GlobalBX Entrepreneur Blog | Business Blog
Helpful Information for Buying, Starting, Running, and Selling a Business
This is a valuable blog resource from expert authors contributing key information on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.

Are You Making These 5 Mistakes with Your Headlines?

It’s no secret that effective headlines are a crucial part of successful marketing. The big question is, how do you create effective headlines that command attention. Today, more than ever, attracting the interest of prospective clients is extremely difficult. Imagine you’ve written a great article, brochure or webpage but most people don’t read beyond the […]

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Action, Not Motion, Grows Your Business

Do you know how much time you spend on your business being ‘in motion’ instead of ‘in action’? Are you aware of the difference? Motion keeps you busy. Action creates momentum and the results you want. Think of it this way, action is something that moves you closer to your goals. Action has direction. Motion […]

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How to Work Exclusively with Ideal Clients

It’s no secret that as a business owner, you want to attract more clients to your business. And you want to attract clients that are the best fit for your business. Of course it is easier to do this when you are very clear about the specific problems your business solves and for whom you […]

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7 Reasons to Offer a Value Packed Ezine

Do you know how you can create a connection with all of your potential clients with one action? How to build relationships over time in a consistent way? One of the most efficient ways to do this is with a newsletter also known as an ezine. Don’t panic, there are many ways to create valuable […]

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Is This Four Letter Word Hurting Your Business?

What’s stopping you from doing the things you know you want to do in your business? Not enough time and a lack of focus can be obstacles to taking action. But take a closer look and see if these are the real issues. Is it possible that you really do know what you need to […]

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Grow Your Business by Saying No

As a business owner your time is precious. You probably have multiple requests from people that are pulling you in many directions. But, if you say yes to every invitation that comes your way, you will not have time for the activities that are critical to growing your business. What I frequently hear from my […]

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How to Speak to Prospective Clients Without Leaving Home

How often do you actually get to speak to prospective clients? Do you believe that it would help your business if people could hear your voice? Imagine if you could ‘talk’ to loads of prospects without having to do it one-on-one. The great news is that you can! It is possible to convey information, once, […]

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Kill Your To-Do List and Be More Profitable!

I know it’s a radical idea, the death of your to-do list so bear with me while I explain. Think about it, a long to-do list is a giant energy drain and waste of time. Have you ever noticed how the list keeps growing instead of disappearing? Imagine waking up every morning feeling confident that […]

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How to Get Your Business Noticed by Thousands

All the experts kept saying it was a great way to give value, gain free publicity, and position yourself as an expert. It was something I had planned to do for years and I finally did it for the first time in May, 2005 and I’ve been doing it ever since. What is it? Writing […]

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5 Ways to Upgrade Your Existing Marketing Materials for Practically Nothing!

In addition to direct marketing strategies you want to be sure your existing passive, or indirect, marketing activities are as effective as possible. When is the last time you took a good look at your existing marketing activities? Here are some fast, easy (and free to inexpensive) ways to update and upgrade your existing marketing […]

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Why Facebook and LinkedIn are Good for Your Business

Have you been hearing all of the buzz about social networking? Feeling confused? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. The great news is that it isn’t as complicated or time consuming as it may seem. Plus, it’s more than just social; it’s good for your business to get involved. The list of social networking sites is […]

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Are You Neglecting Your Network?

As a business owner you know a lot of people, and you continue to meet new people. This is your network. But what are you doing with it? How often do you connect with people in your network? Do you have a plan to stay in touch consistently and develop your relationships? If you’ve been […]

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The Secrets of Effective Networking

Before we talk about specific networking tips I want to address a critical aspect of networking that is often overlooked. Sometimes we are so eager to network that we don’t stop to consider whether or not we are investing our energy in the right places. Listen, you can go to all of the networking meetings […]

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Promote Your Business with Postcards

Many business owners are utilizing the internet to grow their businesses. Technology is marvelous and frankly, I don’t know what I would do without it. But just because you can implement loads of marketing strategies on-line, it doesn’t mean other methods are obsolete. A fabulous off-line marketing strategy that works is using postcards. WHY A […]

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How to Cure Your Marketing Headache

Many times business owners get stuck when it comes to marketing because they feel uncomfortable doing it. They are afraid of being seen as pushy, intrusive, or fake. What if you could change the way you think about marketing by connecting to your true intention for doing it in the first place? Have you ever […]

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The Secret to Adding Credibility to Your Business

You may not realize it, but you already have a gold mine of endorsements waiting to be created. Everyone who is serious about building a business and creating credibility uses this idea. What is it? Testimonials from your satisfied clients. Whether you are just starting out or have been in business for years, testimonials are […]

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Who Else Wants More Referrals?

Getting new clients by referral is one of the most effective, simple, and low cost ways to grow your business. So how many referrals have you received lately? How often do you ask for referrals? It’s exciting to open an e-mail or pick up the phone to find that unexpectedly someone you know wants to […]

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Do You See Through Your Client’s Eyes?

It’s a big shock to realize that no one really cares about your business, at least in the beginning of the process. What people do care about, and want to know, is what your business can do for them. You can imagine that information about how long you have been in business or why you […]

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The Truth About Why Clients Choose Your Business

As a business owner you’ve probably heard about three criteria people use when deciding to do business with you. Consciously, or subconsciously, people do business with people they know, like, and trust. Of course you must deliver a quality product or service but that’s not enough. Options are abundant so when it comes down to […]

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Why Conformity is Bad for Your Business

As a business owner do you ever find yourself trying to act the way you think your clients want you to? Or even more dangerous, are you trying to be more like your competition? Trying to “fit in” is not a smart business strategy. Conformity is not profitable and frankly it’s no fun either. Think […]

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