GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

How to Find One More Hour in Everyday

In September 2006 (for reasons too long to explain here), I had no internet or email access for 26 days. We all know how much we rely on these for running our business (and our lives), but it’s not until it’s actually taken away from you for an extended period that you realize the full […]

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Hourly Rates No Thank You

When was the last time you gave a passing thought to your pricing? It’s no secret that how you charge for your services can either make or break you. It can mean the difference between a mediocre and a successful business. In my experience, most people don’t spend enough time thinking strategically about what pricing […]

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Hiring for Success

Hiring someone new to work in your business is one of the most critical decisions a business owner makes, although it is not always given the justice it deserves. If a position is vacant, or additional staff are needed, recruitment decisions are often driven by the pressure to get someone in quickly, rather than waiting […]

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Haven’t Done a Business Plan

A Business Plan is the essential document we are all meant to have – right? So why do so many of us not have one? The principle behind having a business plan is to think strategically about how to grow our business, create new direction and organise our thoughts: What am I going to do? […]

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Getting the Marketing Groove

Wouldn’t it be great to have a year where your marketing efforts were streamlined and got the results you were after? None of us want to struggle with marketing, and yet this is the one topic that continues to be highest in the minds of small business professionals. Let’s really consider some of the reasons […]

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Exit your Rat Race

We can all get in a rut from time to time. Who hasn’t had a moment in their lives where you’ve asked yourself the question: “Why am I doing this?” Whether it’s who you’ve become, the business you are in, your career, relationships, where you live or all of the above – sometimes you realise […]

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Every Business Needs a BHAG

In the heady arena of strategy, the consultants of the world find wonderful acronyms for the work they do. Today let me introduce one of those to you. It’s the BHAG – the Big Hairy Audacious Goal! This is the goal that really stretches you to think differently about how you do business. It’s the […]

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Delegate or Die

There is not a single management skill more critical to your personal and professional success as an entrepreneur than learning to delegate. But delegating successfully is much more than simply handing out assignments. It is more an exercise in understanding and accepting our own strengths and limitations. In this fast paced world, we must choose […]

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Driving Without a Roadmap?

For any business to succeed it must know what it is about. It must be able to explainwhat it is there to achieve, and where it ultimately wants to end up. Unfortunately the majority of businesses can’t describe, or don’t have a picture of what they are trying to become. Either it’s just not considered […]

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Dealing with Problem Behaviour in the Workplace

I personally struggle with the term “managing people”, because I firmly believe that people cannot be managed – only processes and systems can. How many times have you heard it said – “Why won’t my employees just do as they are asked?” Despite all our best efforts at “managing”, we have very little control over […]

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Creating Content for Articles or Ezines Effortlessly

The benefits of writing as a marketing strategy have been well documented. Articles build credibility, provide lots of links back to your website, and can generate business for you. All good stuff. This is all well and good as long as you have something to write about – right? Finding content ideas can be one […]

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Creating a Vision and Mission

For any business to succeed, it must know what it is about. It must be able to clearly describe why it is there, and what it is there to achieve. Developing a vision and mission statement is a way of articulating these ideas to yourself, your customers, your employees, and to the world at large. […]

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Create More Headspace – the Art of Simplification

People’s lives today are jam-packed with great projects, ideas, to-do lists, errands, things we should do, things we could do, duties and obligations. No surprise then, that many of us feel we barely have time to do the things we have to do (or think we have to do), let alone spare time for fitting […]

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Coaching the new Word in Managment

Although workplaces and management styles have come a long way in the last decade, the command and control style of management behaviour remains common practice in many companies. This management approach basically means that employees are told exactly what to do, when to do it and even how it should be done. The manager is […]

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Centres of Influence

A Centre of Influence is a fancy way of identifying people that have a hugely positive impact on your business. They often refer people and business to you, and are actively glowing about what you provide and how you provide it. Every business needs a couple of these gems, and once you have them, you […]

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8 Ways to Get More from your Existing Customers

For many of us – especially those in service businesses – our existing and previous customers are vital for three reasons: 1. They have already bought from us, so providing they had a good experience, they might buy from us again. We also know that getting a new customer is much more expensive than selling […]

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7 Steps to Managing Procrastination

Procrastination happens to the best of us. And we rationalise our action (or lack of action in this case) in so many ways. The harsh reality is that procrastination is just a nice way of saying avoidance. Why do we avoid things? Simple – because we don’t enjoy them, or because they take us out […]

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7 Sanity Saving Business Boundaries

The lack of strong boundaries is one of the chief causes of stress, overwork and overwhelm in the business environment. Clearly set boundaries help other people to understand how you want to be treated. They are the rules, if you like, that apply when others deal with you and your business. Many of us aren’t […]

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10 Ways to Boost Profitability

So many business owners work hard – really hard – just to break even or keep afloat. Each one of us deserves reward for our efforts, whether that be financial or personal. The question to ask yourself is whether you are directing your effort in the right places, to get the reward you want? Of […]

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Most PR Efforts Are a Waste of Time…Money…Energy

It’s too bad that so many firms waste so much money on public relations activities that have little or no impact on the press or, more importantly, on their prospective customers. One of the key reasons these activities fail is that management lets their in-house staff or an outside agency handle the company’s PR without […]

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