GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

3 Financial Tools to Track Business Finances

Catherine Clifford shares with readers three affordable financial dashboards to keep your business finances in order.  Financial dashboards sort your company’s financial data to create accounting reports.  These are free to a few dollars per month, much cheaper than paying a pricey consultant.  inDinero organizes your bank, credit cards and financial transactions.  Its plans […]

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Getting to Grips with SEO or CRO

Search engine optimisation and conversion rate optimisation are a necessity for any online business. It involves a lot of hard work designing and developing a website, but SEO and CRO are an additional battle. Your site might look fantastic, sell unique products and be affordable, however if no one knows you exist and your website […]

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Entrepreneurial Education: What You Shouldn’t Miss

Although success as an entrepreneur may depend largely on energy, luck, timing, and a great idea, there are skills and knowledge that are also crucial to launching a business. Although some folks are blessed naturally with the ability to effectively sell their concept or product, as well as an intuitive grasp of forecasting and management, […]

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Web is Rich with Info to Help Tweens, But it isn’t Kidproof

Kids Share Web is Rich with Info to Help Tweens, But it isn’t Kidproof. “Perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility.” – Ash, “Alien,” 20th Century Fox, 1979 All around the globe, kids are about the only things that don’t come with halfway-decent instruction manuals and detailed warning labels. The way […]

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Has Small Business Lending Increased?

Is small business lending by big banks increasing or getting more difficult? presents differing views from business experts.  Rohit Arora, Biz2Credit’s CEO, says lending has become sluggish.  He cites a survey of Biz2Credit small business customers showing a drop in lending by big banks.  Biz2Credit is a company that matches small businesses with lenders.  […]

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7-Eleven Now Has 570 Stores in Texas

Convenience Store News announced the acquisition by 7-Eleven of 23 Quix stores in Texas. Roy Strasburger of Strasburger Enterprises confirmed the deal that was consummated in June. He said they have 10 remaining Quix stores that they plan to sell to independent dealers. On the other hand, Robbie Radant, 7-Eleven’s vice president of mergers and […]

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Tim Hortons Opens 500th Restaurant

Husband and wife team Chris and Lisa Stopay are the proud owners of the 500th Tim Hortons franchise in St. Adele, Quebec. Tim Hortons is the largest publicly-traded restaurant chain in Canada. This quick service chain offers premium coffee and other hot and cold specialty drinks, sandwiches, baked goods, soups and its trademark donuts. It […]

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5 Tips to Optimize Your Company’s Facebook Page

With more than 200 social networking websites, Facebook still reigns supreme. Facebook boasts 900+ million monthly active users and 488 million monthly mobile Facebook users. Facebook is even available in more than 70 languages. Needless to say, there is a ton of brand awareness that can be had on this social networking site. All companies […]

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5 Jobs That Pay Well Without a College Degree

The common line of thinking goes that if you want to make good money as an adult, you need to get a college degree. And sure, plenty of lucrative fields of employment require a college degree, and sometimes multiple. But college isn’t for everyone. Those going straight into the workforce after high school will be […]

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The Role of a Lawyer in a Business for Sale

Some business buyers buy a business on their own.  That is fine, considering the availability of legal business forms and templates.  Others, like you, are wiser and more cautious.  You want to lower your risk by hiring professionals, which could include a business lawyer, an accountant, a business broker and a property appraiser.  They each […]

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What To Expect When Selling Your Company

Selling your company is very complicated and demanding of your time.  David Lonsdale in an article provides some tips on how to go about this difficult process.  He says the seller or business owner should be patient and remain focused in running the business.  How can the seller do this?  Hire experienced professionals such […]

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Domino’s Opens 5,000th Store Outside U.S.

Domino’s Pizza Inc. announced the opening of its 5,000th store outside of the U.S. last month.  Celebrations of this milestone are to take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Cologne, Germany; and Penang, Malaysia. reports these markets are the fastest-growing in the pizza chain’s global system.  In the U.S., Ritch Allison, Domino’s Pizza executive […]

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Chick-fil-A Boasts Of Its Family Environment

Chick-fil-A has about 1,600 restaurants in the U.S. Although some fast foods experienced slump in recent years, Chick-fil-A showed continuous growth. In 2011, it posted $4 billion sales. The chain focuses on family and community. “With the shift in the economy, some of the people who were going to sit-down restaurants with their families came […]

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Which Small Towns are Best for Business?

The advances in technology have made it possible for small business owners to live outside of big cities.  People can now work anywhere and anytime because of the Internet.  “Boomtown, USA” author, Jack Shultz, gave his take on the best small towns for business.  His choices have populations of less than 100,000.  Among these towns […]

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Businesses Proud Of Their B Corp Stamp Of Approval

Businesses that achieve B Corp status say the process is time-consuming and extensive, but they are reaping the benefits of being B Corp certified. B Lab, a non-profit organization, created a unique prestigious qualifying business structure for entrepreneurs since 2007. The B Corp businesses have to meet high standards in labor or employment policies, environment […]

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Staying In Touch Is Great … Except When It’s Not

“You all say the nicest things. You’re so great, you’re so nice, but none of you want to date me!” – Jude Harrison, “Instant Star,” Epitome Pictures (2004) The Twitlympics has been almost as exciting, interesting, breathtaking as the event the IOC (International Olympics Committee) put on in London. But judging was mixed, tough and […]

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Your Cheat Sheet for Buying a Business

When buying a business, you are buying its future based on its past performance.  Your decision to purchase a business for sale will affect your life style and finances.  A cheat sheet can minimize your risks and uncertainties. 1.  Which business opportunity matches your knowledge, experience and passion?  Is the business for sale profitable?  Is […]

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We Like to Make Loans, says Bank of America

Barry Moltz in American Express Open Forum talked to Robb Hilson, Small Business executive with Bank of America, on the current state and relationship of big banks and small businesses.  The Small Business Owners Report, a survey conducted by Bank of America, revealed the optimistic outlook of business owners next year.  The bank’s lending to […]

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Better Sales through Lead Management

On the Internet, content is king. If you expect to throw up a dummy site and start raking in the dough overnight, then you’re in for a rude awakening. Seems that, as advanced as we’ve become with technology, the “want it now” mentality is a hard one to shake in the area of sales. But […]

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How To Get Business Financing From The SBA

The U.S. Small Business Administration has various loan programs that provide business financing for small businesses.  It particularly caters to new and existing small businesses that are unable to secure business loans from lending institutions on their own.  In the mid-90s, loan guarantees amounted to about $10 billion.  By the 2000s, this has grown to […]

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