GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Putting the Marketing Basics in Place Part 2

This week is part 2 of my guide on getting your marketing basics in place. Last week, we covered why it was important to know who your customers are; decide on what you actually do and know why your customers buy from you. But, there are three other things that you need to get in […]

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The Value of Time

When most people are asked, “Would you like to be more successful?’ they invariably answer yes.  Yet they rarely stop to consider the one thing that separates the highly successful from the rest of the world.   Before I share the answer with you, let’s consider what success actually means.  Most people equate success with earning […]

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Debbi Fields – Mrs Fields Cookie Entrepreneur

Debbi Fields is currently one of the best known and best loved entrepreneurs in the United States today. Not only has she introduced amazing baked goods for people of all ages to enjoy, but she has also proved that it is possible to live the American Dream in this modern day and age. Unlike other […]

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In Prosperous Periods Promote Tactically, In Down Times Promote Strategically

Economists are unanimous that regardless of what governments do it will take time, a lot of time, to rebuild faith in financial institutions and rejuvenate the economy. The sudden realization that the emperor had no clothes and magnitude of the financial crisis is only now being fully addressed. In a knee jerk reaction management is […]

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PR Lessons from the Delphic Oracle

I recently visited Greece, including Delphi—home, in ancient times, of the Delphic oracle. To produce her prophecies, the oracle chewed hallucinogenic laurel leaves and/or inhaled volcanic fumes and raved nonsense, which the attendant priests translated into ambiguous prophecy. The oracle was a smash hit in the ancient world, not just Greece.   Potentates as far away […]

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The Top 5 Small Business Marketing Tips for Budget-Minded Business Owners

When it comes to running a successful business, marketing is essential. For a small business, marketing often seems like a daunting task – especially when it comes to marketing your business on the web. Many times, budget-minded business owners fear that small business marketing needs to be expensive in order to be effective. Fortunately – […]

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The 3 Things Your Web Professional Must Provide to Ensure a Site’s Success

Building and developing a website is an ongoing process, but you need a firm foundation in place to ensure your site’s success for the long-term.  Your web professional must be able to provide three critical elements that will drive your future success, and each component plays a role in the overall look, feel, functionality, and […]

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Which Comes First – Website Design or Website Promotion?

Many business owners get stuck during the phases of website design and website promotion; how do you decide which strategy to deploy first? At first glance, it may seem as though one project comes before the other, but the truth is you need to employ both simultaneously to keep your site on the right track.  […]

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The Three Reasons Your Small Business Needs a Blog

Just a few short years ago hardly anyone knew what a blog was, but now, because they are so easy to set up and maintain, their popularity has blossomed beyond all expectations. Blogs are not just for ordinary people who wish to expound on their hobby or area of special interest. Blogs are for the […]

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You’re Not After Clicks… You’re After Sales!

Driving traffic to your site is great, as far as it goes – but it’s not enough.  You need proven ways to convert prospects into buyers. When your site is primed for search engine optimization (SEO), you get tons of traffic coming to you for free.  Great, right?  But many small business owners make the […]

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How to Get Your E-Mail Marketing Past Spam Filters and Firewalls and Into Your Customer’s Inbox

E-mail marketing is a tremendously valuable tool for small and large companies that do business online. However, some companies find that there are a number of challenges that get in the way of their e-mail marketing campaigns. In part, this is because many of your customers and prospects take advantage of Spam filters that have […]

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Want More Web Traffic? 5 Make-or-Break Tactics to Help the Search Engines Find Your Small Business

Choosing effective small business keywords can be an intimidating task.  Everyone knows that going to search for anything on a major search engine like Google can often return thousands of results.  But does that mean defeat for your local small business?  No! There are a lot of things that can be done to get your […]

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Are You Making These 5 Common Pay-Per-Click Advertising Mistakes?

Because of the ability to specifically target your unique prospects based on interest as well as geography, the ability to tightly control your ad spend and to precisely measure results, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) is probably the greatest breakthrough to come along in advertising since the launch of television.  And, because of those same benefits, it’s much […]

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Social Media Optimization Can Lead to Better Social Bookmarking Results

Social bookmarking sites are an extremely valuable tool for those who are looking at all of their small business marketing options. Of course, in order to fully take advantage of the results that social bookmarking sites can yield, it is important to look into social media optimization, and to understand that it is up to […]

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7 Things You Can Do Today to Make Google Fall Head Over Heels in Love with Your Small Business Website

Creating your own small business website can be a scary thing to do. It requires some planning to get it right and make Google sit up and take notice of your site at first glance. Small business website search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the keys, but all too often, astute business people leave […]

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Putting the Marketing Basics in Place Part 1

The other day, I was working with a client and talking about their marketing.  All the questions that I asked, they were able to answer and I realised that they had all the marketing basics in place and they were ready to move onto the next level. That gave me an interesting thought – THEY […]

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Premium Sales and Service, On Rye. Hold the Baloney.

At a party I started chatting with a nice guy, late 20’s or so, neatly dressed, with bright, intense eyes. We talked weather, current events, the usual stuff, and then I popped the question. “So, what do you do?” He smiled. He said he recently bought a route in his area selling cold cuts and […]

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Refocused Management Thru the Downturn

“In a hurricane even a turkey can fly.” Author Unknown Not since l990 have we seen a downturn in the economy as we have in recent months.  The vision of a turnaround has been pushed out until at least next year and most indicators point to the bottom of our double-dip and mild improvements will […]

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Just Because You Don’t Want To Hear It, Doesn’t Mean It Isn’t True

This article may not make me real popular with many site owners, but it is the honest truth. So many people want top rankings but they aren’t truly prepared to do what it takes to get those top rankings. The truth is the foundation of your site is important to the success of your SEO […]

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Has Your Site Been Banned From Google?

Does Google Forgive?  Forget the Sandbox – when you are in the doghouse, will Google ever “forgive” you and release your site back into the SERPs (search engine results pages)? We all understand the importance of top Google rankings – and in some cases people may get a little desperate for rankings and try things […]

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