GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Cartridge On Wheels Franchise

Cartridge On Wheels is an amazing and innovative company that has recently opened up fabulous franchise opportunities as a result of its expansion. You now have a chance to become a franchisee and take full advantage of their comprehensive training and support. This could provide you with a fantastic launch pad for your entrepreneurial career […]

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Western Sizzlin’s Wood Grill Buffet Franchise Business Opportunity

Western Sizzlin’s Wood Grill Buffet is an award-winning restaurant chain that is currently offering interested businesspeople a chance to invest in the franchise. This lucrative opportunity is available, complete with training and support, for all qualified individuals to tap into in order to advance the company and your business prospects as well. With countrywide expansion […]

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Flicko’s Franchise Business Opportunity Review

Flicko’s has recently opened up a brand new business opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs. You can now join their franchise and take advantage of the ongoing training and support they offer in order to start your own business with the backing of a major brand. Applications are accepted now. Read the following outline for an overview […]

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USA Insulation Franchise Business Opportunity – USA Insulation Reviews

USA Insulation is currently offering an exciting opportunity to join their business under the franchise program they offer. Interested individuals are able to run their own business with the brand name backing them but receive support, training, and third party financing assistance. Applications are accepted now and further information is available upon request. A quick […]

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Buying A Construction Company

Contracting is high risk, high reward. I have a client who has generated net worth in excess of $10 million, no debt, in less than a decade. He started with very little except his experience and a lot of debt. That same road is littered with the carcasses of those who didn’t make it. But […]

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Keeping Employees Excited, Involved

Downsized organizations, tough economic times, demands to reduce costs and improve quality and a myriad of other reasons can stimulate the need for an employee incentive program. Done properly, the investment can be minimal but it can produce very positive results. If you want to improve results and morale throughout the organization, here are some […]

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The Next Big Trend In Marketing

This is not “brand new” news, but it is news small businesses should be taking note of and considering ways to utilize it for their marketing efforts. Your target market watches television, listens to the radio, observes roadside billboards and building banners, reads newspapers and magazines, reads ads in their email and on the internet… […]

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How To Get More Qualified Leads From Your Network

Behind Door No. 1 are one dozen warm leads. Behind Door No. 2 are three times as many cold suspects. Which door would you want to open? I’m sure you said Door No. 1. But what if in order to gain access to the leads behind Door No. 1, you have to ask someone to […]

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Jump Start Stalled Sales – Four Steps To Help Close Faster

We all know how frustrating it is when a sales opportunity we’ve been working on suddenly stalls out. Our instinctive response is to begin thinking of ways to accelerate the prospect’s decision about the sale, usually by offering some financial incentive (a discount). Paradoxically, this often has the opposite effect. The prospect senses your eagerness, […]

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Five Questions Salespeople Need to Ask, But Rarely Do

Salespeople won’t always get the call back, get the appointment, get to meet the decision maker, or get the order. Now it is, of course, unreasonable to expect to always get what we want. But, it is reasonable to believe that we might get what we want more often if we changed the way we […]

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How To Provide Buying Incentives Without Discounting

In tough economic times, there’s a constant concern that customers will pull in the reins and make fewer purchases. If you’re Wal-Mart or some other commodity seller, you can simply drop your price to drive more volume, thereby maintaining your current revenue levels. But if you sell a premium product or service — one where […]

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A Is For Advertising

When I first started Exceptional Thinking, just about everybody told me that I should do some advertising and to be honest, that’s what I thought I should do too. After all, that’s what businesses do to promote their products and services don’t they? So, dutifully I advertised. First in a business magazine that resulted in […]

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Start An American Vending Systems Business – Vending Business For Sale

American Vending Systems is offering new business opportunities for those looking to run their own business and earn an amazing living. Their distributorships are available in all states with the exception of Indiana and Iowa and come complete with ongoing training and support. About American Vending Systems American Vending Systems is a partner of Pro […]

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CareMinders Home Care Franchise Business Opportunity

CareMinders Home Care is looking for motivated, kind and driven people to take advantage of a current franchise opportunity. With full training and support included, you can become a franchisee if you have the drive and qualifications. About CareMinders Home Care CareMinders Home Care is one of the market leaders in the senior care industry. […]

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Blue Moon Mexican Cafe Franchise Business For Sale

Blue Moon Mexican Café is currently looking for willing, hard working, and determined entrepreneurs to take advantage of a major business opportunity. The company is expanding and need franchisees that are committed to achieving their goals. Blue Moon Mexican Café provides full training and ongoing support in addition to financing assistance and is looking for […]

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Americlean Dry Cleaning Business Opportunity

Americlean Dry Cleaning is currently offering a business opportunity for interested parties to join this highly profitable company. With third party financial assistance available and ongoing training and support, this is a major opportunity for all potential entrepreneurs within the United States and Puerto Rico. Please read the benefits below before requesting further details and […]

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Virtuoso Music Franchise Information – Virtuoso Music Franchises for Sale

Virtuoso Music is currently looking for highly driven and determined people to take advantage of an exciting franchise opportunity. The company is searching for individuals to join the franchise and capitalize on the full training and support given in order to benefit from profitability, personal rewards, and immense business success. About Virtuoso Music Virtuoso Music […]

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The Drug Test Consultant Business Opportunity

The Drug Test Consultant is currently offering a business opportunity that allows individuals to invest in a highly profitable opening in a high demand industry niche. With full training and support available, and a growing industry to tap into, this may be the opportunity that you have been waiting for to fulfill your entrepreneurial goals. […]

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How to Recover in 2010 from a Steep Drop in Revenues / Sales in 2009

A lot of businesses have seen a steep drop in their 2009 sales. 2009 was one of the worst recessions in the last 50 years. It has become evident that the economy is on the verge of coming back, now businesses are asking what their next move should be? The reality is that businesses need […]

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Small Business Owner / Entrepreneur Experts Wanted

What is an expert? Are you an expert? Do you call yourself an expert? Do your customers/clients refer to you as an expert? Undoubtedly, it provides value to be viewed as an expert in a certain field or line of work. Is aspiring to attain such status a worthy goal, or is attaining such status […]

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