GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Don’t Let Passions Rule When Buying a Business

For many, the American dream of owning a business is in queue right behind owning a home. I was a teenager when I owned my first business. Since then I have bought or started many businesses and helped others do the same. Here are some common mistakes I have witnessed or committed myself. Paying too […]

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Confidentiality Agreements: Their Importance To Business Buyers And Sellers

If you are planning to buy a business in the near future, or sell one for that matter, then you are probably thinking about the price you may have to pay, scheduling business appraisers, collating legal documents, putting in an offer and so on. The list of things to do is indeed long. However, one […]

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How to Increase Sales by 20% Without Spending More for Advertising

The managers in your dealership must have a written job description with clearly defined responsibilities and expectations. Having specific goals for the department is required. Daily action plans for selling, training, appointments, one-on-one coaching, save-a deal meetings, deal structuring, follow-up, etc will increase sales by 20 percent without spending more for advertising. If you read […]

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Lead Generation = Dollar Creation

All businesses are built on two areas of competency – people skills and marketing skills. Many sales people who are more than adequate in their sales and people skills are struggling today. The reason is most sales people lack enough opportunities with customers. Lead generation = dollar creation As a sales person you are in […]

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Find Your Hidden Wealth

What is hidden wealth? Hidden wealth is an unused, dormant or under utilized part of your business that contains great value. All businesses have at least one hidden wealth. Even the best businesses in the world contain hidden wealth. The key is to determine your hidden wealth and begin to mine the potential gold that […]

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How to Build a Winning Team

Each year at the start of football practice, Vince Lombardi, the coach of the Green Bay Packers started his season the same way. His opening statement to his players was, “This is a football.” Every year, John Wooden, the legendary basketball coach of the UCLA Bruins started his first practice of the season by demonstrating […]

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The Champion Coach

Great managers view themselves as coaches more than managers. There is an old adage: “Lead people and manage things.” There is a fine line between creating and utilizing systems and processes and micromanaging details without emphasizing the power of personal interaction. Good systems and processes should allow employees to raise their performance by giving them […]

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How to Build Trust During a Time of Change

Change and uncertainty often foster an environment of fear which leads to a lack of trust. The lack of trust can slow things down and create a higher cost of doing business. Building trust and restoring confidence can significantly impact bottom line results.  Here are some solid suggestions for building trust during a time of […]

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7 Ways to Raise Small Business Startup Financing

Starting your own business takes cash. Sometimes, it takes lots and lots of cash.  For many would be business owners this need for startup money feels like an insurmountable hurdle.  The good news is that there’s no reason to let the need for cash derail your business before it gets started.  These 7 tips and […]

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Search Engine Optimization and Where to Start

The first thing I would recommend is to do some research. Sign up for some SEO newsletters, join some news groups and browse web sites like these.SEO can be very in depth and continues for the length of owning your web site. Since this is a new web site here are some things to consider […]

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The Effective Way to Use Free Traffic Tools

Many people spend hours that turn into days that turn into weeks and even months attempting to sell things using free Click Exchanges, Pay to Click sites, Safelists, Ads, and Auto-surf sites only to end up not selling one single item for all of their effort. These sites provide their services for free in order […]

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The Most Important Decision of Your Life

On November 19, 2005, a day after having surgery, I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma cancer. I would compare receiving the news to going to the dentist and being numbed. However, this numbed my whole body. For 20 minutes I rushed through all kinds of thoughts and emotions – shock, anger, “why me?” questions, […]

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The Top 10 Mergers And Acquisitions (M&A) Of 2007

Business appeared to be booming for the top companies in all sectors during 2007 if the list of mergers and acquisitions is to be believed. The number of companies bought and sold was certainly impressive, with 42 FORTUNE 1,000 corporations exchanging hands. This number of corporation buyouts had not been reached since the year 2000. […]

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Should Your Business Seek Bankruptcy Protection?

Businesses, meaning corporations or partnerships, have two options in filing for bankruptcy:  Chapter 7 and Chapter 11.   (Individual self-employment businesses can also potentially file under Chapter 13)  Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Chapter 11 Chapter 11 is designed for businesses that seek to remain operating and wish to “reorganize” their debts.    Depending on how […]

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You Can Make Things Happen

Thoreau once said, “Things don’t change, people do.” If things are to happen, you must make them happen. Good people and businesses always make things happen. Let’s look at the essential rules of making things happen.         Rule 1 – Always have a CEO attitude – You must start by taking responsibility for all things […]

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You Are The CEO

Are you the CEO of your company? If you’re a sales person, and you answered no to this question, think again. To be successful you must have a CEO mentality. All successful sales people view themselves as a business within a business. Never forget that the company you work for writes and signs your check, […]

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Ten Commandments Of Self Development For Business Excellence

1. Leave your comfort zone: Many people feel very comfortable and complacent in their comfort zone.  Comfort zone refers to those areas of work with which we are happiest or fastest at.  It is often observed that people bask in their previous glory and stop putting further efforts towards development. Thus, they breed a feeling […]

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So You Want to Start Your Own Business?

If the time has come to strike out on your own you must, of course, begin with a plan for the operation of your new business. Preliminary considerations include where you will operate the business from (your home, rental space, purchasing or building, whether or not you will need to hire employees at the outset […]

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5 Branding Strategies for Entrepreneurs

Strategy is the brains of branding. So to rev up your business and your own personal profile, try out these 5 strategies that professional marketers use to position their brands successfully: 1. Own an Attribute (Think: Volvo and Safety) Let’s say you’re in a crowded, competitive field (aren’t they all?), and you’re having trouble distinguishing […]

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Maybe It’s Your Thoughts That Need A Diet

To change your life, you must get rid of old thoughts and be able to accept some new ones.  One of the greatest truths is that you create your life with your thoughts.  Your thoughts are what make things happen.  Thoughts and words have power. Each thought in your mind is the seed for everything […]

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