GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Mit Romney’s Choice of Paul Ryan Steers Debate on Bigger Issues

Big policy issues are taking center stage as Mitt Romney selects Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate on the Republican ticket.  In an article in The Wall Street Journal,  Janet Hook and Damian Paletta focus on the conflicting stands of the Romney and Obama tickets on Medicare, the budget, size of government and business.  Robert […]

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Advice to Small Business Owners: Learn, Improve, Prepare

Rhonda Abrams in an article on compares Olympic athletes with small business owners – how running a business is like competing in a game.  She says that you do not have to be the number one company to run a profitable business, create a product, enjoy your work and provide jobs.  She says it […]

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Chick-fil-A Controversy Attracts Mixed Reactions

Chick-fil-A is in the middle of a controversy brought by its Chief Operating Officer Dan Cathy’s support of traditional marriage.  His stand goes with the restaurant’s Christian worldview.  Gay supporters took Chick-fil-A to task for Cathy’s remarks in The Biblical Recorder.  They advocated boycotting the chain, while several politicians rode on the issue by announcing […]

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Revitalizing Your Creativity As A Marketer

Creativity is the fuel that successful marketers run on, without it you are just another run-of-the-mill marketer with boring ideas and dull concepts. Therefore it is paramount that you do everything you can do exercise your creativity and keep it alive. “If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of […]

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How To Run Family Businesses

Working with family may be a necessary move for most small businesses.  It could also be very challenging especially when non-family employees resent their favored status.  How then should you deal with family members in a business?  The Globe and Mail quotes Peter Jaskiewicz, who teaches a course on advising family enterprise at the University […]

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How to Deal with Employees When Selling Your Business

Are you planning to sell your business?  Lee Polevoi in his Intuit Small Business Blog discusses the two available options for you – to tell your employees or to keep quiet.  You can disclose your plans and your reasons for selling to a few key employees.  You do not have to bare everything going on regarding […]

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Massive Talent Shortage or Just Shortsighted

“If you ever say another word about me or make another indecent proposal, I’m gonna get that gun of mine, and I’m gonna change you from a rooster to a hen with one shot! And don’t think I can’t do it.” – Doralee, “Nine to Five,” 20th Century Fox, 1980 According to a recent report […]

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Reviewers for Hire Will End Publicity, Company Credibility

Reviews Your Way – Gartner reports that marketing/communications people are in such a rush to get positive reviews and increased numbers on their Facebook, Printerest and other social media sites that they are bypassing professional journalists and buying reviews, fans. But it is a dangerous path because consumers are smarter and have more sources to […]

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4 Tips to Running a Productive Workforce

In today’s growing economy, more and more businesses are opening every day that employ millions of Americans. With the unemployment rate slowly decreasing, more and more people are starting to get jobs. So how can you tell if the people you hire are going to be a good fit for the company and are going […]

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Today’s Managers May Not Know How To Manage

Many managers look at themselves through rose-colored glasses. They believe they’re good managers but, unfortunately, the majority of people they manage don’t agree. A survey conducted by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, Europe’s largest network of HR professionals, revealed that 80 per cent of managers in the UK believe that their employees are […]

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Does Your Small Business Need A Blog?

For any modern company to thrive in the current market, numerous avenues of development need to be explored. From establishing a clear brand identity to promoting this image across various platforms, today’s businesses must be adept in numerous fields. One area which has been surrounded by a great deal of hype is that of social […]

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12 Things You Need To Ask Your Business Insurance Advisor

Someone with the expertise and professional knowledge needed to help support business ventures of all descriptions, a business advisor is a vital contact for all companies. Whilst the nature of your dealings will vary somewhat depending on the industry you operate within, there are a number of universal considerations which need to be made. All […]

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Retail POS Systems – PC Cash Drawer vs. Dedicated POS Hardware

PC Cash Drawers have lower upfront costs when compared to dedicated POS hardware, but over the long run, PC Cash Drawers cost significantly more than using dedicated retail POS system hardware.  In fact, the total cost of ownership (TCO) of a PC Cash Drawer system is an average of 27% more than the TCO of […]

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SSD … More Stuff than You Can Afford to Carry

“Have it reconfigure the shell metals. Use the gold titanium alloy from the seraphim tactical satellite. That should ensure a fuselage integrity while while maintaining power-to-weight ratio.” – “Iron Man,” Paramount, 2008 After three days immersed in technical/business sessions at this year’s Flash Memory Summit (FMS), we’re absolutely convinced we live and work in an […]

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Millennials Are Individuals, Not Demographics

“There’s definitely something in here with us!” – David, “Alien 3,” 20th Century Fox, 1992 Now that we can easily get the information, we love to classify people according to one of the many categories the industry has developed over the years — Boomers, Millennials, teens, pre-teens; white, Asian, Hispanic, African-American; as well as bosses, […]

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Become You in Business

We all go through it, spending all nighters on the computer and basically shutting down all life around us whilst chasing our business dreams. What makes it even harder is that usually a successful business is not the only thing driving you. It could be a financial situation, family or whatever else that is responsible […]

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Tips on Transferring a Lease When Buying a Business

The lease of the premises occupied by the business is an important issue when buying a business.  A lease is a contract giving the lessee the right to operate a business from the rented premises.  It is a legally binding contract between the landlord or lessor and the tenant or lessee.  It is for a […]

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The Top 8 Franchises to Own in 2012

If you intend to go into business, you have three options.  First, you can start a new business.  Second, you can buy an established company, and third you can own a franchise.  The last option may have the highest chance to succeed.  It has a tested and proven operation system, known brand, training and regular […]

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How to Run Your Business So You Can Sell It!

Starting a business and working to make it successful entail a lot of work.  An astute business owner should operate the business as if he or she is preparing to sell the business.  Industry statistics claim it takes five years or so for small businesses to change hands. For one reason or another, you will […]

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Starting a Business – 6 Important Resources for Start Ups lists some online tools entrepreneurs can use to meet the legal requirements for their start-ups.  LegalZoom can help you file for trademarks, form a corporation or LLC, and link you up to online sites where you can find more information.  LegalZoom charges on a per document basis.  The Rocket Lawyer is similar to LegalZoom […]

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