GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

4 Things You Should Think About Before Choosing a LMS

If something is clear nowadays, is that a company’s long-term success is directly linked to the efficiency and capacity of its personnel, and how efficient people are depends on the personal growth opportunities and career supervision they get. Companies are always looking for the best way to control their future without spending in an unsustainable […]

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Do You Know The Secret To Exceptional Efficiency At The Office?

There is no question about it! Training and development are key when talking about making your team more efficient. They are the best way to guarantee everyone has the skills needed to work in a productive, safe, and effective way. Nevertheless, even though training makes your staff more efficient … do you have a 100% […]

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For Kids, It’s Just Seamless Communications

“Just wait ’til Mom finds out that you tried to take over the world again!” – Gertie Giggles, “Spy Kids2: Island of Lost Dreams,” Dimension Films (2002) Ever notice that when you buy something today, it comes with a 500-page user manual and a whole section of warnings. Get a kid and he/she is just […]

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How Do You Choose the Right Business to Buy?

There are so many types of businesses for sale. But how do you know what is the right business for you? You, your friends and family have some idea about the type of business that is right for you. Consider the pros and cons. If you make the right choice, you can have fun, fulfillment, […]

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What Is Wrong With Performance Appraisals?

“Needs Improvement” “Below Expectations” “Unacceptable” As an employee, you would be mortified to see these ratings on your performance evaluation. Yet year after year, those are the words often used to describe performance reviews at organizations around the world. Any employee with such ratings would have “managed out” long ago. How badly are employee performance […]

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What Can We Learn From Prezzo?

The other night (after a very long week I hasten to add) my husband and I went to Prezzo, the Italian Restaurant Chain. Prezzo is a company that I really admire in terms of marketing, because they really have it spot on. Granted they have a huge marketing team and probably a large budget to boot, […]

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How to Make Offers to Buy a Business

You had decided to buy a business instead of starting a new one.  You chose the industry after studying the market trends and emerging opportunities for its growth.  Fortunately, it is an industry that matches your skills and one that you are familiar with.  You have looked at businesses for sale and narrowed your choice […]

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Seven Practices of Successful Teams in Sport and Business

Sports teams play hard to win, and so does your business. The desire to take a victory lap, however, isn’t the only similarity. Business owners and sports teams watch rivals closely, strategize at every turn and work together to reach the final goal, whether it’s the trophy, a customer win or the successful deployment of […]

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Storage is All About Performance … Plus

“When I was a kid, all I wanted was to be able to afford to eat in restaurants like this.” – Nick, “Flashdance,” Paramount (1983) This year, the industry will ship more than $25 billion worth of servers and more than 800 million smart devices (desktops, laptops, netbooks, tablets and smartphones). But only the big […]

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Social Divide … When a Tree Falls in the Forest

“Everyone” is embracing social media – Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, etc. It’s a way for organizations to bring their staffs, consultants, customers closer together. Social media is the more efficient, more effective way for companies and consumers to identify each other’s wants, needs, goals. It was one of the underlying themes of Dreamforce – The […]

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Starting An Online Business? What To Look Out For?

Starting an online business? Have a great product idea that you think can make millions? As you start developing your idea, the first thoughts coming to mind are probably technology focused. Who is going to build your site? How much will it cost? How quick you can launch your site? Unfortunately, the phrase “if you […]

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The 8 Traits Of Great Companies

Great companies all have a common thread that runs through them. And its not just one thing that makes them great either. In reading this article, you’ll see the things that make them great every single time. The basics you’ll find are related to money management, markets, products and finally management its self. You’ll know […]

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What is a Business for Sale Purchase Agreement?

Bringing a business for sale transaction to fruition is a trying, lengthy learning venture.  You, the buyer, have to try your best to negotiate with the seller in a civil and honest atmosphere.  Pleasantness, reasonableness and fairness are needed for the process to proceed smoothly.  Once you decide to buy a business, you have to […]

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Make Your Blog a Destination, Not a Bump in the Road

Social media, the internet, mobile phones, and e-commerce have permanently changed the way we all see our place in the world of buying and selling. As we have seen around the globe, the democratization of media and social power is at the root of social media. It has put bad governments, bad companies, and bad […]

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Going “Places” With Your Business – For FREE!

One of the latest emerging trends for businesses in today’s market is the ability to let customers “check-in” at your business.  In essence, you’re giving customers the chance to announce to their social networks that they’ve stopped in.  There are a number of these new geolocation services giving you a chance to try some truly […]

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Providers Work To Profitably Meet Data / Video Bandwidth Demand

“We can teach these barbarians a lesson in Western methods and efficiency that will put them to shame.” – Col Nicholson, “The Bridge on the River Kwai,” Columbia Pictures (1957) Once upon a time there was a huge hue and cry over folks suffering from dropped mobile phone calls. You might remember those days like […]

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8 Tips on Understanding the Owner of a Business for Sale

It is to the buyer’s advantage to understand the owner of the business for sale.  When the seller believes you are the right person to buy the business, he or she will try to make the deal happen even to the extent of structuring the terms to accommodate you.  Here are some tips on how […]

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Cyberworld … Guess We’ll Have To Get Secure With Insecurity

“Of course, the whole point of a Doomsday Machine is lost, if you *keep* it a *secret*!” – Dr. Strangelove in “Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb,” Columbia Pictures (1964) The annual Black Hat, DefCon events…you can almost smell the cyber napalm in the morning. While there are […]

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Why You Need to Impress the Seller When Buying a Business?

When buying a business, one would think that the pressure is on the seller to complete the sale. This is not the case. A seller is very selective about whom he or she will sell to. After investing many years in the business, struggling to build it up and making it profitable; the seller would […]

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The Challenge is Staying Afloat in a Rising Sea of Data

“A $40 million computer tells you you’re chasing an earthquake, but you don’t believe.” – Capt Mancuso, “The Hunt for Red October,” Paramount Pictures (1990) One of the toughest jobs in any country, any company is gathering, hoarding, protecting information that may give them an edge against “them.” And we must be doing a helluva’ […]

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