GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

10 Things Business Sellers Won’t Tell You

“Have you ever dreamed of owning your business and be your own boss?” the ad said. “Report to no one and make thousands of dollars in the process? Sign up now for our exclusive business opportunity. Success guaranteed.” There’s a hidden trend in the past 10 years or so. A trend unnoticed by the general […]

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7 Tips to Help You Take the Electrical Exam

Have you ever felt well prepared for an exam only to get there and freeze? Well, this happens because getting ready to take a test requires more than just knowing the material, and this is especially true when talking about the electrical exam you have to pass to get your electrical license renewal. Besides knowing […]

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Why Get an Electrician License?

Today, to work in the United States, almost every state requires that electricians have a license and electrical continuing education. To know exactly what your local government demands, contact the building department of your area to find out about the requisites. Basically, to get the license you have to pass a test, which is composed […]

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The 6 Principles That Every Study Guide for the Electrician Exam Should Have

There is a lot of misunderstanding when talking about studying for the electrician exam because it is not like studying for other types of tests. It is very normal to see the common approach of teaching the material, but the electrician exam requires that the students be taught the test. To pass this exam, electricians […]

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What You Need to Know to Pass the Electrical Exam

Today, the majority of states require that anyone doing commercial electrical work be certified as a journeyman or specialty electrician. In order to become certified and be on top of your electrician continuing education, or to get an electrical license renewal, you have to pass the electrical exam, which requires a lot of knowledge and […]

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Business Interruption Insurance

Business Interruption Insurance, or Business Income Insurance, is one of the most important coverage for a business, but is most often overlooked. It is the coverage that will keep a business up and running or restore it after an event, such as a fire, hurricane or earthquake. Business Interruption Insurance is not a stand-alone policy, […]

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Social Media Marketing is Like Dating … Real Serious Dating

You think I’m gorgeous, you want to kiss me… You want to hug me… You want to love me… You want to hug me… You want to smooch me… You want to…” – Gracie Hart (Sandra Bullock), Miss Congeniality (2000), Castle Rock Entertainment Why has social media – blogs, social sites, chat rooms, discussion forums, […]

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Social Media Pro … Maybe It’s Time to Get a Productive Job!

“How many people work here? About half.” That sounds kinda’ familiar when you’re talking about people who consider themselves social media professionals. The age-old statement came to mind when we read a recent blog by Mitch Joell, President of Twist Image and author of “Six Pixels of Separation.” His post was about employees who spend […]

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The Importance of Due Diligence When Buying a Business

Buying a business requires that you, the buyer, make an informed decision before closing the deal.  Researching about the business starts the moment you are thinking about buying a business.  Start making inquiries from your friends and entrepreneurs in the same industry.  You should read trade and industry publications, and search the Internet.  If you […]

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6 Tips to Help You Give Instructions on How to Use an ELearning Course

In the past, not everyone used or owned a computer, so when someone came in contact with one, they had to be taught everything, starting from the basics. The same is true for elearning courses. When these started appearing, logically people had to be told how to use them, because they hadn’t been in contact […]

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3 Great Ways to Interest Your E-Learners

What do people do with their computers nowadays? They basically check email, surf the Internet, and post on Facebook. With this in mind, why don’t you think about creating an online training course that imitates these actions? Most e-learning courses have a typical structure, are centered on communicating data, and lack interactive features… sometimes this […]

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It’s Not About the Personal Device, It’s About the Personal Content

“Thank you so very much for giving me an opportunity to get to know myself much better.” — Dr. Solomon, “Minority Report,” 20th Century Fox (2002) Do you know what’s wrong with the entertainment industry? Someone, somewhere dreams up a contraption or scenario, some producer gets wind of it and turns it into something millions […]

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Banks To Increase Lending To Small Businesses

  After meeting with Vice President Joe Biden, major lenders are increasing loans to small businesses. According to American Banker, Biden met with executives from 13 banks including Citigroup, KeyCorp and M&T Bank.  Citigroup pledged $24 billion in loans to small business in the U.S. over the next 3 years.  President Barack Obama has said […]

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What Should Your Free Giveaway Be?

It’s very interesting how opinions have changed over the last few years in marketing about what your free giveaway should be. I don’t mean the format it should take (i.e report, e-book, newsletter etc), but what the topic should be and the type of people it should attract.  I know I’ve certainly changed my opinion.  […]

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Top 10 Reasons to Buy a Business Today

With today’s rising unemployment, there is a corresponding rise in the number of prospective buyers looking for businesses for sale.  Most people dream of owning their own business, being the boss, setting the rules, controlling their lives, and earning for themselves.  Starting a business can be difficult.  You have to spend a lot of time […]

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When People Talk, People Listen, Marketing Gets Better

“I’m a very understanding person, Albert. I understand that you are going through a selfish phase. And, I’m sure that you will understand that I am going through a destructive phase.” – Mollie, Look Who’s Talking (1989), TriStar Companies and their marketing efforts go through phases just like parents and kids. It used to be […]

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Waiting … To Sell Your Business

I just had a birthday.  Yeah I know- So What….  But  celebrating a birthday when you are “Middle Age” by most definitions and or “old” by my teenage daughters definition a little introspection is done.  Fact is Im not getting any younger.  As a business broker based in Florida it also makes me think of all […]

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Should You Sign a NDA when Buying a Business?

There are some steps in the business for sale process that benefit both the seller and you, the buyer.  These steps protect the seller from “time-wasting” buyers, and the buyer from acquiring lemons.  One of the most important questions when buying a business is “Can I see your financial statements?”  Numbers provide vital information to […]

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When Is the Best Time to Train a New Employee?

The answer to this question may be simple and may seem obvious to many; however it is always good to remember why a company should always train new employees during their first month in the organization. To incorporate a new employee within a group and help him be successful, it is crucial to get him […]

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5 Hints that Tell You it’s Time to Look for a New E-Learning Platform

There are as many e-learning alternatives today as there are products in a supermarket. You go grocery shopping and find 15 different brands of teas, 10 brands of salad dressing, and 50 brands of soap… it is the same in the virtual arena of online training and development. How do you know the e-learning platform […]

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