GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Questions To Ask When Forming Business Partnerships

George Labovitiz and Victor Rosanksy in their Smart Blog on Leadership discuss the advantages of partnering that is beneficial to mutual customers.  They cite as an example Wal-Mart and Procter & Gamble, a key Wal-Mart supplier.  People from both companies were brought together to find means of serving the needs of their shared customers better.  […]

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Security is Only as Secure as the User

“1668, the church kidnapped four Illuminati scientists and branded each one of them on the chest with the symbol of the cross to ‘purge’ them of their sins and they executed them, threw their bodies in the street as a warning to others to stop questioning church ruling on scientific matters. They radicalized them.” – […]

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YouTube Marketing For Startups – 4 Simple Tips

While YouTube has become a cultural phenomenon in that it’s the place where we watch hilarious videos of cats smoking cigarettes, it is also a channel where creative marketers can reach a huge audience for a relatively low cost. If you have a great idea, a sense of humor and are not afraid to get […]

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Hiring For Startups

One of the most formidable challenges in launching a successful startup is finding the right mix of talent, skills and attitudes to support your business model. I believe that great ideas only come to life with great people, so follow these Do’s and Don’ts and you’ll be in good shape on the ‘human capital’ front. […]

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Understanding Private Equity – The Pros and Cons of Private Equity

If you are looking for investors for your company, consider this New York Times article as a guide.  According to Jessica Bruder, you need to know what you want first.  Do you want control over the daily operations of your business?  Do you want to be involved in the business for the long haul?  Private equity may […]

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Books With Great Entrepreneurship Stories

Entrepreneurship is not always about starting or operating a business.   Bill Murphy Jr., in his article, says it is about executing a unique solution to a problem.  The author singles out books with characters that exemplify this quality to pursue opportunities in problem solving.  One such book is The Aeneid, Virgil’s epic.  The story […]

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WAHM – Empowering Women

A WAHM (work at home Mom) often finds that they get a lot more from their home business than money! Women who get involved in direct sales businesses do so for many different reasons. Some women get bored and want a new challenge, while others are looking for a way to make some extra money. […]

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CES The Greatest Show on Earth

Everyone – except people who have a clown or big crowd phobia – loves the circus. CES (Consumer Electronics Show) is one of the world’s biggest circuses on the globe with acts of all shapes, sizes and quality; each hungering for the cheers of the crowd. It isn’t often you see a lawyer as the […]

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Things You Need To Know About Business Marketing

If you want your business to be successful, it is vital to invest in effective marketing strategies that will help realize your dreams. You need to think outside the box and try things that are out of the norm in order to maximize on profits and become an industry leader. In addition to hiring a […]

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Local Business Citations are the Key to Small Business SEO

Few small businesses or firms offering local SEO services understand the effectiveness that citations can have on their rankings. Sure, they know that they need to show up in local results on Google places. But do they know how to compete with the other businesses already ranking there? Think about where you rank in the […]

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How to Use Article Marketing Effectively for Traffic Generation and SEO

Article marketing has long been considered an easy way to build some back links to your site. Of course, the value passed to your site through these links is known to be virtually negligible. Smart bloggers have also learned that the quality of the traffic sent from these sources is low quality. After all of […]

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How to Pick the Right Franchise for You

People with the entrepreneurial spirit may find franchise ownership the right fit for their abilities and lifestyle. American Express Open Forum lists some introspection questions a would-be franchisee should ask before investing his or her money into a franchise business.  Does the business match my interest and skills?  Will I enjoy running the business?  Does […]

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How to Start a Business While Raising a Family

Joe Cassara, a contributor of the Young Entrepreneur Council, is running a consulting practice.  He also creates startups and sells houses.  On top of this, he is also a husband and the father to three kids under 3 years old.  How then, does he manage his time between his family and jobs?  He wrote at […]

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How Lean Six Sigma Can Improve The Success Of M&As? Beyond The Financials

Did your last merger or acquisition (M&A) result in something less than what you had hoped or expected?  The financial statements and business valuations do not reveal every opportunity and potential problems that you will be faced with when you conduct your merger or acquisition.  In fact 70 percent of mergers fails to achieve its […]

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Brand Naming 101

This process should come with a warning…“Don’t try this by yourself!” Question: How many new businesses have the company or product name sorted out, before they have figured their route to market, their target customer or their USP (unique sales points)? Answer: Far too many! The managing director is always totally convinced by it, they […]

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The Economy, Online World And Mobile Devices Changed It All

“Then, they took everything about me and put it into a computer where they created this model of my mind. Yes! Using that model they managed to generate every thought I could possibly have in the next, say, 10 years.” – Jeffrey Goines, “Twelve Monkeys,” Universal Pictures, 1995 Depending on where you live on the […]

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Raising Capital For Your Business In 2013

Times are very hard now, the days where credit was easily available for businesses have since been replaced by bank managers being resigned to the fact that there is simply not enough money to go around. On the other hand funds are extremely crucial for businesses as growth from revenue is extremely hard to cement […]

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How to Save Your Business & Survive a Small Business Crisis

Small business owners dread circumstances that could wreak havoc on their companies.  At one time or another, businesses go through a crisis and wise owners or managers should be prepared to address this.  Nat Wasserstein, a corporate crisis manager, shares with his Intuit Small Business Blog readers some pointers on how to manage a business crisis.  […]

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How to Balance Entrepreneurship and Parenthood shares with its readers the advice of successful young entrepreneurs on how to handle growing children and a growing business.  Erin Blaskie says you have to be flexible despite having a schedule for small crises, especially with children, that may crop up.  Aron Schoenfeld says you should know your priorities.  A supportive family means […]

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Work-at-Home Moms Are Productive Moms

Yes, moms do a marvelous job whether they’re in the office or at home. In fact,  they can do a great job doing office work while working from home. It all comes down to biology: women are built to multitask. Whatever the job, there’s a mom at home able and willing to do the job. […]

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