Be the CEO of Your Own Career!

How can you identify a different job or career, find time to job hunt, and get back to enjoying the game of life? Thinking like a CEO will help you map out a successful career with work that’s fulfilling and energizing. 

As a Chief EXPLORATION Officer, your first step is to engage in self-exploration – This is key to career planning and decision-making. If you know yourself, your interests, and strengths, you’ll make informed career decisions. A great way to hone in on your natural talents is to think about your childhood dreams and passions. What did you enjoy doing? Whom did you enjoy being with? What types of games did you like to play? What were your favorite sports, interests, or hobbies? What type of stories did you read? What did you wish for? The past holds significant clues and can help you select several career fields that may be a match for you. 

As a Chief EXPERIENTIAL Officer, you must talk to the people who are actually in the career that you’ve identified – This step gives you a reality check. Seek out at least 5 people who are working in your selected career field. The more people you interview, the better. You’ll find common themes and information that will be invaluable to your career planning process and your final decision. Please don’t hesitate to contact these people. Most people love to talk about themselves and their expertise. 

If possible, ask to meet with them in person. When you meet, be candid and curious. This is your opportunity to learn from people who are working in the career that you are considering. Plan some questions in advance:

  • Do you enjoy your job?
  • What kind of education and experience do you recommend I have?
  • What do you dislike about your job?
  • What does someone need in order to be successful in this career?

You might also invite one of these professionals to be your mentor as you move forward with your personal career goals.

As a Chief EDUCATIONAL Officer, you need to examine the competencies and skills required in your choice of work – Once you determine one or more career options, list the skills and competencies that you need to move forward with your career choice. What do you currently know? What do you need to learn? List the gaps, and then make a plan to fill the gaps. You can beef up competencies and skills in a variety of ways: classes, degree programs, and certification programs; internships or apprenticeships; reading; working with a career coach; and volunteer activities. 

As a Chief ENGAGEMENT Officer, you will have to stay on top of your game – You must stay self-motivated, energized, and engaged in your career-planning process. It takes energy and commitment to explore career options and make career decisions. What feeds your energy level? Think about what nourishes and nurtures you, such as adequate sleep and daily exercise. Do you need to change your schedule to allow time for your career planning? Do you need to change anything in your environment, such as creating a home office? How can your friends and family help you stay engaged and moving forward? 

As a Chief EMPLOYMENT Officer, you are your greatest resource for finding the right job – Your career planning process will help you find the right job for the right money. Without doubt, networks are the #1 resource for finding your next job. Share your career plans and aspirations with friends, peers, and family members. You may be surprised whom presents you with a great lead that helps you land the perfect job. However, it’s up to you to turn your career dreams into reality. 

Are you ready for a career change? If so, remember to think like a CEO and give your life wings!

About the author:
Elizabeth M. Lengyel, President of PeopleCoach, Inc., delivers career breakthroughs. A trusted career strategist and advisor, Elizabeth is passionate about helping professionals get juiced about their careers. The result? Clarity, energy, and lasting impact by landing a great job in the right career. Visit her website to receive “Career Boost,” a free 7-part audio program, and to hear her invigorating weekly radio show: Career Juice! Refresh & Revitalize Your Work.
My website is at:


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