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A Pet Lover’s Formula For Success: Doing What You Love

Doing something you love and at the same time earning from it is the best place to be.  Peggy Kennedy is such a lucky person who left her corporate job to do what makes her happy – caring for pets.  “Obviously these are people who love pets. Often they come from a job in middle […]

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Social Media Isn’t About Winning … It’s More Important Than That

Business has been built on the foundation of selling stuff. Hopefully, lots of stuff – products, ideas, services – to lots of folks. The latest tool new-marketing experts are promoting to management is social media. You know, putting your products, your ideas in front of the masses to buy. Most social media efforts today – […]

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Alternative Financing For Small Businesses

Obtaining loans from traditional lending institutions such as banks is more difficult these days.  With the recent recession, a number of banks have gone out of business while others have merged.  Today, there are new regulations and criteria for these financial institutions to provide financing.  Business lawyers Ruth Miijuskovic and Jim Shnell, in a talk with […]

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Tim Horton’s and NHL Seal Deal for Sponsorship reports that Tim Horton’s has signed up for title sponsorship of the NHL All-Star Game to be held in January 2012 in Ottawa.  This will be a great marketing opportunity for the franchise’s doughnut and coffee products.  Tim Horton’s will have in-arena signage and their logo at centre ice.  It has more than 3,000 […]

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Research on Veterans and Franchising – Franchisee Satisfaction

Yahoo! News reports that Franchise Business Review, a national franchise market research firm, has published the Veterans and Franchising 2011, the first known survey on veteran franchisees, particularly on their satisfaction rating compared to non-veterans. “Like non-vets, veterans are looking for good opportunities regardless of industry, and many have the funds to afford a relatively large investment,” […]

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Creative Learning Corporation Opens its 100th Franchise

Creative Learning Corporation, the company behind Bricks 4 Kidz, achieved its target of 100 franchises 2 months ahead.  This company uses LEGO bricks and models to teach children 3-12 years old the basic principles of engineering, architecture and physics.  According to Business Wire it now has franchises in 28 states, Puerto Rico and 3 other […]

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October Jobs Up 80,000

“We’re doing O.K., even if we’re not doing great. The odds of a double-dip recession are lower, at least.”  This is the reaction of Augustine Faucher, Director of Macroeconomics at Moody’s Analytics on the 80,000 job positions filled in October according to The New York Times.  This figure is far from the rosy picture painted […]

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Capturing Eyeballs, Mindshare in a Distracted World

Digital signage has proven to be one of the most influential, most effective communications tools available for virtually any business or organization-including budget-conscious, small- to medium-sized organizations. That’s because digital signage isn’t what it used to be – namely, simply video playback. By adding new technologies and capabilities to signage, organizations can do a better […]

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Consumer Devices, Social Media Open Security Doors

“You wanna waste my time? Okay. I call my lawyer. He’s the best lawyer in Miami. He’s such a good lawyer, that by tomorrow morning, you gonna be working in Alaska. So dress warm.” – Tony Montana (Al Pacino), Scarface, 1983 (Universal Pictures) When you become the head of a country – any country – […]

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Starting a Business? Consider Buying a Franchise

Franchising, although more expensive initially than starting a new business, is also a most-likely-to-succeed business worth looking into.  In a Palm Beach Post article, the IFA Educational Foundation  says more than 90 percent of franchises renew their agreements.  “With contracts averaging five to seven years, that means the rate of success is much higher than […]

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Returning Soldiers Are Our New Entrepreneurs

Thousands of soldiers returning home from overseas deployment at the end of the year are most likely to try entrepreneurship rather than seek employment in companies as reported at  With their training and discipline, they have high chances of success in running their own businesses.  Civic and business organizations are offering them assistance to […]

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McDonald’s Business Practices Recognized

QSR reports that McDonald’s Corporation and its CEO Jim Skinner were honored last month during the 12th Higginbotham Corporate Leadership Award gala.  This award follows similar recognition from other award-giving bodies and magazines for the corporation’s “leadership in advancing equal opportunity and diversity “.   McDonald’s is now serving 64 million in 118 countries and is […]

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Papa John’s Franchisee and GE Capital Franchise Financing Deal

GE Capital, Franchise Finance, specializing in financing restaurants and hospitality industries with over $10 billion assets, has agreed to refinance the existing debt of BAJCO Group, a Papa John’s Pizza franchisee.  Papa John’s is the world’s third largest pizza company where BAJCO owns and operates 74 units in various states of America.  This news was […]

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Food Franchise Businesses Thrive in India

The restaurant franchise business is growing in India.  Old and traditional restaurants are being transformed into franchising models and are branching out in various parts of the country.  Surprisingly, they are keeping up with western brands like McDonald’s and Pizza Hut. reports “local upstarts have begun to attract deep-pocketed financiers in the bid to build nationwide […]

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Junk Removal Franchises & Painting Franchises

Mr. Brian Scudamore who built 1-800-GOT-JUNK into a $100-million-a-year franchise partnered with Mr. Jim Bodden on a new venture, the 1-888-WOW1DAY Painting.  Bodden brings into the business his painting expertise while Scudamore contributes his entrepreneurship know-how.  The Financial Post article says “Mr. Scudamore saw the opportunity to replicate the success of his junk removal business […]

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Krispy Kreme Doughtnuts is Growing in the UK

There will be no need for UK consumers to drive far to get their favorite Krispy Kreme doughnuts.  Krispy Kreme UK announced in Businessweek that it will add more stores in various locations in the next few years.  This move shows how successful Krispy Kreme has grown from its first store in UK eight years […]

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DIY Business Communication Training: 10 Tips You Never Saw Coming

In the world of business, the ability to communicate is at the core of everything we do. While the advent of technological advancements has certainly brought about a plethora of conveniences that make communication faster and easier, it has also introduced changes that now affect business communications. This technological revolution has raised new questions as […]

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Digital Signage … an Effective Marketing Tool for Franchises

Ken Goldberg of Real Digital Media, in his article in, expounds on the use of digital media as a very powerful marketing tool for franchise businesses.  He cites the franchise model where the concept of a marketing campaign is decided by the franchisor while at the same time giving the local franchises some control […]

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Tax Reforms, Not Payroll Tax Cuts Says IFA

A bill put forth by President Obama aimed to create jobs via payroll tax cuts and a $447 billion package for infrastructure projects is facing opposition in Congress and small businesses. reports that the International Franchise Association, in a letter to the Senate, says it prefers permanent tax reforms in lieu of this temporary […]

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Spring-Green Franchises Grow Under James Young

The Naperville Sun featured James Young, President of the Spring-Green Lawn Care Corporation, as the force behind the success of the company.  CEO Ted Hofer of Spring-Green agrees that it is Young’s direct mail campaign that brought the franchise to new heights in 2007.  Young is known for creating an atmosphere “of change, acceptance and […]

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