GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Landing Pages – How They Can Help Your Company

What is a landing page? Sometimes known as a lead capture page it is used for online marketing. It is a web page a visitor reaches after clicking an online ad or link. It is a way to convert web clicks into clients. The page will contain detailed content of the product or service mentioned. […]

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How To Get Personality Into Your Growing Business

Most people associate the word personality with individuals. But businesses can have personalities too, and the image and feeling of a more distinctive business are likely to remain with customers. Think of all the different types of stores. Their personalities are defined by their unique style or atmosphere, as well as by selection of products […]

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Creating Key Messages To Get Free Publicity

Creating your Key Messages – Part One WHAT are Key Messages? Key messages are phrases of different lengths that provide a description of your company in very succinct understandable terms. These messages take several forms and can be used in multiple ways. One of the forms is called an Elevator Pitch, which is essentially a […]

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The iGen

Gen X, Gen Y … Creating Havoc for Marketers “Whatever you’ve got to tell me, I’ll find out through the natural course of time.” – Dr. Emmett Brown, Back to the Future (1985) We hate kids…O.K., the word “hate” may be a little too strong. We’re jealous of ’em!!! There, we said it…we’re glad…we’ve got […]

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Ten Misconseptions To Avoid While Selling Your Business – Part 1

Misconseption 1. Purchase price should at least cover what I spent on the business Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes (I will use this phrase a lot, so get used to it). As a buyer, you’re buying a business for the income. You don’t care much how much the seller spent on it, but rather […]

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Thought Leadership, Public Relation’s Next Frontier

Converging forces are at work to revolutionize public relations as practiced in today’s social media landscape. Business now finds itself compelled to open new channels of communications in its’ quest to influence its’ publics and to establish a position of “thought leadership.”  Thought leadership is rapidly emerging as the key to enhancing company, and entrepreneurial, […]

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Arby’s Franchise Business Opportunity – Arby’s Franchise Information

Arby’s is one of the most renowned restaurants in the United States today and is currently offering interested individuals an amazing opportunity to join the franchise. With a lot of advantages, including ongoing training and support, it is an opportunity not to be missed. Providing you reside within the United States, all applications are currently […]

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911 Driving School Franchise – Driving Education Franchise Review

911 Driving School is currently accepting applications from individuals seeking a profitable and enjoyable franchise opportunity. There is comprehensive ongoing support and training available for franchisees. Interested parties from within the United States are encouraged to apply but applications from Virginia, Maryland, Illinois, Connecticut, and North Dakota are not accepted at the moment. About 911 […]

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Staying In Touch

The Web Is Fun But Written Communications Gets Things Done “Forget about the weapons there mate, it doesn’t matter. Forget about the weapons!” – Wikus Van De Merwe, District 9 (Key Creatives – 2009) If we listen to our kids and all of the glowing reports, the world revolves around social media: –    YouTube serves […]

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7 Ways For Your Business To Survive The Summer Slump

It might only be the start of July, but already I can sense people starting to wind down for the summer. People are telling me that that they are feeling tired, struggling to get through their normal work, let alone do any PR. They are eagerly awaiting their summer break or just in a whole […]

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M Is For Marketing Strategy

Do you have a marketing strategy in place? No, by this I don’t mean a marketing plan (although that’s great if you have one of these). I mean a marketing strategy – something that tells you end to end where each of your marketing fits in.  When I talk to small business owners they usually […]

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Media Releases … Defining Your Audience

Having a story printed about you and your business is the best form of FREE advertising there is.  Why you ask?  Because it’s believable. A news story in a local or national publication can give more details about your business in a way that allows your expertise to shine.  People skim through the advertisement sections […]

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Know When To Send Your Media Release For Free Publicity

Timing…oh what a controversial subject!  Timing can mean the difference between success and failure for getting media exposure.  There are a lot variables including time of year, what your competitors are doing, current trends in your industry, whether it’s good news or bad news, and the list goes on. To start, find out what the […]

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Carl’s Jr. Franchise Business Opportunity – Carl’s Jr. Franchises For Sale

Carl’s Jr. is one of the market leaders in the fast-food industry and is offering interested individuals a terrific business opportunity to join their franchise. They offer a huge range of benefits as well as third party financing assistance where needed, plus training and full corporate support. Additional information is available upon request, and here […]

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All Tune And Lube Franchise Business Opportunity: All Tune & Lube Franchises

All Tune and Lube is currently offering an amazing business opportunity in the form of a franchise and is accepting applications from interested individuals within the United States. This opportunity comes complete with third party financing assistance if necessary and all the training and support you need. If you would like to know how to […]

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Social Media Marketing … The Challenge of Herding Cats

Sure, social media –1:1 marketing and communications–sounds glamorous. It’s like the romance, the freedom, the adventure of the old West.  It’s just you and him (or her). Long hours in the online saddle, what could be better? Ask the folks who have been doing it for years – customer/tech support – it’s a lot like […]

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Brilliant Sky Toys & Books Franchise Business Opportunity

Brilliant Sky Toys & Books is currently offering an attractive opportunity for entrepreneurs wishing to join the franchise and run their own company under a major brand. With full training and support available and a vast array of benefits at your disposal as a franchisee, this is a solid opportunity that merits serious consideration. Be […]

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Hands Off Or Hands On – What Type Of Business Owner Are You?

What kind of business owner do you consider yourself?  Are you a Hands on Business Owner or do you consider yourself more of a big picture operator that consistently effort yourself to avoid the minutia of the business.  I think the majority of us are a hybrid of these 2 approaches. When running a small business, […]

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Video Games … So Many Options, So Little Time

“Later. Let’s play Global Thermonuclear War.” – David Lightman (Matthew Broderick), WarGames (1983), MGM Historically, two “fringe” markets drove technology advances.  One was – and still is – video gaming … if you can’t figure out the second, tough! But video gaming isn’t video gaming anymore.  Not like it used to be, dominated by hardcore […]

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Stanley Marcus, Founder & Chairman Neiman Marcus Group Reveals Success Formula

At 11.35 p.m. on August 25, 1956, I stepped out of the Gimbel Brothers’ Building, Rue Saint Honoré in Paris, together with James Vaneys. I had just been appointed General Manager of Gimbel Brother’s Benelux Inc. , viz. Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg. I had acquired experience as assistant to James during four years. He had […]

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