Does Your Small Business Need A Blog?

For any modern company to thrive in the current market, numerous avenues of development need to be explored. From establishing a clear brand identity to promoting this image across various platforms, today’s businesses must be adept in numerous fields. One area which has been surrounded by a great deal of hype is that of social marketing. Thanks to the rise of the internet and social media platforms, businesses are now capable of interacting with customers through various means – generating impressive results irrespective of the size of the business.

Do I need a blog?
For any business, one of the most important questions is therefore ‘do I need a blog?’ with the answer a resounding ‘yes’. No matter what the size of your operation, a business blog can expand your reach and enable you to target a wider audience. Evidence for this benefit is clear and indisputable. Organisations which blog are claimed to have as many as 434% more indexed pages – something which generates to an increased number of leads. The vast majority of companies (81%) already appreciate the importance of blogging, naming it a vital asset.

Why do I need a blog?
Alongside the aforementioned increase in indexed pages and sales leads, blogging can also expand your reach and develop your brand image. Linking blogs to social media feeds acts to intensify these benefits, ensuring that details of your products and services reach as many people as possible. On top of this, using blogs and other forms of social media can have significant financial benefits – with 58% of businesses noting a reduction in marketing costs after moving campaigns into the social realm.

Of course, there are a number of considerations you’ll need to make when setting up your blog and learning how to build a website which is attractive and practical is an essential skill. Regular content must be produced and should target appropriate areas. Keyword considerations also need to be taken into account too, with a detailed SEO strategy developed to assist this. Even the length of your posts must be considered carefully. Optimum post lengths should be based both on user experience and search engine behaviours, ensuring you attract as many customers as possible through higher search engine rankings and then retain their attention with easy to digest content.

What are the SEO benefits of a blog?
Business blogs are not just there to address customers; they’re also intended to improve the online visibility of your company. This is achieved through Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and results in your company achieving a higher search engine ranking for targeted keywords. Considering that 93% of online activity begins with the use of a search engine, the role of SEO in business is clear. In terms of SEO benefits from blogging, the evidence is indisputable. Studies have shown that the click-through rate (CTR) for consumers exposed to social media and searches influenced by brands and companies increased by 94% whilst leads generated by SEO have a close rate of almost 15% (14.6% to be precise) compared to just 1.7% for print marketing.

About the author:
Cindy is the community manager for a number of clients from a range of different industries. She creates awesome content on behalf of her clients to strengthen their digital PR strategy.


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