GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Management & Human Resources

People often mistake by relating the term ‘Management’ with HR. Which I feel is not absolutely true. Management means managing, like how a HR Manager manages its employees, a Sales Manager manages its Sales, a finance manager manages flow of funds and an account manager manages its firm’s accounts. Management teaches the ways to manage […]

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Use This One Tactic and You Will Rise to The Top of Your Profession

Are you looking for a change in your life? Do you feel that you’ve stopped growing as a person? Do you feel that your life and career have stagnated and you’re ready to take them to the next level? Are you dissatisfied with your current position and eager to advance to a happier and more […]

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Brand Yourself in 2009

We all know that a brand is a customer experience represented by a collection of images and ideas; what might be less obvious is that each time somebody meets you they unconsciously create images and ideas about you which operates as a ‘your unique brand’. Companies spend large amounts of money to develop a brand […]

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How To Buy A Car Wash Business For Sale

They say that there is no better option than buying a business that is already up and running, and to a degree that is true. When thinking about buying a car wash business there are several benefits and several drawbacks as well.  The decision of buying a car wash business is a very important decision, […]

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Ron Joyce: Entrepreneur And Tim Horton’s Donut King

Ron Joyce is undoubtedly one of Canada’s favourite sons. He is honoured throughout the country as a result of his business and philanthropic efforts, as well as being one of the best known entrepreneurs. Ron Joyce founded Tim Hortons with the now legendary Mr. Horton. However, the success of the brand was undoubtedly down to […]

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Business and Sales Growth Secrets for 2009

The jury is still out about our current economy.  Some say we will be experiencing a mild recession and others say we are on the brink of a depression.  It doesn’t matter where you fall in the debate, one thing is certain, business growth is not as easy as it once was. If you have […]

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Change Leadership: Stepping into the Role

You may have been selected by your executive to initiate and see through some change program in your organization. Or you may have decided that the time has come to make your mark by dusting off the cobwebs in your workplace. However your change role came about, you have a challenging task ahead of you. […]

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Ripken Belongs in Branding Hall of Fame

Cal Ripken has been inducted in the Baseball Hall of Fame — not so much for his baseball numbers as for the fantastic brand he created. Cal’s career batting average is not even close to .300, and he did not average more than 25 home runs or 100 RBIs a season.  Yet he is one […]

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How To Buy Interior Design Businesses

If you have decided to add another business to your portfolio then you may want to look into the interior design industry. There is much demand for an interior design business owing to the trend of employing someone to decorate a home or an office from top to bottom. There are many interior design businesses […]

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Fred Smith: FedEx Founder And Entrepreneur

The American public rightly holds American heroes in high regard, and there are very few individuals that should be considered in the same elevated terms for their entrepreneurial skills in addition to their bravery. Fred Smith is a very unique individual that deserves plaudits for his service as well as his business acumen, or more […]

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How to Format Your Resume: Form Matters Just as Much as Content

When it comes to using your resume to apply for a job, it’s important to remember that form matters just as much as content.  A nice looking resume can’t make up for one that is full of spelling errors, typos, and factually incorrect information.  However, an unattractive resume can completely undermine even the most impressive […]

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How to Find the Time to Get the Skills You Need

“I know I need to know how to create spreadsheets and update my database, but I just can’t find the time!”  Does this sound like you?  So many professionals and small business owners need to learn more about computer applications in order to function more effectively in their jobs.  Finding a good time to get […]

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How To Be A Customer-Focused Organization

Would you say that your customers are satisfied with the products and services provided by your organization?  Do you think that having satisfied customers indicates that your organization is one that provides exceptional customer service?  If so, think about what the word satisfaction really means.    When your customers are satisfied, it simply means that you […]

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Give Yourself the Gift of Presence

Ask yourself if you have anything to worry about right now? Are you anxious at this moment? Not tomorrow, not an hour ago, now. No, I didn’t think you were. You have just had a taste of being present. If you want to learn how to eliminate stress from your life, to have better relationships […]

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8 Tips to Tackle the Post Holidays Blues

We’ve all had it…two weeks of sun, sand, sangria and whatever you are having yourself. No thoughts of work (unless you are self-employed…and in that case work is rarely far away!). And then here comes Monday again, the dreary routine, same old ding-dong and your heart sinks….” is this it?” you ask yourself. Well, here […]

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Kickstart 2009

Why not take some time this year during the quiet days after Christmas to identify what you really want to achieve in 2009? Make it real, concrete, achievable and imagine what it will be like this time next year knowing you have achieved these goals. Use the following points as a way to get ready […]

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Make 2009 the Best Year of Your Career

Yep, folks, it’s that time again – a time to set resolutions which we seem to assume we won’t keep, a time to think about really getting the job of our dreams. Here are some ideas/steps for making 2009 the best year of your career. So, why not take 2-3 hours to think about how […]

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2009: Choose a Theme, Not a Resolution

When I began to write this article, I decided to go back to basics and check out the dictionary definition of “resolutions.”  I got “A thing resolved on, an intention.” To me, the word “intention” is preferable to “resolution.” Somehow intention resonates with the idea of “definitely going to do,” whereas “resolution” has more of […]

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Surviving Christmas Without Grievous Bodily Harm – It Can Be Done!

Yes folks it’s that time of the year again. A time when every aspect of popular culture tells us to be happy, loving and full of cheer and when many of us feel like ripping the head off our nearest and dearest. Here are some tips to help you get through Christmas if Mr. Claus […]

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Avoid that Christmas Financial Hangover

Yes, folks it’s that time of year again in which we will be expected to spend 20 million euros an hour on Christmas Eve in Ireland alone. Yep, that’s right, AN HOUR. Of course a substantial chunk of that will be on credit and many of us will be dreading our January credit card bills: […]

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