Use This One Tactic and You Will Rise to The Top of Your Profession

Are you looking for a change in your life? Do you feel that you’ve stopped growing as a person? Do you feel that your life and career have stagnated and you’re ready to take them to the next level? Are you dissatisfied with your current position and eager to advance to a happier and more prosperous position?

The only way to survive and rise to the top of the successful career ladder in today’s economic conditions is to become a wise, effective, and unmatched professional who cannot be replaced or laid off. You must be indispensable! You must be independent, in control, and able to find and attract the best possible position for your skill set-so that even if you ARE laid off, you can still fight your way back to success. And the only way to achieve all of that is to CHANGE.

Let’s face it – we all need to change and improve our lives for the better in one way or another. Most people do try their best to improve their lives so that they can have all the things they dream of for themselves and their families. But the fact is that very few people follow the right approach to real change. Some try to develop new habits, some quit their jobs and start their own businesses, some go back to school, some relocate to other countries where they can find higher salaries and better positions.

You might have noticed, however, that although everyone tries to change, only a select few actually succeed in that endeavor and are able to make significant changes and improvements in their lives. Those few lucky people seem to possess some hidden secrets that allow them to effortlessly advance and reach higher levels of success.

But you can join their ranks. As a professional, you can easily and effectively change any aspect of your life just by mastering and following the ONE tactic that is responsible for any life change. This ONE tactic has been used by all successful people throughout history-a fact I can state confidently based on my own research and the interviews I conducted with over one hundred of the world’s most successful thought leaders and business experts.

All of those experts understand that they absolutely cannot waste their time and energy on activities that don’t lead to positive outcomes. They know that they need to focus on just ONE thing, the ONE tactic that holds all the power to totally transform their lives.

That one tactic is THOUGHT CONTROL.

Here’s the #1 fact you need to understand and imprint in your mind: When you change your thoughts, you change your reality.

If you want to change any aspect of your life, no matter what it is, you need to first change the corresponding thoughts. Your thoughts drive everything in your life because your thoughts trigger actions and actions trigger results. A thought is the beginning of any manifestation. Thoughts have the power to change the whole world.

To demonstrate the power of thought and how it can lead to dramatic change, let me take you back five thousand years and share with you a short scene from the reign of the pharaoh Akhenaten.

Akhenaten was a pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty of Egypt, as well as a philosopher and a thinker. In the early years of his reign, he lived in Thebes with his wife Nefertiti and his six daughters. Initially, he permitted the worship of Egypt’s traditional deities to continue at the nearby Temple of Karnak. In the fifth year of his reign, however, the pharaoh began a major religious reformation that resulted in the deterioration of his relationship with the priests of the god Amun-Ra.

This relationship was completely broken when Akhenaten eventually took the decisive step of establishing the sun disc Aten as the exclusive, monotheistic god of Egypt. He then disbanded the priesthoods of all the other gods and diverted the income from those cults to support the god Aten.

Soon after the reformation, the pharaoh began construction on his new capital of Akhetaten, or “Horizon of Aten,” at the site known today as Amarna. In honor of Aten, Akhenaten also oversaw the construction of some of the most massive temple complexes in ancient Egypt. In these new temples, Aten was worshipped in the open sunlight rather than in dark temple enclosures, as had been the previous custom.

Do you see what a life-altering change a single thought can lead to? Like Akhenaten, you too can effect a massive positive transformation in your life simply by changing your thoughts and inhabiting new and powerful ones.

Here’s to the most important thought control tactic ever: CLARITY.

You need to understand that all the knowledge and support in the world won’t help you achieve anything unless you KNOW WHAT IT IS THAT YOU WANT.

When you know what you want, you hold the ultimate power to create the ideal life that you dream of. Clarity of purpose is the most powerful thought control tactic ever known.

Before I end this article, I want to ask you to do one thing: over the next month, think deeply about what you want out of your life. What is your life purpose?

About the author:
Mohamed Tohami, author of the internationally highly-acclaimed book entitled The Pharaohs’ Code: Creating a Joyful Life and a Lasting Legacy, helps unfulfilled corporate professionals transform their lives from making a living to making a difference!
My website is at:


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