GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Starting a Business Cheat Sheet

Small businesses have grown since the recession.  In the past few years, the nation has seen the highest number of new startups.  We also have a historic number of small business failures.  Would-be entrepreneurs could very well use cheat sheets to steer them through their business ventures.  A business cheat sheet is a business-planning checklist […]

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Growth Of Franchise Businesses – Franchise Lending Is Up Compared To Last Year

Franchise lending is up about 6% from May 2011 to May 2012. gathered this information from the monthly Franchise Lending Index of the International Franchise Association (IFA) and BoeFly.  BoeFly is an online marketplace accessed by lenders to find franchise borrowers.  Its data is collected from over 2,200 lenders in the country.  Some of […]

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How to Protect Yourself and Your Business from Being Sued

Jennifer K. Halford, Esq. in her blog enumerates mistakes commonly made by business owners concerning lawsuits.  She gives tips on how to avoid irreparable consequences of lawsuits.  A lawsuit is very damaging to the business and may be even to your personal assets.  Litigation is costly and time-consuming.  Protecting yourself from being sued starts in […]

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Best Franchise Awards – The Search is On for the Best UK Franchise

Smith & Henderson announced the search for the Best Franchise in UK.  The Best Franchise Awards is a cut above other such awards because it is the franchisees that choose the winners.  Franchisees choose which among the franchise systems is the best, which they recommend, and which has the best training and support.  They also […]

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Web Sites Are Built for Visitors … Not Designers

“‘The water sleeps until the great snake.’ These aren’t just drawings, they’re directions. Get me a map!” – Indiana Jones, “Indian Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull,” Paramount, 2008 We love buzz words. You know, innovation…marketing ROI (Return on Investment)…social media…branding…positioning…differentiation…segmentation. Yeah, they’re all cool; but do you know the words we like […]

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What Businesses Can Learn From Madonna And Lady Gaga

Madonna and Lady Gaga are two of today’s music icons.  They rake in millions of dollars through their music.  What can small business owners learn from how they handle their careers?  Rieva Lesonsky at names seven valuable lessons from them.  Lesonsky says you have to nurture your loyal customer base.  As your business grows, […]

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Tips on Investing in a Franchise

In his article at, Ed Teixeira equates an investor as someone who is not involved in the day-to-day operations of a business.  Such arrangement is apt for a franchise where, aside from the efforts of the franchisee, the success of the business relies on the support and operations system developed by the franchisor.  As an […]

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Krispy Kreme Is Growing

Krispy Kreme celebrates its 75th birthday on July 13.  With this celebration are reminders not to commit the mistakes of the past.  Top executive Jim Morgan said at its annual shareholders meeting that Krispy Kreme’s potential “is greater than anyone in this room can understand.”  Krispy Kreme experienced major loses from 2004 to 2010.  Winston-Salem […]

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Online MBAs: Mobile Education for Tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs

The web is ground zero for the entrepreneurs of tomorrow. It’s the ideal space for great ideas to flourish and for ambitious individuals to realize their dreams of running a successful business. Every day sees the new formation of a tech startup or some web-based business with the goal of cornering the ever diversifying internet […]

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Business Owners Are Optimistic About Franchise Growth

A survey undertaken by the International Franchise Association of 2,000 franchise leaders shows the bullishness of franchise owners.  More than half of the respondents say their current business conditions are good.  This is up compared to 38% in 2011.  “Franchising remains a bright light in a still-struggling economy,” says IFA chief Stephen Caldeira.  Katherine Ellison […]

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Are You An Effective Manager? lists some attributes of effective managers.  Good managers have open communication lines with their employees.  They understand the needs of their employees.  They create a working environment where the employees can develop their work skills.  They encourage and guide their employees to do great work.  They give credit to the accomplishments of their staff.  […]

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Small Business Owners Talk about Tax Policies and the Economy

In an article that appeared at, small business owners with businesses that netted $250,000 and below last year were interviewed to get their views on the economy and tax policies. Chad Archibeck of CWA Enterprises and Edward Sullivan G2Link LLC whose businesses are product-oriented say their companies are doing well. Rajendra Hariprashad of Ace […]

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2012 Worst Franchises to Buy According to SBA

The Small Business Administration gave data to on franchises that continuously failed to meet their loan payments.  This is the same list given by the SBA to its affiliated lenders throughout U.S.  Topping the list are ice cream shops and quick service restaurants.  They lead the lowest performers among major franchise brands in terms […]

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CruiseOne to Award Free Franchises to Veterans

After launching new careers in the travel industry for five unemployed educators in 2010 in its ‘Second Chance at Success’ campaign, CruiseOne will be doing the same for former military men.  ‘Operation Vetrepreneur: Become Your Own General’ is open to those who are retired, off active duty and/or were honorably discharged prior to May 15, […]

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Subway, Dairy Queen, Wendy’s, Five Guys & Chick-fil-A are the Top Brands

Subway, Dairy Queen, Wendy’s, Five Guys, and Chick-fil-A are the top choices of over 20,000 people who participated in the Harris Poll EquiTrend Study for the most familiar and best quality quick-service brands.  About 1,500 brands were included in the survey, according to QSR.  Mary Bouchard of Harris Interactive says, “The more these restaurants have […]

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Low Cost Franchises Are Becoming More Popular

The Franchise Business Review reports a significant growth in franchise opportunities in its survey of over 11,000 franchisees. This growth is manifested in low-cost businesses with investments that range from $5,000 to $150,000. Most of these franchises are involved in offering services rather than goods. During the economic downturn, many franchisors reduced their initial franchise […]

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10 Tips to Succeed in the Business You Love

Starting a business is a daunting task. Without the passion for the business and its products or services, you may feel overwhelmed by the challenges you face day in and out. To increase your chances of success, you have to love what you do. Choose to work with talented people who help you develop and […]

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5 Steps for Effective Document Control

Document control has become one of the most efficient ways for businesses to manage their various documents, from policies through to internal memos, contracts, proposals and other vital documentation. As an online system, the need for traditional filing cabinets becomes obsolete with a wide range of useful features to archive, create versions, edits and delete […]

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Exit Planning in the 2012 Deal Market: Value Added Commitment

“It’s not whether you get knocked down … it’s whether you get up”  Vince Lombardi on Commitment  We know it’s been a rough and tough market to get deals done:   Values are down Buyers are interested, but worried Deal terms and conditions are different in today’s “new normal” Financing remains uncertain, though improving Yet, […]

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Being a Technology Leader Means Staying Focused on the Goal

“He owns Pan-Am. He owns Congress. He owns the Civil Aeronautics Board. But he does not own the sky.” – Howard Hughes, “The Aviator,” Warner Bros, 2004 One of the biggest frustrations in working at Xerox’s PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) or Bell Labs had to be having out-of-focus images of what new ideas, technologies, […]

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