GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Top 5 Technology Apps of 2008

As we enter the month of December, I can’t help but look back at the year that was. The thousands of new businesses started, the people we’ve profiled, and the technology applications that have made our lives complete. In no particular order of preference, I give you my top 5 technology applications of 2008. Basecamp […]

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Preparing Your Company for Sale

Whether you are considering selling your business now or sometime in the future, the most important thing you can do to ensure a successful and profitable sale is to take steps to properly prepare your business for the sale.  There are hundreds of reasons why a company is difficult to sell or offers are not […]

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How To Buy A Medical Clinic

Finding a medical clinic for sale and buying one can be a complicated process.  There are many steps involved in changing over ownership of medical clinics, urgent care clinics and health care clinics.  These types of clinics for sale are good investments but require careful planning and being resourceful. Client Base When you find medical […]

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Moving Forward…It’s Time for Content, Communication Course Correction

The financial industry got caught with its pants down.   The automotive industry got caught with its arrogance up. The PC, CE, communications industry simply got caught between the two. We feel the angst but the business is still fundamentally sound.  With the right course adjustments the industry will be in a better position to deliver […]

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You Can Do It – Period!

Achieving Extraordinary Results: it’s just a Skill Some tweaks for getting your GPS (Goals, Plans & Steps) System running like a finely tuned sports car. Remember that a Goal is “a written detailed objective to be achieved by a specific point in time.  And, it is something that you want, believe in, can commit to […]

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The Magic of Doing Over Planning

Achieving Extraordinary Results: It’s Just a Skill “Give me someone who does – over someone who plans any day.”  That is what a sales manager told me one day.  I knew exactly what he meant because some of the most highly educated people I know have had very little success in life.  While some of […]

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How Will The Pre-Budget Report Impact Your Business?

If you’ve been paying any sort of attention to the news this week, you’ll probably be aware that the Chancellor released his pre-budget report on Monday. This report is likely to have a major impact on your business, whether or not you are VAT registered.  I’ve outlined the main points below: VAT From Monday 1st […]

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How To Buy An Advertising & Marketing Business

Advertising and marketing is the industry you should get into if you want to make a lot of money very quickly because the advertising industry can actually make you your money back within a couple of years. We are all used to seeing advertisements for various products everywhere and the idea of extensively advertising brands […]

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Go Ahead, Get Emotional!

Did Harley Davidson create the desire for rebellion and the feeling of freedom that comes from conquering the open road?  Did Starbucks create the desire for a sense of sophistication or for people to feel like they are part of a community? Of course not!  Harley Davidson and Starbucks simply found wonderfully resonant ways to […]

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Career Change Lessons Learned from Laryngitis

I love my children and I know they love me.  In fact they love me so much they’ve been sharing all their germs with me. This time I’ve lost my voice and have an ear infection. This all came about during a recent trip out to LA to attend Ali Brown’s last ever Online Business […]

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Why Don’t We Like Talking About Ourselves When Marketing?

Have you ever had the experience of having to promote someone else’s products and services? I don’t know about you, but I always find this much easier than promoting my own business. May be it’s because we’re not as close to someone else’s business as we are to our own and so if people say […]

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10 Tips On How To Buy An Undervalued Business

Buying a business is a huge step for any individual, whether he or she has bought businesses before or not. It is not as risky as setting up a new business because the name, product or service has already been established. In fact, buying a business can actually work well for someone looking to invest […]

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What Is a Trademark Search?

A trademark search can, in actuality, be many different things. In theory, a trademark search is performed to determine whether or not the mark you are hoping to use is already taken by another. This allows an individual to apply with a greater level of confidence for the use of a trademark with the United […]

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What Is A Trademark?

At one point or another, we’ve all seen a product or business name with a small, encircled R floating next to it. You’ve probably wondered what this R symbol really means, and how exactly it got there in the first place. Most people will tell you that it means something to the effect of “registered,” […]

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Franchise Executives Innovative Thinking

Challenging times call for innovative thinking and problem solving.  I was interested to read in a section of the Wall Street Journal that Dominos Pizza is considering making loans available to its franchisees. This will allow franchisees to gain access to capital and not suffer from the limiting affects of the credit crunch in the […]

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How To Use Awards To Get Publicity

Business awards, as entering and winning (or even reaching finalist position) one of these is a great method of ensuring PR and many awarding bodies, such as the big banks out there, also do a great job of publicising their winners. The big thing that puts people off entering these awards is the work that […]

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Selling a Business: What Influences Your Prospect’s Decision to Buy?

You need to put yourself in the position of the potential buyers when answering this question.  Try asking what might influence you if the roles were reversed.  Why would you buy your company?  What might excite you to buy your company if you didn’t already own it?  This is an important part of the sale […]

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How To Buy A Business – Understanding The Process

I have summarised below the process that we use when acting as broker working for the buy side.  Although, the following assumes you will use a broker, you could consider following this process yourself, but I would warn you of two key things:   • Do not underestimate the time and effort absorbed by the buying […]

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10 Tips On Selling Your Business With a Business Broker

Some readers will be asking; why use a broker, why pay these fees when I could do it myself?  The answer is quite simple, the business of selling a company is involved and time consuming which could easily lead you to neglect your business while trying to sell it.  Such neglect could create problems, reducing […]

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Don’t Lose Your Life Savings When Buying A Business!

Many of the things that need to be considered when deciding to buy a business apply to any purchasing decision.  It is all about striking a sensible balance between risk and reward.  Consider a situation where you go into a store and buy something for $5, you get it home and find that it does […]

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