GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Time To Lend An Ear

Listen Up Because It Is Listening Time There are many times when we are ‘listening’ to our bosses as they are explaining some high priority task or a new policy, while our brain is on its own mental vacation to Hawaii. In a few seconds, you are at the beach, relaxing with a nice beverage […]

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23 Penetrating Sales Questions You Need To Start Asking

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post called, 11 Lame Questions You Need to Avoid”. It generated some interesting comments and one reader asked, “What questions should I be asking?” What ARE the questions sales people should be asking to increase their sales and improve their results? Certainly this depends on your industry […]

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How To Dig Yourself Out Of The Hole

When I first started my business, I had a business mentor who told me the following quote. I’ve never forgotten it because it’s so true for many, many business owners. He said: “Show me an entrepreneur and I’ll show you a manic-depressant.” How true is that? One moment as a business owner, you can be […]

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WOM … It’s An Art, It’s Science, It’s Theirs

Everyone wants to jump into the word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing, communications den. The rewards seem huge. The problem is when the audience starts scratching, chewing divine intervention doesn’t answer the call. Source – Artist Peter Paul Rubens In traditional terms, marketing meant advertising – radio/TV, print, direct mail, shows, etc.—and publicity. But in 2009, Gallup reported […]

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While there is a lot of talk about the recession being over, there is an equal amount of talk about it not being over yet. This, by and large, comes down to perspective. There are numerous definitions of perspective; one that comes to mind is: what you see depends on where you sit. Many of […]

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Managing Skills For Business Continuity

In a meeting recently, a client made a comment to the effect that they were very concerned that “Talent Management” has become just another fad word. Sadly in many circumstances this is already the case. One of the main contributors to this demise is the fact that many limit “Talent” to “professional” occupations or positions […]

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How To Use The (New & Old) Media To Build Your Business And Land More Clients

In the last decade the media world has changed in ways few of us could have imagined. Warhol would be proud. Not long ago traditional media and marketing was the only avenue to get your message out there. When it came to the media, a handful of editors and producers decided what was covered. Now […]

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The PR Success Connection

Launching a public relations campaign can be confronting. Many people are uncomfortable and resist the mere thought of launching a PR campaign. As one client explained to me, he didn’t want to do interviews, he didn’t want to be a star; he simply wanted his business to be successful. I understood exactly what he meant. […]

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Use Job Aids To Extend The Training Room Into The Workplace

Experienced trainers use a variety of training aids throughout their training programs. These include models, simulations, diagrams, mnemonics, reminder cards, templates, and so on. All of these are designed to assist trainees in the learning process. However, learning does not finish at the conclusion of the training program. In fact, for some training programs, work […]

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What Are The Elements Of A Good Sales Letter?

Thinking about sending out a sales letter to your contacts this year? Before you do, stop and put in place some things that will prevent you from making some of the basic mistakes that sales letters tend to have in them. 1. Being too short One of the biggest mistakes sales letters include is being […]

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We’re Starting To Take Virtual Sales To The Real Bank

“The leader who stays in the rear, takes it in the rear. Besides, violence is one of the most fun things to watch.” – Mr. Hertz, Shoot ‘Em Up (2007), New Line Cinema A friend just had his PayPal account (hence his AmEx account) tapped for $50. His son had bought a big bunch of […]

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Success Secret: Sell Your Value, Not Your Service or Product

The clients are out there, you just need to reach them. And the best way to get them to take notice is to sell your value not your product or service. But, before you can present your value, you have to understand exactly what it is. Your product or service is what is most apparent, […]

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Broadening Your PR And Media Bull’s-Eye

The best way to launch a successful media campaign is to give the press options. You have a story that you want to tell through the media. Chances are you have one or two main angles or story ideas that you want covered. Those are where your focus lies, they are your primary objectives. But […]

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You Want to Sell Your Business Someday – How to Prepare Today

Every Business Needs an Exit Strategy. Do you want to Run Your Business Forever? Do you Want to Sell your business? Do you want to leave your business to your children? Do you want to sell your business to Your Employees? Do you Just want to close your doors and Move on? How do you […]

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17 Best Practices Of Top Performing Sales People

Many people wonder what separates a top performing sales person from the rest of the pack. In most cases, it’s because they apply a number of best practices in their daily routine. Here are 17 best practices of top performing sales people. 1. They set HIGH TARGETS and goals. Top performers don’t wait for their […]

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You Can Never Be Too Good Looking, Too Slim, Have Too Much Storage

“Probably. But it’s an easy fix. One line of dialogue. ‘Thank God we invented the… you know, whatever device.’” – Jeff Megall, Thank You for Smoking, 2005, 20th Century Fox Ours is a typical American/Silicon Valley family – two early adopters, two chasm straddlers. Our inventory includes — four notebooks, three smartphones/one feature phone, one […]

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Gamification – What It Is And What It Means For You

Imagine if earning a living, or getting an education, or developing talents of any sort was just a game. Imagine if every smooth move, every good choice, and every new relationship you developed earned you a virtual (or real) reward. Imagine if work had a payoff as well as a paycheque. Well, imagine no longer. […]

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Does Your Dog Have Better Social Networking Etiquette Than You?

Social Networking has surely taken off these past few years. Seems like everyone and their dog is now posting, poking, tweeting, liking, status-updating, and more. The problem is that dogs might actually demonstrate better social networking etiquette than many business people. Unlike casual communication with friends, social networking for business requires care, because barking up […]

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The Secret To Fast Marketing

I often get asked about the process of marketing and how to speed things up. Many business owners get frustrated by the fact that any marketing they do today can take up to three months to get results and ask what is the secret to getting business in through the door fast. Well, actually there […]

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Controlling Your Media Image: Why Many Celebrities Fail

Generally those who have the most trouble trying to utilize the media are those that have no real idea how it works. Simply because someone is a celebrity, or head of state, and has been continually highlighted in the media, doesn’t mean he or she truly understands the inner workings of the press. Appearing in […]

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