GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Enhancing Your Leadership

If you want to build loyalty for you and your organization, your products and your goals, you have to constantly refine your leadership talents. Whether you’re working at the retail, distribution or manufacturing level; the development of a successful team means you must bring forth the extra effort and support required today to compete in […]

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How Dale Carnegie Tenet “Let The Other Person Save Face” Earned Me An Exceptional Year End-Bonus

Late one evening at home the telephone rang. “Mr. De Rycker, this is Robert Lowe. I have dined this evening with Harold Naideau, the European president of AVON Products. Avon banks with our Westminster branch in England. He is looking for a general manager to start an Avon operation in Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg. I have […]

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What Does it Really Feel Like to Sell Your Business

You are thinking about selling your business. You may have uncertainty, angst, worries, trepidation, fear, unknowns, and sleeplessness nights.  I believe you are not alone. My approach as a business broker in Florida is from a perspective of a former long term business owner.   I truly feel some of the feelings I experienced as  a […]

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All American Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt Shops Franchise Business Opportunity

All American Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt Shops are currently looking for new franchisees to run new stores under their brand. They are offering third party financing assistance as well as training and support to successful applicants within the United States. It is the magnitude of the opportunity that they are offering you that will […]

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1-800-GOT-JUNK Franchise Business Opportunity

1-800-GOT-JUNK is currently offering an amazing franchise opportunity and is looking for individuals that can contribute to their business. With financing assistance, training and support all available, this opportunity looks appealing at first glance but will look even more inviting when you take a closer look. About 1-800-GOT-JUNK 1-800-GOT-JUNK’s founder, Brian Scudamore, has built his […]

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Starting Your Public Relations Plan

Starting your PR Plan When is the right time to start a PR Plan? The answer is NOW. It doesn’t matter if you are “Joe’s Bike Shop” or a multi-national conglomerate – almost every business has a story to tell. It is never too early to start a PR Plan. If you realize that there […]

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Game Demographics

She’s Young, She’s Practiced, She’s Good, She’s Not Alone “Listen, you moron! I am here to stay and if you don’t wanna’ be in my life, you’ve got two choices. Move out or Ring out! That’s it! End of File!” – Lt. Jordan O’Neill (Demi Moore), G.I. Jane (1997), Caravan Pictures When we were growing […]

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P Is For Personality

I almost called this article P is for People because I really do believe that people buy people and the more your potential customers get to know you, the more likely they are to buy from you.  But then, after giving this a bit more thought, I realised that it goes far deeper than this. […]

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Big O Tires Franchise Information – Big O Tires Franchise Business Opportunity

Big O Tires is currently accepting applications from individuals seeking to join their highly successful franchise. With third party financing assistance available and ongoing training and support, this could be your big opportunity to further your business knowledge and take the first step onto the entrepreneurial ladder. Applications are encouraged from Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, […]

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Ahead Staffing Franchise Information – Ahead Human Resources Franchise Business Opportunity

Ahead Staffing is currently offering one of the most prestigious and highly profitable franchises in their industry today. With ongoing training and support available, this business opportunity is highly coveted and will prove extremely profitable for applicants with an entrepreneurial spirit. Read on to find out a little more before requesting full information. About Ahead […]

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Social Media #6 – Friends Help Friends, Keep Friends

Shorten the Journey – Increasingly, online experiences with companies and products have reinforced the loyalty loop in the consumer decision cycle.  In addition, with today’s online existence, these customers can be a strong extension of your marketing/sales efforts by recommending your products/services to others and defending you when issues/problems arise.  Illustration – McKinsey Research Social […]

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Social Media #5 – Show Me Your Story

Lights, Camera, Action – Grab the consumer’s attention and hold it with video. Educational, informational, how-to videos can be quickly, economically produced and posted on the Web to not only get your product message across but to use in your customer support area to help consumers resolve their own problems, answer their questions. Until recently, […]

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Social Media #4 – Consumers Get Their Voices

How May We Help – Every company, every manager will encounter his/her worst nightmare on the Web.  If they have a real problem/issue, recognize it, resolve it, thank them for their assistance.  If the consumer is unreasonable, take the discussion offline and try to turn them around or simply say thank you and let them […]

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Social Media #3 – Marketing Changes In Attitude, Changes In Latitude

Customer Relationships – The social media arena enables companies to direct very customized messages to specific segments more efficiently and more effectively than broad-spectrum messages.  One of the key benefits of this 1:1 approach is the opportunity to win customers and retain them for long periods – hopefully a lifetime.  Illustration — IDC Social media […]

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Social Media #2 – Knowing What They’re Saying

People Are Talking – Customers have gained a new sense of enablement with today’s 1:1 social media by being able to express themselves globally with effortless Web outlets.  They can voice their opinions, their issues, their concerns, their recommendations to anyone who does a little surfing to find their information postings. In this industry, you […]

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Social Media – A Company’s Friend / Foe

Millions Waiting The reach of the Internet has opened the door for companies to be in direct touch with millions of individuals who want to obtain information and discuss your company, products, services and your capabilities. They have thousands of online outlets to research virtually anything – and anyone – who exists on the planet.  The […]

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Social Media Is Only Customer Relations

Jack Nicholson said it best in A Few Good Men…”You can’t handle the truth!” We can agree because we’re not one of the thousands of newly anointed social media PR experts! But of course you are. After all you’ve got your company/personal Facebook pages. You’ve got your company/personal Twitter accounts. You update your Facebook pages and Tweet constantly. Boss […]

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Publicity … Everything Changes But The Tool

There are people out there – lots of people – who want to do the lowly news release in once and for all. A good acquaintance of ours, Tom Foremski, gave sound reasons for feeding them to the lions several years ago. Tom wanted the old, shameless boss sucking up, acronym bit bucket release to […]

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O Is For Outsourcing

For many small companies, the thought of doing marketing could definitely be classed as hard work! Where do you start? What should you do? Have you got enough time to do it?  So the thought of using a marketing company to do the work for them sounds like the best answer in the world. Here […]

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Pitching The Media

When pitching a story idea to a reporter, remember that they don’t really care. Your job is to make them care. A well thought-out, concise pitch will ensure you don’t strike out. Give them a great story that is unique, timely and will help make their job easier! Understand that reporters are contacted by PR […]

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