Raise Your Work Quotient

Five Strategies to Increase Your Value to the Company.

Guess what? There’s a lot more to being successful at work then showing up as a committed team player, putting in your 40 hours, and participating in the company’s annual softball tournament. Instead, you must raise your work quotient – the value of your work capacity to the organization. Here are 5 strategies to increase your work quotient, raising the bar to become more savvy about your contribution to the organization, increase your productivity, and get tapped on the shoulder for a promotion. Be brave, stand up to the plate, and incorporate these strategies into your work and life. 

1.  Keep learning and get out of your box – What skills can you develop that will help you and your company? You can learn from your manager, peers, and team. Register for a course, a conference, or a workshop. Every week, do some research, reading, and investigation. Remember, when you strengthen yourself, you strengthen your organization. This investment will eventually pay dividends.
2.  See new perspectives – Before you blame or judge colleagues, a manager, or a CEO, look at the situation from their point of view. What are their stresses and priorities? As Stephen Covey says, “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” Thinking in this way will help you avoid negative or harsh judgments and, instead, develop constructive suggestions and positive, long-term relationships.
3.  Assume your manager is busy – Be vigilant when you ask your manager for time. Think twice before you barge in and interrupt. First look to your peers for help or search for the answer on your own. Today, knowledge is at your fingertips! If you really do need your manager’s help, cluster your questions. And don’t pounce when you have concerns or complaints! Think about sharing your concerns in advance, so your manager can prepare his or her thoughts and schedule a discussion later. Busy managers appreciate that you respect their time.
4.  Think like a manager – Get creative. Think strategically. If you want to be a manager or executive, you must start thinking like one. What is important to the company? What new ideas and suggestions can you offer? Demonstrate to your manager and colleagues that your skills and expertise reach beyond your job description. You have to stretch your thinking if you want more responsibility and flexibility – and get promoted.
5.  Be certain your ego matches your talent – Evaluate your professional performance and attitude. Remember the saying, “Your attitude measures your altitude.” If you’re talking big, check twice to make sure you can back it up. Where is the proof that you add value to your team and company? Is there good reason for you to toot your horn? What do others say about you? Consider participating in a 360-degree evaluation, which provides feedback from your manager and peers.

This tool will help you learn how others see you and will help you make positive changes in your behavior, attitude, and “altitude.”

Your work quotient lays the foundation for your future. Integrate these 5 strategies to guarantee that you’ll raise your own bar and add influence and impact to your company. 

About the author:
Elizabeth M. Lengyel, President of PeopleCoach, Inc., delivers career breakthroughs. A trusted career strategist and advisor, Elizabeth is passionate about helping professionals get juiced about their careers. The result? Clarity, energy, and lasting impact by landing a great job in the right career. Visit her website to receive “Career Boost,” a free 7-part audio program, and to hear her invigorating weekly radio show: Career Juice! Refresh & Revitalize Your Work.
My website is at: http://www.PeopleCoach.com


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