GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

The Power of Real Communication Styles

As business professionals, we spend lots of our time interacting with all sorts of people – clients, suppliers, consultants etc. Our interactions can be in person, on the telephone, by email or even these days, by sms. If you do some reading on the subject, you’ll quickly find the predominant school of thought is that […]

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The Ideal Job Fantasy

Most people would agree that the concept of a job today is vastly different from that of 20 years ago. Organisations are changing at speed, technology has changed the face and pace of work, and globalisation is pushing every business to examine it’s operations in a totally different context. How do we, the people that […]

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The Fundamentals of Motivation

Have you ever wondered why the people in your team don’t seem as motivated as you do? Or why some people do their jobs with enthusiasm and vigor, and others barely get through the day without taking the frown off their faces? You are not alone. The topic of human motivation has been studied for […]

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Starting your new Employees off Right

You may not realize, but when you bring a new employee into your business you only have one chance to make a good first impression. Research confirms that a poor (or lack of) induction is a major contributor to how engaged that person is. The more engaged they are, the harder they will try and […]

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Setting Job Performance Standards

The success of your business is directly related to the commitment and productivity of the people who work in your business. And yet it is generally recognized that 60% of employees, or more, are underutilized in their roles at work. So what are the factors that contribute to low performance standards and expectations? Communication, or […]

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Selling Essentials

The success of your business is inextricably linked to the success of your marketing. And one critical component of marketing is your sales process. It’s not something we often consider at great length, but well thought out practices and consistency can be the difference between moderate and significant profits. How do you know if you […]

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Reviewing your Networking Schedule

I think most of us are pretty sold on the idea of extending our networks. Knowing more people gives you a greater opportunity to be of service. Like many other marketing activities, networking requires an investment – of your money, your time and your commitment. So before paying again for another year’s membership, take a […]

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Removing Friction and Delay

Sometimes delays are important, but if you’re not adding value, then it is not good. Some level of friction and delay are prevalent in virtually every business. Depending on what you are trying to achieve, they are not automatically bad things. There are times when deliberately slowing down (introducing delay to) an activity is the […]

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Radical Thinking

When was the last time you thought about taking your business to new and heady heights, but didn’t actually get any further? Don’t worry, you are not alone. There’s plenty of business owners out there who let their brains stand in the way of fundamental changes in their business. We either think that we can’t […]

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Even Small Companies Can Have Big PR Problems

Crisis Planning for Small Businesses The thinking goes that big companies face the most daunting crises, based on sheer size, number of employees and scope of operations. Yet a small business may face even bigger problems since its revenue and profit margins usually are based on a much smaller operation and often precarious financial situation. […]

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Persistent? … or Wasting Time?

What would you do? I had been working with the Seller for two years, one buyer had gotten almost to the finish line and dropped out; others looked and said, “Not enough information,” or words to that effect, and dropped out. But I believed in this company, believed in the profit potential, and believed that […]

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Business Broker…a WHAT?

Everyone has heard of Brokers – Stock Brokers, Mortgage Brokers, even Marriage Brokers. But what is a Business Broker? It is a little known and less understood segment of the Real Estate industry. Simply put, a Business Broker is one who assists an individual (or company) in buying a business or helping a company sell […]

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Buying a Business

The motivations for buying a business are many. A common reason these days is that the person has been retrenched. He or she may be over the age of 40 and the chances of obtaining further employment are slim. He or she will often have received substantial severance pay. To put it bluntly, the person […]

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Traps for Young (and Old) Entrepreneurs

It’s common knowledge that most small businesses fail within 5 years. These statistics are mind-blowingly depressing for people looking to start up a new venture. So what goes wrong? No-one starts out with the intention  of creating something that isn’t sustainable. In fact most people would be adamant that they weren’t going to be one […]

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Pricing Your Consulting Services

In case you hadn’t noticed, people can react very differently when faced with the same price for a product or service. In fact in most cases, we’ll never actually know what is in their minds when they consider a price and then decide to respond to it in certain way. So what does that mean […]

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Performance Management Gone Haywire

When you ask employees about their impressions of Performance Management processes, the answer is invariably negative or neutral. It’s not often that the process is positively endorsed by those who use it. So where are we going wrong? As managers, we know we need a management system of some kind for all the components of […]

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Managing the Human Being behind the Business

It’s a common problem and we’ve all seen it – business owners that are just ‘too busy’ all of the time, and as a result, do not enjoy the success in business they had hoped for. Let’s not kid ourselves, there is a lot to focus on: technology, employees, sales, marketing and so on. These […]

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Managing for Best Performance

In it’s simplest form, performance management is a common sense set of discussions that make sure people are clear about what they need to do, have the support to do it and get open and honest feedback on their performance. Any performance management process should answer 4 important questions for your employees:  What do I […]

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Making More of Your Article Marketing Strategy

It’s all well and good to write a great article. If you’ve done that then you are half way there. The next step is getting it published. Having your articles published on line in different places can build your credibility and increase the number of links pointing to your site – all great things. But […]

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Kicking Winning Goals

The competition for business is hotting up. The advances in new technology, ease of communication, and increasing expectations from customers have combined to make the marketplace more competitive than ever. In this world it is critical for small and medium businesses to be proactive about creating their future. Without proactivity, things just seem to ‘happen’ […]

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