GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Words Are Cheap

Words are cheap. What matters is the true belief system behind your words and the actions you take because of those belief systems. Economies don’t improve, people improve. Waiting for something to happen is for losers. The most important economy is the one created between your ears. During down markets you have to get creative […]

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Super Bowl Ads: Super Marketing or Super Waste

My wife is from Pittsburgh, so you know what I was watching Super Bowl Sunday. Being a lifelong Bengals fan, it was painful for me to watch the game. Although the game wasn’t played well by either team, it was fun to watch the advertisements. I watched the ads not from a football fan or […]

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Phone Dynamics

The first step in advancing the productivity of your staff in using the phones is a better understanding in the importance that the telephone can play and how it affects your business. Often a lack of the right attitude is displayed in the treatment towards the receptionist position. The receptionist is usually hired without any […]

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People Still Love to Negotiate

Many times people say they don’t like to negotiate; yet, they still shop around and never pay full MSRP. Most people act in their own best interest. And most people who say they don’t like negotiating, actually still want to. There are three things you should always listen to in this business: 1. What people […]

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How LLC’s Can Convert To An S Corporation Saving Owners Big $

Atlanta CPA on How LLC’s Can Convert To An S Corporation Saving Owners Big Dollars LLC’s came in vogue approximately fifteen years ago when the state of Georgia enacted legislation allowing LLC’s (Limited Liability Company’s) to be established. Although the LLC does allow for some greater flexibility and ease of operation it often results in […]

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Tax Effects of Entity Choice of Incorporating in Georgia

Among the different ways of incorporating your business – C corporations, S corporations, and Limited Liability Corporations – there are practical reasons for choosing a given method, such as the number of shareholders or liability considerations. For many small business who are considering incorporating in Georgia, the tax advantage of the S corporation should not […]

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Choosing a Business Entity Type

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Incorporating as a Subchapter S Corporation, C Corporation, Limited Liability Corporation or Partnership When looking at what type of entity your business should be, we strive to balance the legal protection issues vs. the tax savings. Over the years, we have developed the mindset that there is no perfect election […]

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Grow Your Business – Say No to the Wrong Sale

How can you get more and better business by turning from the idea of selling to not selling? When ethics are a major consideration in marketing, there will be times when you have to turn down work. One of the challenges, at least at first, is getting comfortable with the idea- especially challenging if you’re […]

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Ten Ways a One-Page Business Plan Helps Expanding Companies

If your company is expanding or just starting, this planning article is for you. Know that you already have a plan. It’s in a place where it’s causing you more overwhelm and mistakes then it’s helping you. It’s time to take your plan from your head and put it in writing and I have the […]

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The Top Ten Small Business Startup Success Secrets

Achieving small business success is yours for the taking. Turn your passions into small business profits. Small business startups around the world continues to grow exponentially, the success rate has remained fairly consistent. Are you ready to achieve small business success?  So what can you do to ensure lasting success for your small business?  Take […]

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How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

How often have you either referred to or considered the expression, “Success is a journey and not a Destination?”  Probably many times, yet often being in a hurry to get there, we forget that success is not an end unto itself, but is instead an ongoing process. Though some people seem to have the Midas […]

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The 7 Principles of Mastering the Art of Negotiation

“Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.” ~John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) American president Most of us negotiate every day without realizing it.  However mention the word “negotiation” and some people get nervous.  It frightens them.  They imagine themselves at the car dealership and the hassles and pressure associated […]

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M&M Managers Stifle Risk Taking…Trust…Respect…Success

People. They’re the one dynamic variable in the success or failure of an organization.  They’re the glue that educators, academic theoreticians and financial folks have been unable to quantify. In the final analysis, people will make or break an organization.  This is especially true in an entrepreneurial or start-up firm that is finding its niche […]

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Management Needs New Strategy To Protect Company’s Assets

The price tag for Sprint in MCI Worldcom’s bidding war was a staggering $115 billion.  That’s more money dropped in a single transaction than the gross national income of more than 1/3 of the world’s countries. In the converging voice, data and video world as well as the rest of business and industry this record […]

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The Sales Presentation … The Bottom Line Is Selling

Selling is hard work, even in the virtual world of the Internet.  It requires strong motivation, personal pride, perseverance, flexibility, energy, discipline, and focus.  Above all, it requires communicating and being able to read/understand the prospects’ attitudes and needs, whether they are real or perceived.   A successful selling situation – especially when selling to […]

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Success Is No Accident. It Has To Be Strategically, Methodically Planned

Today’s marketplace is still exciting, vibrant and tolerant.  Every day, across the country, small groups of designers, sales people and application specialist who have great market niche ideas step forward to start the next killer company.  Unfortunately, these new companies are often like roving mobs, rather than armies planning to win on the battlefield. Two […]

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Escrow Documents For Buying And Selling A Business

During the course of the sale of a business, you will need to find out exactly what documents are needed and when they will be needed. There are a lot of legal processes involved and skipping or failing to carry out one of these areas properly can be disastrous for your future plans. Escrow documents […]

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Negotiate Like A Professional

Negotiating can be done in a professional manner that can increase customer satisfaction while helping to protect both parties’ interests. Let’s first look at some of the problems that give negotiating a bad name and then look at the solutions. A lack of training in negotiating in the automotive industry has put sales people at […]

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Increase Sales By 25 Percent

All sales people need to have a monthly sales goal for themselves. They also need to know how they arrived at that specific goal. Many times, these goals are based upon their past sales performance, but past results may not be indicative of performance. You can increase your sales by 25 percent or more. Identify […]

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How to Flood Your Dealership with Customers

There is a revelation that is shocking and, quite frankly, scary. A dangerous and potentially fatal mistake is being made everyday in businesses. The mistake is the confusion between strategy and tactics. Strategy is your overall goal for your business and your overall marketing philosophy to achieve those goals. Tactics are executable actions you take […]

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