GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

More Hits are Good for My Website – A Myth You Should Avoid

I hear this all the time. “I can get you listed on 100,000 websites for $29.95″ and…”I can get you 100,000 hits on your website for the same price”. Avoid these like the plague. First off you don’t need a 100,000 visitors to your site. What you need is 100,000 clients on your site buying […]

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How to Turn Self Employment into Business Ownership and a Lifestyle

Why do business owners work so hard for so little reward? Why aren’t more business owners having a great entrepreneurial lifestyle instead of working virtually every hour of business operation? These are the important questions few self employed business owners are asking themselves. So just what is the point of owning a business if you […]

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Want an Effective PR Campaign? Write the Book

Two of the greatest challenges facing PR pros and clients in communicating their position in this age of two-way conversation are: staying on message over time, and remaining relevant to key audiences, press and publics alike. The news release, the 20th century PR workhorse, issued when something of “critical mass” occurs, is no longer an […]

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Why We’re Not Entering A Recession!

I found it quite a struggle to decide which topic to write about in this week’s article as there are a couple of things that have really made my blood boil, but I decided in the end to write about this so-called ‘recession’ that the media would have us believe is just around the corner. […]

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10 Tips for Developing a Stellar SEO Campaign

Great SEO is the product of sound research, actionable intelligence and thorough planning. The following tips can help keep you on-course as you navigate the process of developing a high-performance SEO campaign. 1. ROI – All efforts MUST be evaluated based upon their contribution to the bottom line. Rankings reports, bounce rate and traffic statistics […]

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What is Being Said About You Online?

When was the last time you performed an online search for your company name on your favourite search engine? Give it a try. Add quotation marks before and after your name for more precise results – this ensures that multiple search words are place in an exact order; as in your company name. Your website […]

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Succeeding at Business: Selling Socks and Taking Punches

A lot of us dream of starting our own business. It’s not easy. It’s not safe. That’s why so many of us do little more than dream. But: A number of years ago, 45 cab drivers in Madison, Wisconsin were “tired of being ripped off” by the cab companies they worked for. They pooled every […]

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Why Mission Statements are SO Important!

I entered into the world of mission statements a few years ago when someone asked me what the mission statement was for my business. I said, “It is written down in my office somewhere, I don’t know it off the top of my head.” The look on their face was surprising then and of course, […]

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CEO’s Need Coaching!

CEO’s have not been using a service that can provide them with great value. Historically CEO’s have relied on mentors and consultants for guidance and help learning the ropes of the lifestyle that is a CEO. After the ropes are understood there is no need for mentors or consultants, CEO’s are hired because they are […]

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10 Ways to Beef up Your Leadership Skills

Have you ever heard someone say, “Actually, I have to admit that I think I am really bad at managing other people. My staff all hate me and I’m incapable of doing my job”. The answer is no, of course. No one says this either because they don’t believe it, or because they don’t want […]

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10 Strategies for Beating Overwhelm

How many of us have been in a position where we have more to do than can realistically fit into one day, or week. So we spend all of our time feeling rushed, being rushed, and wondering how on earth we are going to manage. If you are having that feeling of overwhelm in your […]

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10 Critical Elements of a Successful Business

The rules that a successful business operate by today are very different from the rules of 20 to 30 years ago. The widespread use of technology has dramatically cut response times and elevated customer expectations of service. Competitive advantage is the catch cry, but most business owners struggle to articulate what their point of difference […]

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In Sales, Words Just Don’t Compute

In studies conducted by Motivational Systems of West Orange, New Jersey, researchers found that 72% of the 12,000 participants reported that, in first time meetings, non-verbal communication carried significantly more weight than a verbal message (words). Only 6% of the respondents paid the slightest attention to what a person said at a first time meeting. […]

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Hire A Six, To Consistently Produce Sales Success

For many years as a sales manager, I would only hire the stereotypical sales representative. You know the type—on a human relations continuum or scale of zero to ten, with the ten representing a candidate who is totally gregarious and outgoing and the zero, someone who is introverted with few people skills, I’d always recruit […]

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Now You Can Use Your 401k or IRA Account to Fund a Business

Based on an exemption in ERISA law, new business owners can get penalty-free access to their retirement funds to buy or start up a new business. Our pension actuaries have designed a multiple-employer trust plan that couples a 501(a) tax-deferred trust to an retirement plan that includes special pro rata, new-comparability and safe harbor features. […]

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The Niceties of Franchise Due Diligence

Sorting out your own best mode to invest in a franchise oportunity

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Top 5 Ways to Get More Sleep During These Tough Economic Times

Worrying causes us to sleep fitfully. Here are some ways you can stop the worrying and sleep better during these tough economic times. 1. You will sleep better if you feel as though you have accomplished something, educate yourself about your business, read books, trade magazines, newspapers and attend any seminars or online tele-seminars and […]

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Picking a Market

A lot of entrepreneurs start their own business because they have what they think is the next great million dollar idea. They spend countless hours and all of their money developing their idea with the thought, “If I build it, the customers will come.” That is the worst way to go about starting a business. […]

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The 5 Biggest Mistakes Made When Getting A Business Appraised

Most business owners will, at some point, want or need to know how much their business is worth. They will be faced with the task of finding someone to perform a business appraisal or valuation. Since this is unfamiliar territory, the owners often make some big mistakes.             Mistake #1 – Automatically Hiring Your Existing […]

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Why You Need a Business Planning System NOT a Business Plan

When someone mentions business planning we have been conditioned to think about writing a business plan. There are hundreds of books and articles, tons of software, an army of consultants, and a multitude government programs to help you write a business plan. There are virtually no resources to help you set up what today’s business […]

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