GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Selling Your Business – Groom or Hire Your Successor

One of the exciting aspects of being involved in Mergers and Acquisitions is that we are constantly learning. One of our most productive classrooms is the buyer visit. In those visits the buyer’s motivations, priorities, concerns, and value drivers and value detractors are often revealed. This was the case in one recent buyer visit with […]

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FAQ’s From Business Buyers

An area of great concern to our business selling clients as we help prepare them for a buyer visit is what questions the buyer is likely to ask. Below are a representative set of questions that we have encountered. This article will not provide you with the answers because they will vary with each business […]

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Evaluating A Business

Do Your Homework The best time to do your market research is in advance. Here are some key ideas to help you make the right choice before you invest in a product, a service or a business. Bootstrap Your Way To Success One of the best ways to build a business is to start off […]

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The Offer to Buy a Business Depends on the Many Characteristics

In our Merger and Acquisition practice we try to prepare our business sellers for the multitude of different deal structures that they should expect from various buyers. We go through elements like cash at close, seller notes, earn outs, non-competes, escrow accounts, etc. More often than not our first time seller will actually put out […]

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Selling Your Business – Should It Be a Do It Yourself Job?

Making the decision to sell your business is hard enough, but having a buyer tell the owner it is not worth as much as he thought can really be a blow. The emotional attachment that most owners have to their business is very deep. They remember the long hours, the financial hardships, the wearing of […]

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Baby Boomer Business Sellers – The Rush to the Exits Could Erode Company Valuations

The Baby Boomers are retiring in large numbers over the next ten years and the impact on the economic landscape of America will be dramatic. This article will examine those trends and the likely impact on business valuations over the next several years. From a 40,000 foot view the number of businesses that change hands […]

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A Major Concern for Business Sellers – What Happens to My Employees

One of the biggest concerns of business sellers is what will happen to their loyal employees when the new owner takes over. There is a common misperception that the new owner will come in and slash and burn in order to hit their profit targets. The reality for the family business could not be farther […]

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Sell a Company – How is the Selling Price Determined?

Business valuations are a valuable tool to set a range of prices when you sell a business. The only true way to determine value, however, is to present the business to the universe of buyers in a true open market bidding process. How much are you expecting when you sell your business? I always ask […]

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To Sell a Business or Not Sell a Business A Crossroads Decision

Thinking of taking your company to the next level with a major capital investment or hiring additional sales resources? These are decisions that can impact your company’s future. It might be time to consider the alternative of selling your business. We are often approached by business owners at a crossroads of taking the company to […]

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How Business Buyers Value Your Business – Ten Key Factors

If you are considering selling your business this article will help you evaluate your company as a strategic acquirer might. From that perspective it pays to focus on ten critical areas of value creation. The better your performance in these areas, the greater the selling price of your business. Below is our list of STRATEGIC […]

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Private Equity May Be Your Best Business Exit Strategy

I must admit that I have had a bias against my clients selling their businesses to private equity firms until I discovered that there are some situations where it might be the best exit strategy. Our firm represents business sellers primarily in the information technology and healthcare industries. Because the valuation multiples in these industries […]

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The Owner’s New Role After the Business Sale

When economic times are uncertain, business buyers become very cautious about a potential merger acquisition transaction. They attempt to negotiate for a lower price, but they also try to negotiate for the seller to have a significant interest in the post acquisition performance. This results in less cash at close and more of the transaction […]

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Get Paid Promptly – 10 Practical Tips to Improve Your Cash Flow

“Cash is king!” And, running out of cash is the most common reason that businesses fail. This article is about practical tips to reduce your risk that slow or late-paying customers will cause a cash crunch in your business. Finding out that a customer for whom you’ve just done a large project has gone into […]

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5 Tips to Turn Your Ideas into Money

Making money from your ideas requires a combination of disciplined actions and “good luck.” The disciplined actions include taking advantage of legal protections and using good business practices. “Good luck” has a way of finding those who pursue opportunities with preparation and persistence. (1) Recognize the market potential for your idea. Observation and experience can […]

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How To Quit Your Job And Buy Your Dream Business

Starting a new business is a daunting prospect for anybody, whether you are a budding entrepreneur or just an ordinary individual that wants to do what you love for a living. Whilst we all dream about quitting the day job that we hate and working for ourselves, there are many factors to consider and the […]

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Your Business Checklist

As a business coach, I spend a lot of time working with people who want to improve different aspects of their business. Many times these aspects are merely symptoms of a more fundamental, underlying issue. If you want your business to truly shine, then there are some basic principles that, if not present, can lead […]

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Winning Customer Experiences

Much research has been done on what the makes a winning customer experience. What is it that makes customers come back to your business instead of going to someone else’s? If your repeat business is low, what is it that you are doing to drive your customers away? There is a consistent theme that emerges […]

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What Employees Really Want

A major problem for business owners and employers today is getting the best employees and then keeping them. Sounds easy, but any employer will tell you that these activities take up the most time and have the biggest impact on business results. So how do you go about retaining the good people once you’ve found […]

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Using Articles to Increase your Exposure

If you are running your own business, then you have expertise in at least one area. And if you have expertise, other people will want to read about it. Marketing your business using articles (like this one!) is one of the most cost effective ways of building profile and credibility that I know. If you […]

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The Use of Goals – Friend or Foe

As a society we are achievement driven, recognized for our tangible contributions to the world. The examples of this are everywhere: At school we are praised for doing well at tests and reading to certain levels. At work we are rewarded for achieving specific objectives. On the sporting field our athletes are heralded for their […]

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