GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Why Aren’t My Training Programs Working?

The class on improving time management looked as if it would be a smart idea at first. You had every employee attend, and now months down the line schedule slippages are worse than ever. What is the problem? Could it be because your concept of how training works is outdated? According to this oversimplified view, […]

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Some Merchant Account Fees

Getting a merchant account is very easy – understanding it is a different story. There can be a lot of different fees associated with a merchant account: Discount rate (Visa / MasterCard / Discover Card): 2:15% – 2.39% Transaction Fee – 20¢ – 50¢ per transaction) Batch Fee – Free to 30¢ per batch ACH […]

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Number 1 Reason For Selling Your Business

What is the Number 1 Reason I hear when speaking to Business Owners about selling their business? – Why are you looking to sell your Business? — ” Because I Am Ready”. For those of you who have owned a business for any period of time this is a response that is fairly easy to […]

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5 Major Mistakes When Buying a Business

The one common denominator that most millionaires have is that they own their own business. Owning your own business can be a very financially rewarding experience. The thrill of being the boss and having complete control over your own destiny are the primary reasons people leave the work force to operate their own company. Owning […]

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The Risk of Ignoring Millennials

One of the biggest challenges for businesses today is integrating the Millennials or Gen Y twenty-somethings into a Baby Boomer culture. They are the newest generation to enter the labor market, arriving with their distinct ideas about what they expect from their jobs. They are our future leaders and our next generation of revenue-generators. So […]

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Digital Bytes – The Challenge of Balancing Real, Virtual Worlds

“The show has been prerecorded to give the cast a chance to get away.” — The Announcer, Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In, NBC (1967) Maybe that “scientific” scare that cellphones (and associated technology) would affect our brains is true. Our daughter gets up in the morning and immediately checks Facebook. The son rolls out and checks […]

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Y is for Yo Sushi (and other stories)

Well, this article isn’t exactly about Yo Sushi! It’s about the fact that if you pay attention to the big companies around you, it’s very likely that you’ll find ideas that you can apply to your own business.  Remember, big companies can afford to do things – they can afford to hire the best marketing […]

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Product / Service Acceptance, Success Beyond Statistics

As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality. – Albert Einstein We recently read that contrary to recent Android claims/statistics, the iPhone was way ahead of Android smartphones. According to the author – editor-in-chief of MacNewsWorld […]

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Not All Revenue is Created Equal

Many small business owners envision “more revenue” as the key to a higher selling price.  But, is that really true?  Is it really more revenue that the owner needs, or just better, more profitable revenue? It can be an enlightening experience to understand what tasks create value in your company and which ones simply keep […]

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A World of Plenty, Privacy

Who Can Be Against Net Neutrality, Privacy Rules? “Can’t push him too hard; he might break. You gotta’ remember who you’re dealing with.” – Steve McCroskey, Airplane (1980), Paramount The government has finally proven the saying, “If you love something, set it free … if it comes back it’s yours. If it doesn’t, hunt it […]

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Do You Have What It Takes To Succeed At Your Own Business?

The one trait the majority of all millionaires have in common is that they owned their own business. Every year thousands of people attempt to follow in their footsteps and start their own business. Failure rates are high for new businesses with over half of them out of business within five years. How do you […]

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Leaders Should Ignore the Generalizations of Gen-Y

Leaders need to ignore the articles that make generalizations about Generation-Y and the other generations within the current workforce. The articles I refer to use research and surveys in making generalizations about Gen-Y, and seem to focus the perceived shortcomings in the younger generations. The majority of the articles suggest that Gen-Y is prone to […]

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X is for Xenophobia

Xenophobia is the fear of strangers or foreigners so this article is all about turning strangers into friends into customers and it’s something that you’re going to have to do if you want to succeed in your business. You’re going to meet people all the time – whether it’s from networking, on the internet, through […]

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Financing a Business Loan: How is it possible?

Collecting sufficient capital for small business can be a laborious task for new owners. The banks usually turn down the loan application of new entrepreneurs as they avoid taking risk of lending money to companies without an established financial record. But do not worry as there are options that you can rely on to finance […]

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Overcome Your Fear of Buying a Business in 3 Easy Steps

If you want to own your own business, it is easier to buy an existing business than it is to start you own business from scratch. An established business allows you to skip past the startup phase entirely, which is where 50 percent of all new businesses fail. If you buy a business then you […]

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Franchise Question: Is there a Viable Market for this Business in my area?

While you may be at the very beginning of your research, you should know what you ultimately need to consider after you’ve done all your research and are ready to sign and move forward. Question: Does the franchise offer a product or service for which there is a viable, long-term market in your area? Viable […]

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The 3rd Screen Enters the Personal, Business World

“We must get beyond passions, like a great work of art. In such miraculous harmony. We should love each other outside of time… detached.” – Steiner, La Dolce Vita (1960), Riama Films Life and love are fickle things. It seems like only yesterday that the netbook was going to give us the good life … […]

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W is for Why is my Marketing Not Working?

One of the questions many small business owners ask is why is my marketing not working? Many people have spent a lot of money, time and effort getting their marketing to work only to find they have little or no results. It can be very frustrating and be enough for many business owners to give […]

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3D TV is Coming, There’s No Stopping It Now

“… Politicians from around the world will see it. Of course, they’ll want to use it as a weapon. As a scientist – no, as a human being – I can’t allow that to happen!” – Dr. Seizawa, Godzilla (1954), Toho Films After attending so many CES (Consumer Electronics Show) events, you’d think we’d resist […]

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The Truth About Your Brand

“When the truth is found to be lies, and all the hope within you dies.” Yes the Don’t you want some Brands to Love? Don’t you need some Brands to Love? You gotta find some Brands to Love. Coen brothers got the classic Jefferson Airplane lyric a little wrong, but let’s (hint) hope that brand […]

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