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination.” – Narrator, Twilight Zone, CBS, 1959 Government leaders, scientists, business leaders, health officials and educators are excited see how they can analyze the growing clouds of data you’re generating/depositing. […]

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The Internet … Now Everyone Wants to Own, Manage the Team

“This field, this game: it’s a part of our past, Ray. It reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again. Oh… people will come Ray. People will most definitely come.” – Terence Mann, Field of Dreams, Universal Pictures, 1989 The one thing you have to say about anything developed […]

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Get Your Business Ready for 2013: Tackle These Vital Business Areas

Are you sure that you have covered your tracks? Is your business ready for this year? Are you sure that with your current plan, your company will grow? It is a great time to contemplate and think about your future plans. These plans should be congruent with your company and how they can improve operations for the year. […]

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