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Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

PR For Fashion Designers

Public relations is an important marketing component for nearly any company or product, but when it comes to fashion, beauty or style, an effective PR campaign is not an option, it’s a necessity. Think about it, fashion and style is directly linked in our culture with celebrity and fame. When Entertainment Tonight or In Style […]

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PR Brainstorming Tips

Tip 1: Make a list of objectives that you want to achieve before starting the process. You don’t want to limit your idea and thought process, but you do want to define objectives to accomplish. When it comes to PR brainstorming, your goal is to come up with a list of the most important story […]

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11 Things That Irk Decision Makers

Selling in today is highly competitive business world requires more effort and energy than ever. However, there are certain things that can work against you, especially when you sell in a B2B environment. Sales people do a variety of things that irk decision makers and prospects and prevent them from moving the sales process forward. […]

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Game Developer’s Conference – Day 4

The quiet buzz flying around Moscone Center on the final day of GDC that Nintendo had an opening for a new speech writer. To say that Iwata’s comments about social and mobile game platforms and the need for developers to focus on real games (our translation, not his) didn’t sit well with the production organizations, […]

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Game Developer’s Conference – Day 3

This is a report on GDC so we’re going to start with the show’s keynote speaker, Nintendo’s president Satoru Iwata, then quickly cover the poorly kept secret of the iPad 2 announcement – there was excitement there though – then back to GDC. GDC Keynote While we may have been “Mortal Enemies” back when he […]

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Game Developer’s Conference – Day 2

The bad thing about events in Northern California is that there are always a number of them going on in the tech industry and usually they have a knack to overlap. Take today. Yes GDC is still on but then down in San Jose is a two-day OTTCon (over the top conference) taking place. No […]

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Game Developers Conference – Day 1

There’s a lot to see and absorb at GDC (Game Developer’s Conference) but we don’t get to really “see” the stuff until Wednesday when the exhibit hall is open. The first two day seem to be packed with news (here and there) but a whale of a lot of opportunities to get inside the heads […]

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The Generation Born Online Is Changing Business Models

“This has got to be the weirdest day of my life… well, so far.” – Mikey, Look Who’s Talking, Tristar Pictures (1989) If you’re a parent, you have to wonder how a kid can start out knowing zip…zero…nada and in the blink of an eye, they’re rocket surgeons! Our son was always handy for managing […]

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5 Ways To Keep In Touch With Your Customers

It seems that business owners out there are finding it harder and harder to stay in touch with their customers. Consistently when I ask small businesses to rate themselves at following up, they always say that this is where they are weakest.  Actually, there are tons of ways to follow up and stay in touch […]

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The Charlie Sheen Media Saga: Is Violence Against Women Really Okay?

Perhaps the strangest aspect of the whole Charlie Sheen media storm, at least from my perspective, is that the furor has been about his drug use and his tirades against his producer. Don’t get me wrong, those aren’t good things, but physically and verbally abusing women seem like activities that should be a bit higher […]

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Using PR to Build a Beauty Business

Even in a down economy beauty sells. The cosmetic industry was born in the Great Depression. This is one industry where it pays to promote when things are good, but pays even more to market aggressively when times are tough. As in the fields of entertainment and fashion, a strong public relations campaign is critical […]

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Why Physicians Need PR

Physicians, more than most professionals, need to be aware of how they are perceived by the public.  A person’s health is his or her most valuable asset, and to most there is nothing more important than picking the right healthcare practitioner.  No one wants to put their health in the hands of someone they don’t […]

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4 Secrets to Developing the Perfect PR Pitch

You might have a great story, but if you don’t know how to present it, you’re not going to grab the media’s attention. Remember what seems like a great story for you might not seem that way to the media. Building a great pitch for a TV segment or magazine article takes some time, thought […]

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Long Term PR Strategies To Make More Money

An effective public relations campaign takes planning, time, and work. You need to mine your stories and use the media you garner to land more media. A truly effective PR campaign cannot be launched or realistically measured in two, four, or even six months. Once you do decide to move forward, begin with some clear, […]

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10 Things Sales People Need To Know About C-Level Decision Makers

Selling to high-level decision makers is challenging at the best of times. However, it can be easier if you understand a few business principles. C-level decision makers are paid to improve their business results. Regardless of how the media portrays these executives, their primary concern is to improve their business. This includes increasing sales, market […]

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Act Like Your Business Is Worth It

How many times have you heard the phrase “Act like your business is worth £1m” and left thinking that although that would be nice, there is no way you could do that because you just don’t have the money.  Me too!  And then, the other day I reached an epiphany. By this phrase, people don’t […]

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The Newer Rules of Mentoring

In 2002 I wrote an article entitled The New Rules of Mentoring for The Wall Street Journal. Nine years later the Millennials have changed the playing field and now we have “the newer rules of mentoring”. The Millennial Generation, born between 1977 and 1998, are the latest generation to enter the workplace. They are 75 […]

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Business Valuation: The First Step to Selling Your Business

As a business broker I encounter business owners contemplating the sale of their business on a daily basis.  One of the most puzzling questions for these exiting owners is, “Where do I start?” While there are a thousand things to consider when selling your business, the first and most important question to answer is, “what […]

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Z Is For Being In The Zone

OK – I have to admit, by the time I got to Z in this series, I had to be a little bit creative about the title, but actually being able to get in the Zone is an important part of running a business.  Let’s face it, we all have projects – things we want […]

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Sharing the Cost of Mobile Speed, Content

“If I had the ability to foretell the future, perhaps I would have bet on a painted horse.” – Sheik Riyadh, Hidalgo, Cornerstone Pictures (2004) It’s hard to believe it, but we amazed our son the other day with our smartphone doing something he’d only heard about … we made a phone call. Of course: […]

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