GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Getting in Shape for Christmas

Week 1 Motivation…choose something that will remind you of why you are embarking on this change. It could be a photograph of a slimmer, healthier you. It could be a reward you plan to give yourself when you have achieved the first step of your weight. You could choose a slogan for your health […]

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Tips on Buying A Catering Business For Sale

So you are thinking of buying a catering business? The following is a guideline to some of the factors you need to take into consideration before purchasing a catering business. Know Your Business To be a caterer, you really need to enjoy talking to people because over 80% of your business dealings will be selling […]

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The Evolution (Not Death) Of SEO

There is a lot of talk about the “death of SEO” and “the death of ranking reports” lately.  It all stems from some sessions at PubCon in Las Vegas. Remember we all want to get our message out there and have our voices heard and one way to do that is to make a dramatic […]

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2009 – A Year of Realignment, Reassessment, Repositioning

We will state the obvious for the year with a twist…not since the last major downturn in the early ‘80s have firms in the PC, CE industry had such an opportunity to: slash costs, downsize the workforce,  shrink to core (known) market opportunities evaluate product/product segment/customer ROI/opportunities; realign product/service investments based on long-range strategic plans […]

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“I Had No Idea That’s Why I Acted Like This!”

Values are the parents of your chosen or unconscious behaviour. If someone at a meeting or a party rubs you the wrong way, chances are that you have picked up something about them that doesn’t fit your set of core values. On my website, you’ve had an opportunity to glimpse my core values: Love& Compassion, […]

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I Wish I Could Just Stop the Negative Thoughts!

I find a surprising correlation between my clients’ challenges each week – a common theme always seems to emerge among them. It’s surprising because, in most cases, these clients have never met one another.  Their shared concerns are often the inspiration for my e-zines. This week, the common theme among my clients was negative thoughts. […]

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The Mid Manager Salvation

I think I was born a mid level manager.  With the exception of my cemetery property telemarketing gigs as a student, from my first job in a developing country all the way to my current job as a Brand Manager at BIC, I’ve always been a mid-level manager. Being a mid-level manager is akin to […]

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Three Techniques for Generating Publicity for Your Business

When your goal is to grow your business, one of the most important things you can do is spend time learning how to generate publicity for your organization.  The key to getting publicity for your company is to develop and implement a sound public relations plan that focuses on activities designed to attract positive media […]

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Cultivating Customer Loyalty

Word of mouth advertising is the most effective marketing tool for any business. Positive word of mouth is directly proportional to your customer’s perceptions of the quality of service they receive from you and your organization. Customer service is the key to fostering positive word of mouth advertising and generating repeat and referral business. Customer […]

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Company Research: The Secret to Successful Interviewing

One of the most important things you can do to prepare for a job interview is to learn everything that you can about the company before you go to the interview.  Most interviewers ask job candidates why the want the job.  Most people answer this question specifically in terms of their own skills, and why […]

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Start Planning Now

January 1st is always fun since it is somehow the beginning of a whole new set of opportunities.  We seem to divide our business year by holidays.  Memorial Day is the beginning of summer so vacations slow down sales.  Labor Day is the beginning of the last quarter so we must push to achieve our […]

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How To Buy Financial Businesses For Sale

The financial market is experiencing a period of significant growth at the moment and, as such, there is a very real demand for financial businesses out there. However, as a direct result of the fact that people get into the industry without examining the implications closely, there are many businesses failing and many financial businesses […]

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Choosing Your Career Isn’t a Life Sentence

Choosing a career is one of the most important things that you can do.  You are going to spend a large portion of your waking hours engaged in the pursuit of an income, so you may as well choose a career that you love.  I learned a lot about life and work from my father, […]

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Back to Work After Retirement?

Many individuals are choosing to re-enter the workforce after retiring from their primary careers. Whether out of economic necessity, a desire to remain active, or to pursue alternate career paths, it’s a fact that many individuals are staying in the workforce well past the traditional retirement age. Opportunities Are Plentiful for Mature Workers If you’re […]

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Your Online Brand and the Holiday Season

From disparate beginnings, Christmas has become largely a cultural celebration for my generation – one meant to bring people together and place our focus on the people we love. It has also become an uber-brand that represents intangible, un-buy-able values (peace, love, joy, family, selflessness) simultaneously with supreme commercialism. I love Christmas: hot cocoa, a […]

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How Much Information Should You Give Away For Free?

I’ve always been one for giving information away for free. Some people tell me I shouldn’t do it and other people say that it’s a great thing to do. I’ve tried both. Generally though, I find that giving something away for free does help my business. Here are the reasons why I think giving away […]

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The Secrets Successful Companies Use To Boost Sales In Tough Times

Are you spending money constantly trying to attract new customers?  Realize that you could possibly be sitting on a goldmine, without spending another cent on advertising. How would you feel if you could build a one to one relationship with each and every customer to the point where they then become an advocate for your […]

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How To Write Copy For Your Website That Converts

Writing copy for your website is different than traditional copywriting for direct marketing like brochures, sales letters or 4-color postcards. Website copy requires an expertise in direct response marketing because sentences need to be shorter, to the point and demand action quickly and effectively. WRITE COPY FROM THE PROSPECT’S POINT OF VIEW An experienced website […]

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Appearance Matters in Job Interviewing

You’ve heard the phrase “you never get a second chance to make a first impression” many times during your life.  While this concept rings true in every aspect of life, perhaps the most important time to stop and consider what this means is when preparing for a job interview. The overall impression that you make […]

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5 Ways to Boost Your Earning Potential

Networking – Build a network of other people who are influential in your career field. Professional organizations, chambers of commerce, and networking groups are great resources for meeting people who are leaders in your field and community. As you cultivate mutually beneficial relationships with your networking contacts, you’ll likely learn about new job opportunities before […]

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