GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Get Inside Your Prospects Head

Do you ever shake your head and wonder why so many prospects fail to pull the trigger when you’ve clearly made a compelling case for them to do so? To those of us in Sales, it makes no sense – it’s clear as day that they should. But for some reason we can’t fathom, it […]

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Planning Helps the Heart Grow Fonder

The world’s oldest form of business partnership is alive and well. In fact it is thriving and growing. It is the business partnership of two people who live together; they are called copreneurs. Copreneurs make a powerful business team. Their special relationship brings a unique synergy to their company. They also face unique pitfalls. It […]

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Selling A Business To Family Members

There are nowhere near as many family businesses around as there used to be. They have given way to larger corporations and companies that seem to have very few ties to the modern family. The majority of those family companies and businesses that still do exist are small businesses and may not necessarily have been […]

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Tom Monaghan: Domino’s Pizza Founder And Entrepreneur

There are various entrepreneurs that are alive and well in the world at the moment, making their fortunes and enjoying their fantastic lifestyles. However, there are very few that give up their entire business portfolios to dedicate themselves wholly to philanthropic interests. Tom Monaghan most definitely falls into the latter category. Monaghan is an excellent […]

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How to Buy a Mortgage Business for Sale

The mortgage business industry can be tricky.  You can invest a fortune or a small amount depending on what part of the mortgage field you decide to go into.  There are several options available to you when making your decision on which mortgage business for sale to invest in. Membership Mortgage Business One type of […]

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The Secrets of Selling Your Business

14 Steps to Maximum Value and Profit Professional M&A (merger & acquisition) experts follow well-defined, orderly steps to sell a business. It is the only way to negotiate the best deal structure and price. As a business owner interested in selling your company, you will probably rely on an intermediary to take these steps for […]

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Change The Way You Promote Your Business, Or Else

Over the past several decades, the marketing function has undergone evolutionary change.    During the 1950’s and 1960’s, marketing was fairly simple.  There were fewer product categories and fewer products.  There were few media vehicles: television was just coming of age, there were only a few major weekly magazines, and FM radio had yet to be […]

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Ad Spending In A Recession

In a soft economy, shortsighted executives will panic and bolster their next quarterly earnings report by cutting the ad budget. It’s a quick fix. But it is a costly one! Here are five good reasons NOT to trim your advertising and promotion budget in an economic downturn.

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Using Ad Specialties in Your Promotion Mix

They’re called gimcracks, gewgaws, doodads, and chotchkies. They’re ad specialties. Those pens, notebooks, key fobs, coffee mugs, and sports accessories brandishing your company’s name and logo.  And they’re one of the most cost-effective marketing weapons in your arsenal. Your company logo or imprinted message gets lasting exposure. Statistically, more than a third are still being […]

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Blogger, WordPress, Sub-Domain, Sub-Directory, New Domain – Oh My!!

When it comes to setting up your Blog, there are many options and it’s enough to drive you crazy. Here is some information for each option… Blogger Versus WordPress WordPress offers a lot more customization and has more marketing and SEO power.  Some people think since Google owns Blogger it gives you a boost – […]

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A Real Life View of PR

Many mistakenly view PR as an emergency measure, a tool to be utilized during a crisis, or as a temporary supplement to a marketing campaign. In reality public relations is the most effective strategic business tool at your disposal.

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Telling is not Selling

I know you have heard that before, and probably understand it at some level. I’ve heard plenty of people use that phrase, and then in the next breath say, “sell the benefits not the features” – which shows that they truly do not have a full understanding of the concept.  I think it might be helpful […]

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The Best Advice I Ever Got

This little incident happened about 30 years ago at an industry conference I was attending.  I was in the real estate business and the industry was going through some difficult times.   I was young and thought I knew a lot more than I did.  I thought I was fairly smart.  But I learned a valuable […]

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The Media and the Economic Self Fulfilling Prophecy

The media needs to report the facts, regardless how grim, about the economic troubles. But, the messages of doom-and-gloom tend to become self fulfilling prophecies. The trouble is that in order to get our economy back on track, ultimately what we need to address is a confidence issue and one is going to spend or lend if they are continually being terrorized by the media.

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11 Timeless Tips for Interviewing a Sales Candidate

When I was a VP of sales, I had no training in hiring.  I was lucky enough to hire some winners who contributed to my company’s (and my) success.  But I also hired too many of those reps who were good enough to sell me during the interview but couldn’t sell enough of our software […]

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Small Business Ideas: How To Evaluate Your Business Idea

If you are considering starting a new business in the near future then you either have aspirations to be your own boss or you have viable small business ideas. It may be that you have both. However, without good business ideas that have the potential to fulfill a need your business will struggle to take […]

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How To Start A Business In California

Starting a business for the very first time is incredibly difficult today. Market trends and service demands are extremely hard to predict in the modern marketplace, but if you have a specific state in mind, or even better a specific area of an individual state, then there are hints and tips that can help to […]

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Mark Cuban: Dallas Mavericks Owner & Billionaire Entrepreneur

Mark Cuban is undoubtedly the ultimate billionaire entrepreneur. At the age of 24 he was working as a bartender in Dallas, Texas but today he is one of the most prolific billionaires in the world purely and simply because of his portfolio of business ventures and investments. With a personal fortune of $2.8 billion, Cuban […]

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How To Start A Business In Florida

There were over 25 million small businesses in the United States in 2006, thus making this sector one of the largest in the country. Hundreds of thousands of people start their own businesses every year in various states but one of the most popular areas for new business is Florida. Starting a business in Florida […]

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Ray Kroc: The Biography Of The McDonald’s Entrepreneur

Today, McDonald’s is synonymous with fast food throughout the world. No matter where you go on your travels, you are likely to find a McDonald’s restaurant somewhere nearby. It is one of the biggest global brands in the world alongside Coca Cola and it may be hard to believe that it was the work of […]

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