GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Examining Your Motivations To Buy A Business

Much like having children or buying your own home, you cannot just buy a business on a whim. The ramifications if you do are huge and the business is likely to ultimately fail. However, if you have thought about starting or buying a business then the likelihood is that you have begun to examine your […]

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Small Business Statistics And Failure Rates

Ever businessman or woman’s worst fear is failure. Unfortunately, small businesses can be extremely vulnerable to certain factors. For example, they may be vulnerable to hard economic times, poor marketing, and other problems such as a lack of owner interest. This does not apply to every small business but does tend to worry owners. The […]

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A.P. Giannini: The Entrepreneur Behind The Bank Of America

In this modern day and age, we tend to forget those individuals that made breakthroughs in the 19th Century and early 20th Century. We take their creations and businesses for granted, even though they have stood the test of time, and yet many budding entrepreneurs could learn a lot from them today. A.P. Giannini is […]

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Fear and the Success Mindset

If fear is your sole motivator, you’ve already lost, because by definition, even if you become a billionaire, you can’t be a success. Who defines success as leading a wealthy, opulent, fearful life?

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2008 Most Powerful Women In The World

Business is and always has been a man’s world. To some extent that is largely still true because more men are occupying Chief Executive roles within companies all over the world. This is not to say that there are not powerful women out there who could serve as a fantastic example for other women to […]

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Sales 101 Doesn’t Get The Job Done

Part of what ESR does is to identify, size, and prioritize the gaps that exist between our clients’ sales teams’ skill sets and what is required for them to win more business, sooner, and at higher contract values. There are different ways to categorize those gaps. For the purposes of this post, let’s look at […]

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What’s the Half-Life of Sales Training?

At one point during one of the workshops I facilitated in Ireland two weeks ago, a CEO said, matter-of-factly, “… and you know what the half-life of sales training is…” He was discussing how his company took a more formal approach to sales effectiveness than just sales training, and the benefits that structure and process […]

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Michael Dell: The Biography Of The Dell Inc. Founder And CEO

Michael Dell is one of the leading figures of the computing world today and the head of one of the most recognizable brands. Dell computers grace the desks of offices all over the world because they are amongst the best. As such, Michael Dell is one of the figures of the 21st Century that you […]

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5 Public Relations Musts During Economic Tough Times

If you put a strategy in place, you can not only weather, but grow your business during uncertain times.

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Work-Life Balance

“We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” – Anonymous Quite a statement, isn’t it? However, I have to say that I don’t totally agree with it. I don’t think we have to completely get rid of the life we […]

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Preparing to Sell Your Business: Guidelines for Local Growing Companies

With the capital markets remaining relatively strong and stable and with the overhang (e.g. raised but yet to be invested) in the private equity markets still estimated at nearly $500 billion dollars, many technology, IT, software, defense and government contractors in the Washington, D.C. regions remain prime targets for acquisitions (or a significant investment) by […]

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Uncovering and Leveraging Your Hidden Intangible Assets

CEO’s and business leaders of growing companies inside and outside the Beltway are guilty of committing a very serious strategic sin: the failure to properly protect, mine and harvest the company’s intellectual property. From 1997 to 2001, billions of dollars went into the venture capital and private equity markets and the primary use of these […]

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Raising Growth Capital In 2008 And Beyond

After more than two decades of being an entrepreneur, serving as a legal and strategic advisor to entrepreneurs and growing companies, and speaking and writing on entrepreneurial finance, I have found one recurrent theme running through all of these businesses: Capital is the lifeblood of a growing business In an environment where cash is king, […]

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Making Money in an Economic Downturn

If you’re a savvy business person, you understand that an economic downturn is precisely the time you can have a greater impact and get a bigger bang for your marketing buck.

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My Book’s Self-Published Can I Still Get Media Coverage?

A self-published author’s real struggle has to do with distribution and marketing. When it comes to media relations, if you do it right, you can play in the same ballpark as the majors.

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When to Call In the Big Dogs

We all know the importance of SEO and getting your site listed in the top of the engines so you can tap into all that traffic out there that is searching for exactly what you have to offer. The question is how do you optimize your site and tap into your piece of the pie? […]

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What You Dont Know About Keywords That Your Competitors May Know

Did you know that 25% of searches each month are brand new, never before seen search words and phrases? That is shocking. You would think with the number of search queries running through Google, they have seen it all. We spend so much time on keyword research – and rightfully so, it’s the foundation of […]

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What Google Wants

There are so many articles out there on SEO and so many conflicting opinions. Some of those opinions are people just spouting off without any solid evidence to back it up and others are based on tests and experiments done by the author. It can be really confusing for someone trying to understand SEO. Who […]

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Understanding the Search Engines

Here is a simplified view of how the search engine algorithms work: Think of the engines like teachers handing our gold stars (or check marks) for everything that you do well. Google currently has about 200 factors in their algorithms that determine how your site will rank. The process they go through is the equivalent […]

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Treasure Trove of Website Tips

Recently people have been asking for tips and “Do’s and Don’ts” for website design and content. Whether you are building a new site or redesigning a current site, here is a collection of tips that you’d be wise to follow: Create your site with a clear hierarchy and interconnection of pages. Your most important pages […]

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