GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

CES … Plan, Prepare, Be Patient, Good Luck!

It doesn’t seem possible, but it’s time for the consumer electronics industry’s annual classic – CES (Consumer Electronics Show). It comes right after Black/Cyber November, December. Depending on how you approach them, events like CES can be a tremendous opportunity, a waste of time, a challenge, disaster, torture or the most profitable time you’ve spent […]

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Your Phone Could Be the Key to Making AR Real

“I can’t afford to have an independent programmer monitoring me. Do you have any idea how many outside systems I’ve gone into?” – Master Control Program, Tron (1982), Walt Disney Engineers must have fantastic imaginations because in their early stages, most technologies are pretty ugly…wires going every which way, oversized circuit boards, cases the size […]

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2011 … New Consumers, New Markets, New Economy Take Hold

Let’s start by saying 2011 is going to be the year we wanted three years ago when the financial institutions “borrowed” our global wellbeing! It was the first time we entered unfamiliar territory because the financial meltdown didn’t affect just one country but all of us. Economic Outlook Internationally governments are feeling their way along […]

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Choosing the Next Great Tech Product Boom … or Bust

Trying to figure out what tech trend (necessity) to buy is one of the biggest challenges people face today. Finding fads is easy…just look in the rearview mirror! Or, for people who know us, when we believe something is sound, logical, that it’s gotta’ win…they bet on the other horse! Picking the winners from the […]

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Training and Development in Economic Recessions

The Case for Investing in Employee Training During an Economic Recession When companies struggle through economic downturns, much like the one we are experiencing now, the first instinct is to start slashing the operating budget. Managers and employees are asked to do more with fewer resources.The economic outlook for the foreseeable future in our country […]

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Team Building to Support Change Management

Purpose of Team Building Team building is necessary to support change in organizations. It is a collaborative effort between the employees who will carry out change initiatives and the managers and executives who provide leadership, guidance and vision for the proposed change.Team building is conducted for a number of reasons in organizations. It serves many […]

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V is for (Ad) Vantages

In business, one of your key roles is to spot opportunities that can give you the advantage and help you stay ahead of the competition. Sometimes, it can be hard to tell what these opportunities are as they’re not always obvious, but it’s important that you’re aware of them rather than letting them pass you […]

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U is for Understanding

I try not to write too much on market research and understanding your customers and your competitors – while it’s important, it’s not what most of you want to hear. Most small business owners simply want to know how to get more customers and don’t necessarily care how this comes about. But what if I […]

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New Consumer, New Tools Equals New Normal

“This is Jason Bourne. You are nine hours behind the toughest target you have ever tracked. Now I want everyone to sit down, strap in, and turn on all you’ve got. That would mean now.” – Pamela Landy (Joan Allen), The Bourn Ultimatum (2007), United Pictures You should really be excited. The government – no […]

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Seven Ways to Improve Sales Results Without Hiring New People

Are you tired of hiring new sales people that never seem to quite work out? Since 1980, we have been helping our clients improve sales results by assessing and developing their people. We’ve learned one or two things along the way. Take a second look at the big picture. What are your goals for the […]

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Ten Misconseptions To Avoid While Selling Your Business – Part 2

Misconception 2. The buyer should be happy just because I am selling it to him. Business owners invest their money, time and sweat in businesses. Sleepless nights, time away from family, no vacations – that’s what the owner gets, especially in the beginning. No wonder that all the above translates into substantial value in  business […]

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Surviving Your First, Your Worst Media Interview

Reporters Aren’t Your Friend, They Aren’t Your Enemy…They’re Reporters Most journalists – online, on air, print — don’t ask tricky, tough questions. They simply ask a question and let the interviewee fill in the awkward silence. Or as Bob Woodward (Robert Redford) said in All the President’s Men, “I never asked about Watergate. I simply […]

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On The Road, Staying in Touch for Business, Pleasure

“Oh, yeah, they’re gonna talk to you, and talk to you, and talk to you about individual freedom. But they see a free individual, it’s gonna scare ’em.” – George Hanson (Jack Nicholson) – Easy Rider (1969), Columbia Pictures Think about it…Dennis Hopper, Peter Fonda, you hittin’ the road on rad bikes.  How freakin cool!  […]

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T is for Time to do Marketing

As small business owners, one of the things that we’re short on is time and particularly time to do marketing. Marketing is just one of those things that goes by the wayside when everything gets busy isn’t it?  Here’s the problem though. If you only do marketing only when things gets are quiet and then […]

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Add a New Line On Your Business Card…Hack Me!!!

Marketing, communications folks were some of the first in line at the Apple store to get an iPhone.  First again to get an iPad.  Probably have their order in for a Mac Air. You’ve put them to great use with your personal and company Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, YouTube pages. You’ve got your own blog that […]

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Google’s Parameter Handling Tool: Great Tool to Reduce Duplicate Content Issue

Dynamic web sites have many advantages. Dynamic web sites can send and receive and store data between the web page and the database. This data can be useful information about your products, members or your contents. Beside many advantages, dynamic web sites have some issues and dynamically generated pages’ URLs is one of the major […]

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If You’ve Got to Meet, Do It Right

Typical managers spend nearly 40% of their work hours in meetings, not to mention the time spent preparing (and recuperating). A survey of business leaders showed: • 33% of time spent in meetings is unproductive • 75% of the respondents said it is “almost essential” to have an agenda, yet they use them only 50% […]

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What’s In Store for HR?

Economists predict that recovery is unlikely until 2011. As the economy continues struggle, what should HR professionals expect to see through 2011?  Because of the number of recent layoffs, workers are anxious about job security. Companies will have to find ways to maintain morale and build employee involvement and commitment to the organization amid the […]

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Leadership Strategies for Women

Forget what you heard about “being one of the boys,” “having it all,” and “going for the jugular.” Here is how real women get ahead. Get In Line According to Catalyst’s 2002 Census of Women Corporate Officers and Top Earners, women fill less than ten percent of line positions held by corporate officers and just […]

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Business Must Constantly Look to, Plan for Tomorrow

“There must be alternatives. You must have some technology that could solve our problem.” – Professor Barnhardt, The Day the Earth Stood Still, 2008 Even though a few companies have sold 10M +/- tablets and phones in the US and are slowly, painfully rolling them out in other wealthy consumer markets (Japan, North America, Europe), […]

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