GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

How to Sell a Business for Maximum Profit

When selling anything, it is important to focus more on the motivations of the buyer than those of you the seller.  When selling your business you need to imagine what potential buyers might want to gain from an acquisition and make sure you give them what they want.  We investigate this further in another article […]

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How Serious Business Buyers Can Buy a Business

Buying a company is an example of that classic situation where there is only one item for sale with potentially multiple buyers.  As one of several bidders you must expect to be viewed both in terms of the absolute value of your offer and perhaps more importantly in terms of your relative strength against other […]

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You Have Earned The Right

You have done an excellent job prospecting. You have qualified the prospect. You have spent time sending news letters, making information gathering appointments, developing a first class financial plan that fits their needs perfectly. This is the time to present and close! Then, just as you have finished presenting the plan, you realize that you […]

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Working 5 To 9

Adjust your clocks as the world of work is changing. People in their thousands are heading home from the day job to build a business at nights and weekends. It’s what we call the 5 to 9 economy and it’s a great way of starting a business as it means low cost and low risk. […]

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Sales Lessons From The Presidential Race

No matter what side you were on, here are a few observations, affirmations and truths, post-election, with respect to selling: Strategy and tactics are equally important. The purpose of executing tactics in a sales campaign is to drive a well-founded strategy. Tactics without a strategy is like playing darts with your eyes closed. Message! Not […]

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How To Protect Your Great Business Idea

One of the things that new business owners tend to be very scared of is someone else stealing their business idea. After all, they’ve spent a lot of time, effort, energy and money developing the idea and the last thing they want is someone stealing the business idea and developing it instead. I’ve even known […]

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Top 10 Time Management Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs

I don’t think I’ve ever met a business owner who wasn’t busy. Managing your time is one of the hardest things you’ll need to do as an entrepreneur. There’s always too much to do, so you’ll need to manage your time well in order to get everything done. Here are my top time management tips: […]

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The Top 10 Small Business Opportunities

It is a fact that, in order for a new small business to succeed today, it needs to be able to fulfil a need in the marketplace. Small businesses that provide a product or service that hundreds of other accessible, larger, and successful companies provide as well almost always fail. As such, starting a new […]

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7 PowerPoint Presentation Bloopers

Microsoft PowerPoint is the software of choice for many when it comes to making a presentation before students, employees, project team members and the like. As with other similar presentation packages, it offers many useful features and functions. The downside is that in all too many presentations, the technology takes center stage, shunting the presenter […]

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12 Things You Absolutely Must Know Before Buying A Business

Buying a business has been characterized as risky.  However, if you do your due diligence, you will reduce the risk into an opportunity.  I advocate buying a business when you want to grow more quickly and especially when there are assets that will enhance the total operation. Before you buy a business, consider these factors: […]

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Top 10 Business Valuation Mistakes

As a business owner the business valuation process seems like a big black box. You insert lots of information into it and several weeks later you get a very thick and confusing report that tells you how much your business is worth. The problem is you don’t understand the process or the report and don’t […]

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The 8 Biggest Mistakes When Buying A Business

Many people dream of owning a business. I was a teenager when I started my first business. Since then I have bought or started many businesses and helped others do the same. Here are some common mistakes I have witnessed or committed myself. Mistake #1 – Paying too much This results from the combination of […]

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Selling Your Business? How To Increase Your Selling Price

Are you thinking about selling your business?  Maybe you are ready to retire to Hawaii and play golf.  Maybe you want to sell your current business and invest those profits in a new for-profit or non-profit venture.  There are many reasons to sell your business, however the primary goal of most sellers is to sell […]

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Entrepreneurs Should See Opportunity In Recession

Aldonna R. Ambler, CMC, CSP, The Growth Strategist™ opened the EverythingJersey Conference with tips from leaders of the fastest growing companies. “Being able to focus despite background noise is your most important skill,” she said. It is easy to be distracted with worries about payroll, access to credit, competition, and the election. So, Ambler encouraged […]

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How To Buy A Profitable Business Without Losing Your Shirt

You may finally be in the position to fulfill your life-long dream of owing your own business and feel that buying an existing profitable business offers many advantages to starting from scratch.  That may or may not be true.  An existing profitable business will have customers, employees, established product lines and the existing equipment necessary […]

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10 Tips On Choosing The Right Business Partner

Starting up your own business today is not an easy task. There is so much to think about, including cash flow, start up costs and employment figures, but that is only after you come up with a viable business idea to begin with and get the right structure in place. For example, you may choose […]

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Colonel Harland Sanders: KFC Entrepreneur

Colonel Harland Sanders has one of the most recognisable faces in the world today, but many people would not actually know it if they saw it. This is because it has long been the face of KFC, or Kentucky Fried Chicken to give the company its full name. The red and white KFC icon features […]

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Dave Thomas: Entrepreneur And Founder Of Wendy’s

Dave Thomas has one of the most recognizable faces in America, despite the fact that he died on January 8, 2002. This is largely because he appeared in over 800 commercials between 1989 and his death to advertise his entrepreneurial venture, Wendy’s. Dave Thomas was a born entrepreneur and exhibited the signs of that from […]

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Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz – The Coffee Entrepreneur

Going to work first thing in a morning is never the same unless you stop for a cup of coffee on your way into the office, and the most common outlet to stop to get your caffeine hit is probably Starbucks. Having visited at least one of the world’s favorite coffee shops, you may be […]

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Back to Basics

When was the last time you were asked to prepare an East-West Seafood Bisque with Gosling’s Aioli & Shrimp-Garlic Chive Dumpling* ? I don’t think I ever have been. But if I were to be asked to, I’d invest the time necessary – but no more – to figure out how to do it, so […]

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