GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Fake It, Till You Make It

You are who you decide to be at any given moment. It does not take money, a degree, a certain age, a certain appearance, tons of experience, knowing the right people, past success or any other qualifying factor that you may be currently using as a subconscious roadblock to your desired success. Your belief system […]

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Your 1,000 Day Vision

“You are not given a dream without the capacity to make it a reality.. Jonathan Livingstone Seagull. This piece is about choosing where you are going to be in 1000 days (i.e., three year’s time). Before you sceptics come up with your “yeah, buts,” let me say that part of me agrees with you! I’m […]

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The Flavors of Fear and How to Choose the One That’s Yours

We are frequently told about how we should ignore fear and go for what we want and to some extent that’s really true. However, I think fear (like ice-cream) has more than one flavor and some fears can actually help us. There are times when fear is appropriate…like when we are faced with physical danger […]

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Get Out of Your Rut and Into Your Real Life!

So, you have got the job that everyone told you would be great. You are earning good money but there’s only one problem. You are not happy anymore. You want to do something else, but you realize that you have no idea what that “something” is. This article gives you clear simple steps to begin […]

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Summer Eating – Stay on Track

Here are some tips to help you stay on track with your food during the summer: Cut yourself some…slack: Eating that extra bit of Ben & Jerry probably will not kill you (unless of course you are eating a piece of the original Ben & Jerry…in which case you have a whole different set of […]

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Staying Calm in Chaos

Do you work in a pressurized environment? Do you feel as though there are never enough hours in the day? Do you feel as though you make bad choices and decisions because you are under stress? If so, you are not on your own. According to a report by Robert Murphy of Farrell Grant Sparks […]

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Manage Stress by Managing Yourself

First of all, I am not going to begin this article by telling you about how important it is to eat properly, exercise regularly and to look after yourself. You know all that stuff already, don’t you? No, what I am going to give you are five things you can do to handle your stress, […]

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Inspirational Person – Winifred Holtby

Life Story Winifred Holtby was born in the latter part of the 19th century to a Yorkshire family. Her mother was the first woman county councilor of her area and a formidable figure. Winifred worked as a nurse in the First World War and then read History at Oxford. In the course of that study, […]

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How To Fire An Employee: The Do’s and Don’ts of Terminating Employees

Having to fire an employee is one of the most difficult and traumatic decisions that a business owner can make. Letting an employee go is hard not only on the employee, but also on the employer, and the other employees in your company. It is a decision that should never be undertaken lightly. Common reasons […]

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12 Solutions for Being a Better Leader

1. Manage things and lead people. Processes should be defined and managed daily. People should be lead by example daily. Management by strict control inhibits star performers and eliminates creativity of intelligent people. Feelings of manipulation are caused by strict control. Control, manipulation, and disrespect keep many dealerships from moving to another level of performance. […]

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10 Tips for Recruiting Sales People Successfully

Sales people provide life for all companies. If everything starts with sales people, it only makes sense to make sure that you are recruiting the best potential sales people.   Tip 1: Recruit from want, not need. Make recruiting an everyday activity, don’t wait until you need it.    Tip 2: Have a strategy to […]

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Explode Your Sales Success

In the last several years, I have had a revelation about the art and science of sales. The answer to sales success is within all of us. The answer is simple but the key to unlock the answer is elusive. If you were to go back to the late 1800s, the first formal sales training […]

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The Power of Now

The intention of goal setting is to look toward the future and think of and plan for what you desire. Goals provide hope. My definition of hope is “Having Optimistic Predictions & Emotions.” However, goals can create your biggest stumbling block to getting what you desire. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The only thing that will […]

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7 Tips For Finding Time

Can’t find enough hours in the day, or feel you could use your time far more effectively? Then you need to become a Time Finder. This simple technique uncovers your lost hours and gives you control of the minutes in your life. This strategy will leave you feeling full of inspiration, bright ideas and give […]

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What Are People Skills & Why Are They So Important?

People skills are simply how you communicate with people, whether they be friends, family, work colleagues, clients etc.  Before we move on to explaining the different areas of people skills, let us remind you of one point: they are vital for long-term success and happiness in both personal, career and business life.  It is usually […]

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What Type Of Company Should I Set Up

When setting up your company you need to decide at an early stage how you intend to structure it. What type of company legally beneficial – a Limited Company, a Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership or Sole Trader? This decision can have both legal and practical implications, so it’s an important decision to make. It’s advisable […]

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Bill Gates: Microsoft Entrepreneur And World’s Richest Man

Bill Gates is undoubtedly the most renowned entrepreneur in the world at the moment and was the richest man in the world until February 2008, when Warren Buffet and Carlos Slim Helu overtook him on the rich list. With an existing fortune of $58 billion, Bill Gates has inspired millions of people to whom he […]

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Are You A 21st Century Employer?

Back in the early 80s during the Maggie era personnel was not seen an integral part of a business, it initially played a welfare role but quickly developed into playing an important role in industrial relations, but still worked as a short-term reactive solution provider.              Over the past 20 years, and as a result […]

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Do you know how to deal with a recession?

Over 69% of 200 business executives believe that the UK is heading towards a recession or a serious downturn and 47% expect to make some employees redundant during 2008. If you find yourself in this inevitable situation, identify the essential priorities for your business,  i.e. those that are achievable, do not require unnecessary investment and […]

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I Want to Think About It

“I want to think about it.” Baloney. If you believe and allow this excuse from customers, you and your family will be eating Ramen Noodle soup your whole career. When customers tell you they want to think about it, they are really telling you they either have an unspoken objection or they are not convinced […]

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