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Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

The Top Rankings Fairy Tale

Over the Holidays I spent a lot of time reading fairytales with my nieces and nephew. The Little Mermaid and Mulan are the current favorites. It reminded me how nice it is to have something you believe in so unconditionally. To my nieces there is nothing more exciting than the magic of those fairytales. That’s […]

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How to Buy a Television or Radio Network

Communication comes in many forms including television and radio. You will remember that in the past decade there has been a surge not only in the types of music and television programs but in the number of television and radio networks. Some of these networks have grown and become quite profitable while others were disasters […]

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How Will Barack Obama Help Small Businesses

In America, the small business owner has been used to sitting on the sidelines and watching whilst the large corporations dominate all areas of industry. Many small business owners have gone out of business whilst others often struggle to survive. One of the reasons behind this was that the Bush administration tended to offer very […]

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The Missing Piece

The ultimate goal of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is to drive traffic to your site. Many people don’t know why, but they aren’t achieving this goal. The key is staying current and evolving with the times. Way back in the good old days, SEO was a lot easier and we saw results quickly. What do […]

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The Dreaded Google Penalty

There is always a lot of talk on SEO Forums about penalties. Recently there was some discussion about 3 specific Google penalties: The “-30 penalty” The “-950 penalty” Index Exclusion There has been a lot of debate about whether the drop of a website’s rank by 30 or 950 spots in Google is really a […]

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The Cynical SEO Drama Queen

It is time to look at those SEO questions from the folks who need help and guidance. Let’s take a read of some of the Dear SEO Drama Queen email which floods her box every day. Dear SEO Drama Queen I want a number one ranking for my web site. The keywords are clothes, sneakers […]

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Summer Time Slow Down

A lot of people think summer is slow and not the time to focus on their websites. So many people are out of town, some businesses slow down. Not to mention we all have concerns about the economy right now. I want to propose a different perspective. 1. People are sticking closer to home because […]

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Stop Sabotaging Your Success

The primary thought behind all techniques should be: “What is natural”? If you are constantly asking yourself, “Am I using this in a way that the search engines will view as a natural enhancement to my site and not as an overused and abused method”? then you should be fine. So, Keep it Natural, Don’t […]

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Why You Should Go To Networking Events

If you’re anything like me, there are probably times when you’ve booked onto a networking event and then when the day arrives, you question whether or not to go to it. My reasons are usually around the stack of work I’ve got building up on my desk and I debate whether to stay in the […]

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Pitch the Story, Not Your Book

Pitch your book and you have a certain number of stories and media hooks. Pitch yourself, your life experiences, your anecdotal stories and your book and you’ve suddenly broadened the bulls eye…

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SEO On A Budget Tips

I am often asked if small businesses have a chance at competing in the search engines and the answer is a resounding YES. It is true small businesses face some challenges that large companies may not. Small businesses typically have smaller budgets, less staff and more pressure as they try to get as much done […]

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SEO Myths

Let’s talk about some common SEO myths. SEO Myth # 1: Submission software is a one-time, one-size-fits-all solution, and SEO Friendliness is NOT a Factor. SEO TRUTH # 1: SEO Friendliness IS a KEY factor, and one time mass submission is not a solution. The cold hard truth is that if your site is not […]

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SEO Just Add Water NOT

SEO – Just Add Water…..NOT! I miss the old days….life was simple. Your TV had just a few channels, your phone was attached to a wall, and the computer was cool thing to have for the few who could afford one. But times change, our world changes and technology grows. TV has 200 plus channels […]

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Repeat Business – Use This Overlooked Concept and See Dramatic Increases in Happy Loyal Customers

You may not be familiar with the term “consumption” when it comes to your business, but it is something that is critically important and often overlooked. Let me tell you a story about a recent purchase I made… Like many women, I consider Sephora to be “the place” for beauty products. On one of my […]

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Press Releases Arent Dead

There used to be a lot of hype about online press releases. Recently it has died down a little bit. We are still finding that it works well for clients. But there are some very definite riles to follow. When done properly press releases are a great way to generate publicity, drive traffic and boost […]

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Plan For Success

The best way to create a user-friendly, powerful web site is to plan for it. If you’re going to invest time in building and promoting your site, you want to be sure that once visitors get there, they’re converted into buyers. Start by analyzing where you are at the present, where you want to go, […]

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Optimizing Your PDF Content Discover Missed Opportunities

Most people are pretty good about getting their webpages optimized, however most people are missing an opportunity with other content. Keep reading to find out if you are too. Most people don’t realise this, but you can actually optimize a PDF document. A lot of my content is in PDF format. All my white papers […]

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Letting Your Customers Off Too Easy

There is great opportunity on your website that is often overlooked by site owners.  The opportunity lies on the often ignored Thank You Page. When people are in “buying mode” it is the perfect opportunity to pull out the big guns and really show them what you have to offer.  After someone has added one […]

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Keep Visitors On Your Site Longer

In order to increase sales and the number of subscribers you get, you want to keep visitors on your site longer. If people leave too quickly they aren’t seeing all that you have to offer. Work on keeping people on your site longer and you will definitely notice an increase in opt-ins and sales. Some […]

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Is Search Engine Positioning Dead

One of the trendiest takes on Internet marketing these days seems to be this notion that securing top search engine rankings “no longer works.” Where it started, I have no idea. But rarely does a week go by when I don’t see one or more Internet marketing “experts” claiming that search engine positioning is largely […]

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